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Messages - bustergut

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 7
Flintshire Lookup Requests / Re: 1841 census - Sarah Giles
« on: Saturday 18 June 11 11:23 BST (UK)  »
Terribly sorry Mr Eeyore,
But I later discovered I had made an error and was looking at the wrong Charles Egerton. My Charles was born in Preston in 1859 to Joseph Egerton and Ellen Lund!
So sorry for the confusion, but at least I hope my erroneous research might be of help to someone.

Dublin / Re: Usher's Quay
« on: Sunday 12 September 10 21:33 BST (UK)  »
Hello dabirchall,
My family lived at 9 Robert Street in 1901, but appears to have moved across the road to number 18 by 1911.

Dublin / Re: Usher's Quay
« on: Thursday 10 June 10 11:24 BST (UK)  »
Thanks to all for your help.
This confirms an auntie's uncertain memory that the family lived on Marrowbone Lane - they lived just off it.

Dublin / Usher's Quay
« on: Wednesday 09 June 10 13:01 BST (UK)  »
Hoping somebody might have some local knowledge of Dublin, or know if there are any old maps of the city online.
I have found my grandad's family at Robert Street, Usher's Quay, but the only Robert Street I can find in modern Dublin is much further north, near Croke Park.
Does anyone know if my Robert Street is a different one, which has maybe disappeared, or did Usher's Quay DED stretch to the north?
Thanks in advance

Worcestershire Lookup Requests / Re: Search for Maria Harrison, Kidderminster
« on: Monday 29 March 10 12:23 BST (UK)  »
No I don't have the marriage cert - it's a branch of my tree I have not looked at too closely, to be honest.
If it's necessary to pin Maria down, I will do so.

Worcestershire Lookup Requests / Search for Maria Harrison, Kidderminster
« on: Sunday 28 March 10 22:12 BST (UK)  »
I am trying to track down Maria Harrison (married name Ellison) who, later censuses tell me, was born in Kidderminster about 1840.
I have not been able to find any Maria Harrisons, the nearest being at Yardley, which appears to be a fair way from Kiddy!
Would be glad of any help in finding her and her family

Durham Lookup Requests / Re: 1911 census please
« on: Thursday 14 May 09 22:42 BST (UK)  »
Thanks Darin
But any chance of a bit more detail, such as who he is with, and at what address?

Durham Lookup Requests / Egerton in Darlington then Bradford
« on: Thursday 14 May 09 21:18 BST (UK)  »
Trying to place my great-uncle Philip Egerton, who was born 1890 in Darlington, Co. Durham but, I believe, may have moved to Bradford by 1911.
Would be grateful for a look-up!

World War One / injured ancestors
« on: Thursday 14 May 09 19:32 BST (UK)  »
Both my grandad and my great-uncle were injured in WW1 and I have been trying to find out more about how and when.
I think I have hit a brick wall with grandad, who was Pte Patrick Brennan (19285) of the King's Liverpool - he served at Salonika and was gassed and invalided out in 1917. I know his records were destroyed by bombing in 1940, and I have seen his medal rolls. Does anyone know of any other sources that might detail the extent of the injury, how it was sustained and where etc?

And my great uncle Philip Egerton is a little more vague. He was from Darlington, so the soldier of that name who served in the 107th Yorks and Lancs seems to fit the bill. That soldier's medal roll indicates he was invalided out in 1917 - I know from family tradition that he lost an arm and a leg, and his dad, who is still alive, tells me he was packed in salt (ouch!) to get him back to Blighty without infection.
Again, does anyone know if there is any means of discovering more about his terrible misfortune. This poor man lost his 16-year-old brother to a rail accident and his dad in a road accident in the same year as he sustained his injuries.

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