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Messages - Tarn

Pages: [1]
Somerset / Re: Somerset Families of Interest
« on: Friday 30 December 05 01:23 GMT (UK)  »
Ok, I'll try once again to reply. That Starkey does not seem to be one of mine. My Millards came from Walton. My Heles were from the line that wed into the earls of Limerick.
Dimps, I can see where you are going, but that 125 year gap between Thomas Faulkner and William is a bit difficult to bridge.

Wiltshire / Re: Perry/Pery/Pury of Warminster
« on: Sunday 07 November 04 23:39 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks Trish, The 1555 one is correct, I have that will, however, as they do not include an inventory, there is not that much detail. It says
that he left lands in Somerset to his sons- but what land, and where ?
I also tried to check the Feet of Fines in manorial records, they should show transfer of land ownership, but no luck there either.

Wiltshire / Perry/Pery/Pury of Warminster
« on: Thursday 14 October 04 20:06 BST (UK)  »
Hi, can anyone shed any light upon this branch of my family ?
I know that John Perry died at Warminster in 1555, that he had
children, and that they inherited property somewhere in Somerset.
I admit that this is very little to go on, but it's all I have.

Devon / Re: Courtenay, Earls of Devon
« on: Thursday 14 October 04 19:54 BST (UK)  »
Hi, Yes I have a great deal of data concerning this family, what specifically are you seeking ?
You could check my website at;-
This could help you find what you seek.

Hampshire & Isle of Wight / Hampshire Surnames of Interest
« on: Thursday 14 October 04 13:13 BST (UK)  »
Hello All, here are the surnames that I am researching. If you recognise any of them
I would be very pleased to hear from you.
Goatcher, Knight, Smart, Faulkner, Murrell, Duke, Bushby, Collins, Parsons, Ayling,
Naish, Buckland Ross, Forster, Olpin, Foster. 
Or take a quick peek at;-
Good luck with your searches,

Sussex / Sussex Families of Special Interest
« on: Thursday 14 October 04 00:30 BST (UK)  »
Hello All, are any of you researching these surnames, or have you come upon them in the course of your investigations.
Ayling, Buckland Ross, Bushby, Collins, Duke, Faulkner, Forster, Foster, Goatcher, Knight, Murrell, Naish, Olpin, Smart.
If so, I'd love to hear from you to swap data, or take a peek at;-
Good luck in your searches,

Devon / Early Devon Families PRE 1700
« on: Sunday 19 September 04 19:28 BST (UK)  »
I am seeking information on these families in Devon Pre 1700;-
If you know of any sources I would like to hear from you.
Or take a peek at;-
Best of luck with all your searches,

Somerset / Somerset Families of Interest
« on: Thursday 12 August 04 01:03 BST (UK)  »
Hello All, Here are the main Somerset families I am interested in, do any look familiar to you, if so I'd love to swap data,
Bailey, Binding, Chick, Collins, Frampton, Hucker, Millard, Perry, Pounsford, Starkey, Stower.
Or take a peek at;-

Pages: [1]