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Messages - cloggers child

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The Lighter Side / Re: Famly History Society
« on: Sunday 29 July 07 15:50 BST (UK)  »
I am a member of  GOONS and SOG and FHS amongst others.   As a Member they are more useful to me than any other sites.

The Lighter Side / Re: Famly History Society
« on: Sunday 29 July 07 11:26 BST (UK)  »
This sounds like a private Family History Group. not a Family History Society in the true sense of the word.

Family Hsitory Societies come under the control of  The Federation of Family History Societies. not for a surname as I presume this one is.

England / Re: Adoption records since 1965.
« on: Saturday 28 July 07 17:11 BST (UK)  »
As the originator of this subject seems to know all he needs to know.  No point of anyone putting anything here because it simply gets abuse for speaking the truth.

As for him calling my integrity and qualifications into disrepute that matter is offensive.

As for not knowing anything but basic knowledge of research that  is a total nonsense and can be proven.

 I rely on  research which means I physically go to the place where the documents are held rather than use second hand versions.

The Lighter Side / Re: another Ancestry transcription cracker!
« on: Saturday 28 July 07 10:38 BST (UK)  »
Another reason why there were so many errors in the 1901 census.  the documents were sent to India and Pakistan to be transcribed. after it had been farmed out to the Prison Service for the prisoners to transcribe that is and they couldn't cope with it.

It is difficult enough for people who have lived here all their lives without they having to cope with a language they have never seen written down in those earlier times.   ie. accents, dialects and misinterpretations by enumerators who in some cases were barely more literate than the people they were taking the information from.

Isle of Man Resources & Offers / Re: Connections to Slavery - Link
« on: Saturday 28 July 07 10:00 BST (UK)  »
Undoubtedly people from this country and the islands around it were sent off as indentured servants to these places.

A lot of the so-called orphans were sold by the people who were supposed to be caring for them under the indenture system to various parts of the world and that carried on for a very long time.

There is in fact present day slavery? with the people who are producing goods for sale in this country and other parts of the world for pennies and which are being sold for vast amounts in our stores.

Lancashire / Re: Can you help please !!!!
« on: Saturday 28 July 07 09:51 BST (UK)  »
Did you not check Skelmersdale near Ormskirk, West Lancashire.

Isle of Man Resources & Offers / Re: Connections to Slavery - Link
« on: Friday 27 July 07 19:33 BST (UK)  »
Many merchants and shipowners made their fortunes to do with Slavery, but despite the fact these people linked to slavery  the slaves did not come to this country from Africa.

What happened was trade goods were taken from Bristol, Liverpool and other ports to Africa, there they bargained with the chieftains who looked on their own people and those of other tribes they stole as trade goods.  The ships then sailed  the Slavery triangle to the West Indies and USA.  the ships then came back to UK loaded with cotton, sugar and rum.

Lancashire / Re: Rainhill Hospital
« on: Friday 27 July 07 16:33 BST (UK)  »
This is no criticism of the staff they had to make the best of the buildings etc.,

The big problem was with the authorities that kept people there for as long as 70/80 years for no good reason.  I wonder if the having a child out of wedlock was still looked upon as a mental aberration and you could be locked away for 70/80 years, what member of the public would think of that.

That is the criticism. 

Lancashire / Re: Rainhill Hospital
« on: Friday 27 July 07 15:40 BST (UK)  »
The place was horrible, it was so badly infested with cockroaches that after the new houses were built on the site they too had a major problem from them.

They said they were coming from what had been the cellars and basements of Rainhill and had just been filled in with rubble etc to make a base for the houses to be built on.

Cockroaches that are not seen in modern buildings these days were in horrendous numbers.  Can you imagine what those patients had to put up with.

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