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Messages - spuddy

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Waterford / Re: Where is Ducksmill parish?? Tallow??
« on: Saturday 27 August 22 02:23 BST (UK)  »
Hamlet=a few houses. a clachan!  ;D

Hi there, My Barry ancestors came from Tallow, Waterford, Ireland and my Power and Costin ancestors were also from Waterford.  I live in PEI, Canada and have unexplained DNA matches to Driscoll, O'Brien, McCarthy, Mahoney etc.  Would love to hear from you.  Thank you.

Wexford / Re: Murphys : Railway family from Wexford
« on: Friday 08 July 22 22:18 BST (UK)  »
Oh Goody!
I just found a link that my ancestor, Thomas Murphy may have also been from Wexford.  Until lately, we thought he was from Callen, Killkenny, Ireland.   See:  When Thomas Murphy was born in 1815 in Coolroe, Wexford, Ireland, his father, Thomas, was 20 and his mother, Elizabeth, was 35. He married Mary Ann Reilly and they had ten children together. He also had one daughter with Mary Murphy. He also had one daughter from another relationship. He died in 1900 having lived a long life of 85 years.


So now, I am not sure whether I have the right Thomas or not.  Apparently his father, also named Thomas was married to an Elizabeth Nyhan, Myhan, Meehan????   I also have Barry and Cosgrove ancestors with roots in Wexford, Ireland.  I live in Prince Edward Island (PEI) Canada.  My other Irish surnames are Barry, Collins, Costin, Cosgrove, Lane, Larkin, Mansfield, Meehan?, Murphy, Power. Quinn, Reilly, Sullivan and McCausland   Thank you, Spuddy.

Waterford / Re: Michael Barry
« on: Thursday 07 July 22 21:25 BST (UK)  »
Hi Michael:  Noticed your post and wondered where that area was in Ireland.  It isn't very far from the borders of Tipperary and Waterford.  My Barry ancestors came either from Tallow, Waterford, or Wexford.  Have you a GEDMATCH #?  If so, please send it to me by email to *and I will run it against my Gedmatch #.  My great-grandfather was John Thomas Barry born in 1820 to Thomas Barry and Bridgid Cosgrove.  His siblings were Elizabeth, who married a Noonan and they moved to Boston, USA.  Another sister was Mary (no more info on her) and three brothers, Richard, Francis and Nicholas.

Nicholas Barry bapt 29 Mar 1823 Wexford, Rathangan, Ireland
son of Thomas & Bridget Barry

I can't verify that these are my 2nd gt-grandparents but it fits the time period.  Anyway, if you would like to exchange Barry information, I would be very glad to  help you.  Thank you and take care.  I live in Prince Edward Island, Canada (PEI) and my Irish surnames are Barry, Collins, Cosgrove, Costin, Lane, Larkin, Mansfield, Murphy, Power, Quinn, Reilly, Sullivan and McCausland.  The majority of my Irish ancestors came from Waterford and Cork. Thank you,

*Moderator comment: personal e-mail address removed in accordance with RootsChat general guidance and practice to prevent others abusing or spamming it.  Please use ther personal message system to exchange e-mail addresses.

Perthshire / Re: Penmans/Izats
« on: Monday 21 September 20 03:03 BST (UK)  »
Thanks, I am a member but not knowing what part of Scotland George may have come from makes it difficult to zero in on.  I spent about an hour earlier this evening going through some of the searches on the archives site. Thanks again.

Perthshire / Re: Penmans/Izats
« on: Sunday 20 September 20 20:45 BST (UK)  »
Thanks for your reply.  Our elusive George was also a Paymaster under Lord Rollo's British army when they were fighting at Louisbourg, Quebec and most likely PEI, (Acadia at that time period.)  His list of effects after his death in 1804 contained many items that he most likely was a store owner.  He also had two or three red English military uniforms.  He was educated as he could read and write, so he must have been of upper class upbringing to have an education during the mid 1700's

However, we couldn't as of YET found any military record although somebody said the a paymaster wouldn't be classified as being a military person.  He also had ships built in PEI and was a ship owner. I keep getting DNA matches to Hunter and some Patterson surnames so was hoping that would lead me back to Penman.  A William Hunter was a neighbour to George Penman in Lot 13, PEI. There is an article on record at our University of PEI, which includes our George Penman at:

We don't know the relationship to George & David Penman but we do know that they both named two of their daughters, Elizabeth and Jane.  That is why I was so interested in this post as the naming pattern was so similar.   Is that site you mentioned free or a payment one?  Thank you for your comments, it is always good to view other people's hints and comments.  Take care, Mary Cudmore

Perthshire / Re: Penmans/Izats
« on: Sunday 20 September 20 02:45 BST (UK)  »
Thank you for your reply, sometimes research is also a process of elimination.

Tipperary / Re: Hugh Heley (Healey or Hayley) & Ellen Berry (Barry)
« on: Saturday 19 September 20 19:34 BST (UK)  »
A Mary HEALEY was a witness to my 2nd great grandparents, Thomas BARRY & Bridget COSGROVE in TALLOW, Waterford, Ireland, see below:
Marriage Record for Thomas Barry  & Brigid Cosgrove/Cosgrave
Date of Marriage:  July 12, 1818
Place, Tallow, Waterford County, Ireland
Religion, both Roman Catholic
Witness 1    Joanne Cosgrove
Witness 2    Mary Healy
Officator, Foran, N.
Place, Tallow, Waterford, Ireland

Perthshire / Re: Penmans/Izats
« on: Saturday 19 September 20 17:59 BST (UK)  »
Hi there:  I have been getting DNA matches to surname PENMAN and I am especially interested in the family of Henry Penman and Christian Dryelly.  My problem is that we don't' know the parents of George or David Penman, who ended up living in Prince Edward Island, Canada.  Both names were recorded as arriving together in a ship that landed in Boston, USA in 1762.  George died in 1804 in Port Hill, PEI, Canada and David settled in Lot 28, Tryon, PEI Canada. Another Penman descendant has thoroughly researched our ancestor, George Penman and it can be found at:
My Gedmatch # is EP3933511 and I would love to hear from any Penman researchers. Thank you, Mary Cudmore

Inverness / Re: John Gillis Sr. Lot 14, Prince Edward Island
« on: Thursday 26 March 20 19:19 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks everyone for your replies and the links to the interesting articles from the Hebridies islands.  I find it very interesting, especially after reading "Outlander" the last couple of days. When we were in Scotland & Ireland in 2015, the 1st place we stayed was at Fort William for two nights.  As I mentioned before we also went up to the Isle of Sky and visited Flora MacDonald's grave.  Our tour guide told us about the relationship with Bonnie Prince Charlie and her helping him hide out in South or North Uist Islands.  It became more realistic to me, especially since my own ancestors hailed from there as well.  One of the MacLellan researchers has stated that my MacLellan line was really part of the MacDonald clan, and we did see the ruins of a MacDonald castle in the highlands.  I know one thing for sure, those highlanders had to be sturdy folk to be able to survive in those barren conditions.  It rained nearly everyday and the sheep and highland cows had thick coats and long hair.  It makes you appreciate what all our ancestors faced when giving up everything and emigrating to a new land.  Alexander MacKinnon is another one of my highland ancestors.  Thanks to all who replied.  Your distant Canadian kin from Prince Edward Island.

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