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Messages - Aiwendil

Pages: [1]
Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: My GGG-Grandfather
« on: Saturday 28 October 06 15:45 BST (UK)  »
Thanks - these are both great.

It does look a bit like he needs a shave - I won't tell his wife if you won't.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / My GGG-Grandfather
« on: Tuesday 24 October 06 01:39 BST (UK)  »
This picture of my great-great-great-grandfather was damaged in a flood.  I'd really appreciate it if someone could clean it up.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Re: 1841, 1851 - Lincolnshire and London
« on: Sunday 15 October 06 02:29 BST (UK)  »
Thanks!  All three of your findings look like they're the people I'm looking for - on Charles's and Anne's marriage certificate, it says that priot to the marriage Charles lived on Charles St. and Anne on Europa Place.  I've also just noticed that Andrew Lind is said to be a watch finisher on the certificate.

Might Charles Eaton's occupation in the 1841 census read "Glazier's diamond setter"?  That's what it is on the marriage certificate.

Even if the 41 year old Ann is Andrew's sister, it is quite peculiar that there would be a nine year old Ann in the Lind family in 1841.  Maybe this Ann was his sister's daughter or some other relation. 

More questions than answers here, perhaps.  Thanks again, though, you've been most helpful.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / 1841, 1851 - Lincolnshire and London
« on: Saturday 14 October 06 23:16 BST (UK)  »
I'm looking for some people in the 1841 and 1851 British census:

William Eaton
Charles Eaton - William's son, b. about 1818 in Pinchbeck, Lincolnshire.

Andrew Lind
Ann - I believe this was the name of Andrew's wife
Anne Margaret Lind - Andrew's daughter, b. about 1821 in Shoreditch, London

Charles and Anne were married around 1841 in London, and they lived in the Islington area after that. They should also have two sons by that time, Charles (b. 1847) and William (b. 1849). I don't know when Charles moved from Lincolnshire to London, nor whether the rest of his family stayed in Pinchbeck.

I have the family of Charles and Anne in the 1861, 1871, and 1881 censuses, but I'd like to try to find them and their parents earlier. If anyone could help me, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

Lanarkshire / Re: Scotland 1841-1871
« on: Wednesday 04 October 06 20:37 BST (UK)  »
Sorry about the copyright violation.

The names I'm looking for are:

Margaret Mackie b. about 1837
William (son) b. roughly 1867-1869
Margaret b. about 1870
Mary b. about 1876

They were living in Barony in 1881; all were born in Glasgow.

Would anyone mind taking a look for them?  Thanks.

Lanarkshire / Scotland 1841-1871
« on: Tuesday 03 October 06 19:09 BST (UK)  »
Hi - a few months ago someone here was kind enough to find a MACKIE family in Lanarkshire that I'd been looking for in the 1881 census.  I'm wondering if this family can be found earlier.

The 1881 census data that I have is:

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The father was deceased in 1881; I believe his name was David though I'm by no means sure of this.

Could someone check the 1841, 1851, 1861, or 1871 census for these names?  Thank you.

Census Lookup and Resource Requests / Scotland 1881 and earlier
« on: Monday 24 July 06 04:13 BST (UK)  »
Hi; I'm looking for two families in Scotland in the 1881 census or earlier.

One is the family of William Mackie, b. 1869 in or near Glasgow.  I know that he had two sisters, one of whom was named Margaret.  I believe, though I'm not certain, that his father's name may have been David.  It's also possible that the name might be listed as "Mackey", although I believe it was "Mackie" until the mid-1880s when he emigrated to the U.S.

The other family is that of Jean Crawford, b. 1875 in or near Falkirk.  She had five siblings: William, John, James, Nellie, and Margaret.  Her parents were William and Mary, both born about 1850.

If anyone with access to the census can help, I'd really appreciate it.  Thanks.

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