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Messages - nigelrixson

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 40
US Lookup Requests / Re: Ellis Island
« on: Tuesday 22 March 11 17:07 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you. Very useful information

US Lookup Requests / Ellis Island
« on: Tuesday 22 March 11 16:38 GMT (UK)  »
Can SKS advise?

If Ellis Island didn't start recording emigres until 1st Jan 1892, what records would have been kept for those travelling before that date, if at all, through New York? And if those records were kept, is access to them allowed?


US Lookup Requests / Re: Pedersen - census record
« on: Wednesday 09 March 11 21:34 GMT (UK)  »
I'll take a look.

And yes, Whitehavens no problem to look up once I get back to the UK. I'm in the US for a few weeks

US Lookup Requests / Re: Pedersen - census record
« on: Wednesday 09 March 11 20:59 GMT (UK)  »

Is there a link to the New York passenger list? Is it the Ellis Island one?

US Lookup Requests / Re: Pedersen - census record
« on: Wednesday 09 March 11 20:14 GMT (UK)  »
Just brilliant. Thank you

All the data seems to tie in. I'll start checking the censuses again tonight. The goal being to find the place of birth for Jens Peder Pedersen, in Denmark, and then to use the online Danish archive services to see if any trace can be found for his parents.

May I offer that if you need any searches for Cumbria, in north west England, let me know and I'll happily pop into the county archive centre


US Lookup Requests / Pedersen - census record
« on: Wednesday 09 March 11 16:35 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks ladies. Definitely the correct family with a number of them buried in the same cemetry.

Can I be really cheeky and ask if its possible to pick up this family on any census, from 1920 on wards. Its believed that they emigrated in 1916, possibly to Iowa or Nebraska:

Jens Peder Pedersen (b.1880), Johanne Jensine (b.1884); children: Ofelt (b.1905), Herluf (b.1906), Emma Henrietta (b.1909), Erma Gudrun (b.1910), Eric (b.1914), Helga Regetta (b.1915), Leona Margot (b.1917), Gladys Wanetta (b.1919), Lyle (b.1920), Norman Elvin (b.1923)

Thank you

Request split into separate thread ~moderator

US Lookup Requests / Re: Rasmus Rasmussen - any census record
« on: Wednesday 09 March 11 15:36 GMT (UK)  »
Wow! Many thanks. This should keep me busy for a while!

US Lookup Requests / Rasmus Rasmussen - any census record
« on: Wednesday 09 March 11 01:13 GMT (UK)  »
Can SKS help trace Rasmus Rasmussen who married Anne Johanna Olsen in April 1893, maybe in Montana or Wyoming. They had children: Martin, Ole, Carl, Emma, Ann, Arthur Lars, Hertha, Ella, Martha, and Mary but none of the dates of birth are known.

Rasmus and Anne came from Denmark and probably settled in Iowa.

However, whatever combination I use and whichever census record I look at.... I draw a blank.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Thank you

Europe / Re: Danish records... starter tips
« on: Friday 04 March 11 13:36 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you very much to the both of you. I'll start looking through these links and see how I get on

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