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Messages - populardude

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5
Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Re: Help with deciphering Court Document
« on: Monday 02 January 12 20:47 GMT (UK)  »
Thanks All,

I'll have a look at any relevant offences that match up from that period.

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Help with deciphering Court Document
« on: Monday 02 January 12 20:32 GMT (UK)  »

I'm having difficulty in reading the stated offence committed by John (Second on list) as well as the offence deemed to be committed by Peter, Ann, and George Wright (from third on the list).

It appears the last word for the second offence against Peter etc.. may be Felony, however Would be grateful for any other suggestions.

Moderator comment: image cropped.  Only SMALL portions of such images may be posted for assistance with deciphering handwriting.

Worcestershire / Re: Wright family of Dudley
« on: Monday 02 January 12 19:53 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Millie32,

I've only just returned to this site after a fair bit of time away, and i'd love to hear from you with regards to our Wright family connections. My Gt.Gt.Gt Grandfather was Joseph Wright.

I can be contact and found on or alternatively you can send me a message to: mrrackham (at) hotmail (dot) co (dot) uk



Worcestershire / Re: Wright family of Dudley
« on: Monday 28 April 08 09:07 BST (UK)  »
Hi DudleyWinchurch,

thanks for the info... i was pretty sure that they were from the same family.. but i could have been wrong... i will have a check when i get chance and follow this up and then let you know.


Worcestershire / Re: Wright family of Dudley
« on: Friday 25 April 08 11:04 BST (UK)  »
Hi DudleyWinchurch,

Hey thats great stuff..

with regards to these dates etc.. they first came from another rootschat user... i checked briefly on that site and saw a few of them so took them as correct and complete... so i dont necessarily know too much about the site, but id say that they were probably submitted on to that site

Worcestershire / Re: Wright family of Dudley
« on: Wednesday 23 April 08 23:02 BST (UK)  »
Hi Jim1212,

thanks for your reply.. there may be a connection, however im not sure that the marriage would have been in Handsworth, because Joseph was from dudley and that would have been out of his parish...

the christening for the Elizabeth Meddens may be a bit more fruitful though as both Dudley and Hartlebury were in Worcestershire.. I will look at this more closely!!

Thanks :)

Worcestershire / Re: Wright family of Dudley
« on: Wednesday 23 April 08 22:58 BST (UK)  »
Hi DudleyWinchurch,

thanks for your message... with regards to the dates in the last few messages they were ascertained from the information on the website...

i haven't managed to get to Dudley Archives to check up on any of the dates to confirm them.. what were the ones that you have found?

Staffordshire / Re: Fellows - West Bromwich
« on: Saturday 19 April 08 13:32 BST (UK)  »
Hi Jonjor

The fellows family is something that i started to look at but haven't really gone that much into it.. somethings were hard to find in terms of my gt gt grandfathers birth, and as of yet still do not know when he was born and cannot trace his family back...

There maybe a connection somewhere along the lines and indeed Elizabeth Fellows may have been the sister etc.. of my Gt Gt Grandfather who was Joseph Fellows. I will be starting to look at this family soon and therefore let you know if any of your names seem to match up anywhere.

With regards to tracing the marriage, have you looked at the archives library in Smethwick.. if you haven't found anything under their names.. looking under different spellings may help.. there may have been mistakes by the registrar.. i have found lots of these examples in my other research.


Suffolk / Re: RACKHAMS in Wrentham
« on: Sunday 09 March 08 09:07 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Annes,

I would just like to thank you and  show my gratitude for your help with this... I can't believe how many there are still available in the registers. This is a fantastic source of information, which I wouldn't have been able to get easily without your kindness.

I can see that there are names on there that I do recognise, and to now finally be able to add those dates to certain events is really good thing.

I can probably imagine that most of these early people are also buried in St Nicholas Church also... I did wonder however that the Sarah Mary Ann Rackham... d.1912 if she was buried in the churchyard, as opposed to the cemetary... i think it states on one of the suffolk church sites as being possibly at St Nicholas Cemetary... maybe this is why she was not found when you visited the cemetary?

But thanks once again for this information... :)


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