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Messages - Daffodilica

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Warwickshire / Re: School name, Addison Road Rugby
« on: Saturday 19 October 19 18:59 BST (UK)  »
Yes, we're definitely talking about the same school. It had a hall in the middle, with eight classrooms I think. The grass at the front was used for sports day mostly, as we used to play on a concreted area which went round the whole school. Sometimes for special events we went over to the park, which was opposite the school, at the corner of Addison Road and Lawford Road. If you search for it on the National Archives website, using Bilton County Infant School, you will find some records, and the records I looked at were at Warwickshire CRO (use their Warwickshire Past Unlocked website and you will see what records they have).

Warwickshire / Re: School name, Addison Road Rugby
« on: Saturday 19 October 19 11:57 BST (UK)  »
No - the image you have is from Bilton Infants, which is still in Bilton village (Magnet Lane I think). The one on Addison Road was a Victorian school, with grass at the front, doors towards the back (used to be one for boys, one for girls), and outside toilets and canteen.

Warwickshire / Re: School name, Addison Road Rugby
« on: Friday 18 October 19 20:39 BST (UK)  »
Yes, it was Bilton County Infants School. When I went to the County Records Office, I found some registers from the school, which had my mum and uncle listed. There were also books which were almost like diaries, and detailed things like when the pigswill man visited etc. There's a Facebook group and I found a photo of the school on there - I'll try and message you.

Technical Help / Re: Extracting data from a UK census
« on: Friday 20 September 19 17:30 BST (UK)  »
Thanks - will do. I'm going to have a play around with data over the weekend.  ;)

Technical Help / Re: Extracting data from a UK census
« on: Tuesday 17 September 19 17:42 BST (UK)  »
I think so - I'll try and extract from both sites and see if there are any differences  :)

Technical Help / Re: Extracting data from a UK census
« on: Tuesday 17 September 19 15:15 BST (UK)  »
Thanks - I'll give it a go. Just created an excel list from FamilySearch, so I'll try Find My Past next!

Technical Help / Extracting data from a UK census
« on: Tuesday 17 September 19 14:51 BST (UK)  »
Is it possible to somehow extract a list of all occurences of one surname from a UK census? I want to create a list, e.g. all people with the surname Saull from the 1841 census, that I can then use to create a map of where those surnames appear.

Thanks - any advice on how to do this would be gratefully received!

I've just emailed you - I didn't see your message yesterday!

Thanks Adrian - that's really kind of you.

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