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The Common Room / Re: Newspaper article help please.
« on: Yesterday at 01:49 »
You’re very welcome!
There was a mention of his fathers’s death in that paper, too, during WWI.
Thanks for that. I have  his father's, also his picture and also his father's brother ( his father's brother died too) .
So much death and so young. I am always sad when searching this side of my family, Ive lost count of the deaths from ww1 and 2. The youngest one  of mine was just 17 yrs old, my g grandfather's  brother( he shouldn't have even been there at that age)
 I look at my own son ( who's  18) ,  so sad, mere children.
Very Kind regards

The Common Room / Re: Newspaper article help please.
« on: Yesterday at 01:25 »
Thank you so much for that!
I thought  for a moment that maybe yet another of their  sons got wounded  too, they already had lost  their  son William in Fontenay le Pesnel in the the village battle.
Too much death in so many young soldiers.
Francis was the mum's son , the poor boy never knew his father ( his father was killed when he was just  2 months  old in WW1 , his mum Agnes  married my great uncle John Graham after she lost her husband Francis kirk senior)
Thank you :)

The Common Room / Newspaper article help please.
« on: Yesterday at 00:51 »
Is it possible anyone  would be kind enough  to look at  this  below article  for  me please.
I have full access to The Irish Newspapers archive,  but they don't  hold this newspaper, article and I don't currently have a sub with BNA:

From the free  BNA search:
Larne Times
Thursday 3rd Aug 1944.
"Carrickfergus News
Unhappy news for Mr and Mrs John Graham 4 essex street, Carrickfergus,  were recently notified that their son fusilier Graham ( Scottish Fusiliers had been killed  on active service ) received more bad news at week-end....."

I would  just like to know what the more bad news is that they received .
Their above son  , died 25th June 1944 in Normandy.( William Graham)
Their  other son ( step  son to the father,  Francis kirk , who is the mother's  son from  her previous  marriage. Francis  kirk was wounded back in late 1943 , don't  know if he recovered. ( his father by the same name, died back in ww1, his mother  remarried my great uncle John Graham)

Their other son Jack ( John jnr) Graham he was also wounded  ( lost an eye) back in  late 1942 in  North Africa.

So I am wondering  what is the "More"  bad news they  received  in Aug 1944  quoted in the above text ( which is a much later date than all the other injuries / deaths to their children  that I do know about).
Thank you for any help.
Please don't  post the image if it  violates copyright , I just  would like to know  what the " more bad news" is.

Antrim / Re: Bones Purdy marriage help needed please to find the registration
« on: Tuesday 14 May 24 02:00 BST (UK)  »
 Thank you all for  the replies,
In answer to the above  questions.  I don't  know the given age of her when she died.
Minnie/ Mary died just, 34 years ago, on the 16 April 1990 in Waverley  Hospital ,  no age given (   death date is source  from the newspaper obituaries) . Wife of the late John of Tullymore. She was buried in  the cemetery Broughshane  (service to New Cemetery Broughshane) 
 Their son  William   was  the first birth cert I could   get  for all  their children's  exact birth date  and gave Mary's maiden name.  I am waiting until until the second  born child  birth  in 1925 is uncovered ,next year hopefully (  abt  birth year  is through his age in his marriage cert, and don't know  for 100 %  sure if this one is deceased).

I think  that there is a  very great possibility John may have  been  in Scotland  in the year of 1920, this is where it gets complicated, so didn't mention this below in my initial post, as I can't 100% prove it:

I personally think John hopped over to Scotland  for a time to work when he was a young man and would have been  in Scotland in 1920, but can't  100% prove it as there is lack of a paper trail for these years.

The reason for my belief that he may have been in Scotland in the year of 1920 , I  and my cousins have a DNA match in Scotland who matches to  both me and my 1st cousin, and my second  cousin (  who's
grandmother  is  John's and my gran's oldest sister) at a second cousin level to all 3 of us ( this is on myheritage),  Who is  100% definitely on our grandmother's side ( matches to all  our  lines on that side,  ie  both John's  maternal and paternal parents , and all our  known   1 second , and loads third and fourth  cousins and so on who are on myheritage from  John's  and  his siblings  lines, this particular match isn't on Ancestry ( where the other  second cousins are)
No disputing  our match has to come  from  one of  my grans and  her sisters  male siblings if this match is a second cousin .

They  only had two brother's  (John the oldest sibling) and the very youngest sibling ,who was far too young to father an illegitimate  child , he was only a baby in 1920, he was only born in 1919 ) . It only leaves John being the father if indeed this match  is a second cousin to us and her father is John's  illegitimate child ( which I think John is the father of her dad)

My  match  told me that her dad was illegitimate, and there is no father on his birth cert. Her father never knew who his father was,. He was raised by his mother,  and his mother never told him who his father was.. My match's father was born in the beginning of  1921 (March)  in exactly the same area in Scotland as John's  uncle  had emigrated to ( in Shotts , Lanarkshire) , and was living   at the time of  my match's father's birth . John's uncle was working in the mines there (John's maternal uncle, his mother's  brother)., and doubt very  much John's Uncle could possibly  be the father, because  my cousin's from that side  ( the uncle's  direct  descendants ) do not test  very high against the match they're only.50, 60, 70   odd and so on against the match , so  John's uncle is  definitely not the father. Where I am over 200cm and my first cousin, and second cousin are high 100s to this match  ( just under 200),- pointing to my match being  a second cousin  to us ( the match shares with both John's  maternal and paternal matches too)

My theory  is John  may have went to visit  his uncle  in Scotland for a short time when he was young man at 20 looking  for work, whether  it was for work in the mines with his uncle ( his uncle was a miner  in Scotland ), or whether  it was just  for a friendly  visit to his uncle, I don't  know., got a local Scottish lass pregnant,  abandoned her , and came running back home to Ireland.
He is not anywhere  in the 1921 Scottish census that I can find, and 100% not with his uncle in 1921( I have his uncle in the census) , so my guess he came back to  Ireland around the year  of 1921 .  I am guessing  he was over  there during  1920 visiting his uncle ( 1920 is when my match's father was conceived ).

I can't  prove it on any paper records that John went to  Scotland during this  short period of  time ,  but DNA and circumstances is pointing  to it.  So due to John's uncle who was living  in Scotland, and John may have had an illegitimate  child  in Scotland  who was born around the same area as his uncle  was living ,  I have searched  Scotspeople  for a marriage many times  between John  and Mary/ Minnie over the past  just in case for some reason John and Mary  married there, but  there seems to be no marriage there  between them at all either that I can find.

Perhaps he and Minnie never legally married, as I can't find a record of their marriage .

Kind regards

Antrim / Re: Bones Purdy marriage help needed please to find the registration
« on: Tuesday 07 May 24 12:35 BST (UK)  »
One of the death notices when John died in 1962, mentions his brother in law, Willie Bones.

There was a court case following the tragic death and Minnie was awarded a settlement. The case, as reported, clearly refers to her as widow - I wonder if she had to provide any documents at time to satisfy the court of her status, or if it was assumed to be that she was married, given she and John had, per the mentions in newspapers, 10 children.

No obvious marriage at moment in Scotland, England, Wales either.  Have you considered asking GRONI to do a manual search of the records. I had an early 1920s death missing from their online indexes which, after much questioning by myself, eventually turned up and was added?

Can't double check GRONI online indexes for you at moment as page is coming up as error - have reported it to them.
Thank you  so much Scotmum,
I do have  all reports  of Minne receiving the payment (also  the exact amount)  , so no need to check.  They  also had  11 children born,  ( but  10   alive when  John died) they lost  one of their  children.

That  could be the case, perhaps their marriage  is missing on  GRONI . I had not  actually   thought  of that.
It is  so very  much appreciated as ever your thoughts and  help.
Kind regards :)


Antrim / Re: Bones Purdy marriage help needed please to find the registration
« on: Tuesday 07 May 24 12:26 BST (UK)  »

(John was born + bred in  the townland Loughconnoly 21 feb 1900...

Surely you mean Loughconnelly.

Loughconnelly on John's birth record.
Not exact spelling , I usually use  Loughconnelly   spelling myself. But  if you  know  anything about the area you'd  realise that spelling  is not exact, and it was commonly  know with  the O  the further  you go back , both  E and O were  both  used throughout  time.
Sorry you're  picking hairs with spelling,   my grandmother  was born and raised  in Loughconnelly   , who I knew  extremely well , the last  of the siblings to die( her daughter   my , mum  was born  in Ballymena, as too all her siblings and  cousins  as too my second cousins ) 
You're  way off with  with  your post picking on  how  to  spell  it. ( which is neither here or there)

Kind regards.

Antrim / Re: Bones Purdy marriage help needed please to find the registration
« on: Tuesday 07 May 24 04:29 BST (UK)  »
The surname is indexed as BOWES for Mary's birth.

Debra  :)
Thank you!! :)
No wonder  I couldn't  find her birth there. I could only find it on Groni.

Antrim / Bones Purdy marriage help needed please to find the registration
« on: Tuesday 07 May 24 03:41 BST (UK)  »
I am looking for a little help to find  a record of marriage between a John Purdy and Minnie Bones, which  I can't  find after  many months and months of trying. I am hoping someone can spot it ,where I have failed to do so.

Details on  birth cert  which I hold for their eldest child purchased from Groni, William Purdy  11th Nov 1922 address  knockboy ( sub reg Broughshane, reg Ballymena)
Mother on  cert, Minnie Bones, father John Purdy.(  labourer)
Present at birth was Lizzie Bones (which I think is the brides mother,if I  have the right Minnie Bones in the 1911 census, which I am almost confident is her,  or could be her sister Sarah as her middle name is Elizabeth)

Mary/ Minnie  died  in 1990    (husband John  died  back in the 1960s from a mining accident . I  have his death cert , plus various records including newspaper reports, I don't  have his wife's death  cert ,  but I have her obituary and various  newspaper reports ),

Minnie/Mary Bones was born  9 feb 1902 in the townland of Pollee  , near Broughshane ( named Mary on her own birth registration/cert ,   Minnie on her son William's  birth cert,  both Mary  and Minnie on other various  records). I can't  find her birth  on Irish Genealogy site, for some  reason, it probably hasn't  been uploaded, but it can be found on Groni . I haven't purchased her birth cert as it is showing mother's  name Thompson( andn her sister  Sarah's cert  is on Irish Genealogy to  view the details freely).

 Parents William Bones (Iron ore miner on both her sister's birth and on censuses) and lizzie/Elizabeth Thompson, both parents  are also in the  2 censuses in Pollee ( 1911 with her daughter Minnie + Sarah)

(John was born + bred in  the townland Loughconnoly 21 feb 1900,  who  is my grandmother's oldest  sibling, I don't need any help with John's history  ,I am  just trying to find his official marriage to his wife Mary )

John + Mary  spent the majority of their married life ( and after her husband died)  at Tullymore cottages Broughshane , except for where  William, their 1st b child  was born ( knockboy). It was probably their  first home together  after they "married", or perhaps  that was her parents home in the year of 1922, and they were living with them for that short time when she was pregnant/ giving birth with  1st born, I don't know.

William I am pretty sure is 1st born as far as ages/ order of births of all their known children are concerned- all their other known children were born 1924   to 1941 ,( the youngest child was  born 1941 and died in 1973) .
 A few of John and Mary's children I know for  100% sure are deceased ( including William who died in 1992)  , but won't  name all their other children ( they had  a load of children from first  born 1922 up until the youngest  in 1941)   just in case some of the others are still alive, (it was only less two years  ago that one of their  daughters died.

 I can't  seem to find their marriage, or is it a case of they never officially married? Which strikes  me odd in this case  .
 Am I missing their  marriage registration with my searches on Groni ( and Irish  genanology) . I've also searched  the Newspapers over  the years.

I've tried all variations  I can think of, and of course also searched beyond when their first child was born.

I'd  really appreciate it if anyone  could take a look to see  if they can find their marriage,  in case I am missing the obvious and it is there looking straight at me .
 The marriage should be inbetween the years  of 1916 and 1922  - but of course could be years after  the 1922  birth of his  1st child too (  which I've  also searched but to no avail)
Kind regards

Ps the later marriage in 1948  is the marriage of  one of his other sons ,I have this cert   (this is his next  born  child,  born  abt 1924/ 1925 . I haven't got his birth certicate  yet due to 100 year rule online, and have to wait  until next year, or maybe the year  after to check if his mother  Mary says  "Bones" too (  in case his father  "married " two Mary's throughout his lifetime and first Mary died - although can't find a death for her if that was the  actual case). I don't  know  for sure if second born child  is deceased,  probably is, but have never found a death for him in the papers amd orbits . I think he was still  alive in 1992 , as he  is mentioned in his sibling's  orbit and it doesn't say  he is " late brother of" ( deceased), so there's  a small possibility he's maybe still alive today, so won't  mention his actual name.

 I also have had the thought  many times, that John  could  have married twice,  to two Mary's ( eg first Mary died ) ,  but I still can't  find  the marriage to one single person called Mary/ Minnie   - where John  100% certainly had a "wife" called Mary Bones who was the mother  of his  first born child ,  plus  when John died   his wife was 100%  a  Mary ,as too  on various  records throughout, and when Mary herself died in the 1990s too.

Sorry for the long post, I've tried to put  as much  info  in  (without naming all the children  as some of them may be still alive, some I 100% know have died ,  but haven't named them either)  so others  don't  gather stuff I already have , so  not to waste  anyone's time.
It's  only the marriage I am looking for between John  Purdy and Mary/Minnie Bones, the named parents on Williams birth in 1922.
Thank you for any help.

The Common Room / Re: My Heritage
« on: Saturday 04 May 24 00:18 BST (UK)  »
Another thing that I am curious about:
If my wife has never had an account with My Heritage then
 how did they get hold of details of her bank account ?
Has she contacted her bank?  I know  you  said they'd ( Myheritage) would refund the money,  but perhaps her  bank can  help,   they should be able to put a block on any future payments that they may try to charge, or issue her a new card / numbers, ie  cancel the card/ numbers she has (to block all future  transactions to that card.)

Just a thought, besides the most obvious, which I mentioned  earlier (  someone may  have stolen her  numbers) - Did  Myheritage buy out/merge.with any company that your  wife did have an  account  with?

Was it by credit card? Usually  if paid by credit card, you are covered  for fraudulent transactions , and the credit card should refund you and chase the company who made the  transaction for  reimbursement. 

Whatever happens,  I would  be speaking to my bank about it and not soley relying on Myheritage ( or any other company  for that matter too) to do the right thing.

It's worrying  IF your wife has never had an account  with them, my thoughts are that  it leaves two options , stolen numbers, the  card/ numbers  has been fraudulently been used   , or your wife may have had an account with some other geneology site that has merged/ bought out  by MyHeritage for them to have  her numbers.
Best of luck, but 100% she should contact  her bank , if she hasn't  done so already of course.
Kind regards

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