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Messages - Jeanne K.

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Cavan / Re: Thomas Plunkett-From Caven but where?
« on: Friday 22 February 08 18:16 GMT (UK)  »
I believe they were Catholic as their  son, James Francis, who died fighting in the Civil War is buried in a Catholic part of a cemetery.  Thanks for the advice as to where to find records.  I don't know where in Cavan County Thomas was from.


Hi.  I posted the original post.  I was able to find my husband's great-grandfather on a ship's passanger list using the  site TheShipsList.  It listed him as James King, cattletender.  I now know exactly when he came.  You might be able to find your immigrant ancestor using the same site.  Give it a try.

Cork / An American Working in Skiberdeen
« on: Thursday 14 June 07 03:58 BST (UK)  »
My husband's great-grandfather, Sidney Gott, was born in Gloucester, Massachusetts, USA in 1864.  In about 1893 he moved his family to Skiberdeen, County Cork, Ireland to persue a career as a fish merchant.  He stayed there until about 1908 before moving on to England.  What paperwork would he have to file with the Irish government in order to be an alien working and living in Ireland?  If there was required registration of some sort with the Irish government, where would I find those documents?

England / Re: How to find? Not sure what to do next.
« on: Wednesday 13 June 07 01:16 BST (UK)  »
Just to catch you up on the success of my search.  The insight that Florence Roberts might instead be Emma Florence Roberts was confirmed by the New England Historic Genealogical Society.  Armed with this addition to Florence's name, I was able to find a new marriage record for her to William Edward Eliiott in Birkenhead, England, which took place 23 Aug 1923. She is listed on this marriage record as a widow.  This marriage took place 1 week after Sidney's death, which tells me there was  a relationship between William and Emma Florence previous to Sidney's death, though it also confirms that Emma Florence and Sidney were not divorced.  Now knowing that her name from her 2nd marriage was Elliott, I was able to find and send for a death record.  Emma Florence Roberts Gott Elliott died in Birkenhead on 10 Sept 1932.  Her 2nd husband pre-deceased her. 
Thanks for everyone's help.  The success of my search shows how important a correct name is. She was never known as Emma Florence but she used her birth name on her marriage records and it shows on her death record.  It also shows on the one ship manifest I was able to find her on. 

Aberdeenshire / Re: Scottish Naming Conventions/1800's
« on: Thursday 07 June 07 02:54 BST (UK)  »
Neither Blaikie or Ferguson are family names, as far back as I can go.  Maybe the family friend or witness at his christening is a possibility.  Part of what I was wondering, if it says just "James King" on the birth record does that mean that was his full name at birth?  Or would the birth record show as "James Ferguson Blaikie King", if that was the name given at birth? Or would the "Ferguson Blaikie" part of the name most likely be added later on, such as at a christening?  Just wondering.  Thanks for your replies.

Aberdeenshire / Scottish Naming Conventions/1800's
« on: Thursday 31 May 07 05:40 BST (UK)  »
My husband's great-grandfather was born in Old Deer, Aberdeenshire in 1858.  His parents were quite poor; they were unlanded and his father was a ploughman.  This great-grandfather of my husbands was named James Ferguson Blaikie King.  This seems like an awfully grand name for the 6th child in a family of 8 children born to poor parents.  On the birth record, his name is shown as James King. Would his name be shown in official records as James King, when his whole name was James Ferguson Blaikie King?   Ferguson and Blaikie are not family names, as I have been able to determine.  Was this common practice in the mid-1800's in Scotland, to have such involved names?  Since he came to America, there have been two of his descendants named James Ferguson Blaikie King(2nd and 3rd).  Family story has it that the Blaikie was named after a well known professor at University of Edinburgh.  Seems unlikely in a poor family with minimal education.  Any ideas on the name or naming conventions?

Cheshire Completed Lookup Requests / Re: Need suggestion/direction/assistance
« on: Wednesday 30 May 07 14:48 BST (UK)  »
THANK YOU SO MUCH!  Yes, I am sure that is her.  Using the last name of Elliott, I also found a death record of her in the BMD index.  She died in the 3rd quarter of 1932.  I have just sent for both the marriage and death records.  My husband's aunt, who is 92 years old, is the granddaughter of Emma Florence.  She will be so very pleased that I have found this information.  This board is wonderful.  It has helped me break through so many brickwalls.  Thanks again.

Cheshire Completed Lookup Requests / Need suggestion/direction/assistance
« on: Wednesday 30 May 07 02:02 BST (UK)  »
My husband's great-grandparents were born in the United States in the 1860's but they moved to Europe in about 1893/94 to pursue a fish merchant business.   They both died in England.  I obtained a death record for my husband's great-grandfather, Sidney Ulysses Grant Gott for 17 August 1923 in Birkenhead with the help of someone on this board.   English directories show Sidney living in the Birkenhead area from about 1908 to 1923.  It is his wife I still can't find.  Her name was Emma Florence Gott but she went by the name of Florence.  Her granddaughter, who is still alive at 92 years old, says that her grandmother also died in England in about 1932.  Her granddaughter also believes that Florence may have remarried.  I can't find any death record or a re-marrige record in the BMD index, but maybe it hasn't been transcribed yet.  Any suggestions or assistance in finding her death record would be appreciated. 

Cork / Re: 1893-1906 An American in Skiberdeen
« on: Sunday 13 May 07 22:49 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for the responses.  I will look in to ordering the 1901 census records from LDS.  It seems, from ship manifests documenting Sidney's travels, that he was still a resident of Skiberdeen through 1903.  He doesn't show up in records in England until 1908, when he is shown living in Birkenhead, Cheshire, England until his death in 1923.

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