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Messages - Rimas

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 6
World War One / Re: Possible to Identify this uniform?
« on: Friday 27 November 15 22:45 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Stephen,
I think I sent you a PM, but not sure! LOL
Let me know if you got it.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: Is a Cleanup possible **COMPLETED**
« on: Tuesday 20 November 12 02:34 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you, Irene!
As always, a fabulous job, and I"m very appreciative.

It would have been my mother's 80th birthday on the 16th of November.
Unfortunately, she passed away suddenly at the very young age of 50.....almost 30 years ago!

I don't have many photos of my mom as a young woman; this tattered picture has been brought back to practically it's original state!

Thanks again, all you wonderful, talented RootsChat people!

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: Is a Cleanup possible
« on: Saturday 17 November 12 00:14 GMT (UK)  »
Not too shabby yourself there, Yvonne! This is terrific.
Thank you!!

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: Is a Cleanup possible
« on: Friday 16 November 12 14:03 GMT (UK)  »
Gosh, Roy, that's brilliant!! Thanks so much for this.
I love it!

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Re: Is a Cleanup possible
« on: Friday 16 November 12 13:32 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you Tommy, Alan & Roy!
These are tremendous improvements!
Thanks so much for your efforts. Very much appreciated.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Is a Cleanup possible
« on: Friday 16 November 12 00:15 GMT (UK)  »
Hello All!
Just wondering if it is possible to have this photo of my mum cleaned up.
I believe it is from the late '40's or early 50's.
I don't have too many pictures of my mum at this age so would very much appreciate a nicer version of this one.

I leave it in your very capable hands.

Many thanks, as always,

Well, I've just been away from the computer for a couple of days and am back to see all these fantastic contributions by the generous people here at Rootschat!
Thank you so much to Mike & Japeflakes & Roy & MJB & Peterjohn & Greensleeves..............each one is so nice I will have to make more than one copy for my stepmother and for myself also! I have lots of pictures of my Mom as a youngster & teenager in black & white, so it's quite special for me to have something with some more "life" to it!
Thanks again so much All, I really appreciate this forum and your generosity and time.

This is a picture of my mother, Marvina Brown (right) and her girlfriend Dorothy Jennings, both age 16 in 1948 in Toronto Canada.
Several years after my parents divorced, my Dad was reacquainted with “Auntie” Dot and they were married in 1967.
So this is, in fact, a picture of my mother & my stepmother!
My mother died 29 years ago at the very young age of 51, but this July my stepmother will celebrate her 80th birthday.
I would love to present her with an enlarged and coloured copy of this picture, if I can prevail upon your generosity once more.
If possible, if the tower arising out of Auntie Dot’s head could be eliminated that would be fantastic. I have no idea about any colours of their clothing so whatever you choose will be fine.
Thank you so much again!!

Once again, all you wonderful RootsChat members have come to the rescue, and you certainly don't disappoint!
Thank you Carolyn, Maidmarion, Carol, Alan, Roy, Pels & Morrie, the results are fantastic!
I am very appreciatvie of your work and that you continue to contribute A+ efforts to this board!!

Many, many thanks,

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