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Messages - ngaio

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Selkirkshire / Re: First Ballantyne from Scotland*completed*
« on: Monday 17 January 11 01:34 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Russell
I presume that  the John Ballanatyne  you are related to is   the second child of John Douglas Francis Ballantyne and  Margaret Francis Archibald.   This John was the second child born in Ulston on 15/10/1842.    If  it is,  what information do you want?    You may already have quite a lot and I don't want to duplicate.     We  know  John Douglas Francis's  background  as far back as his grandfather and grandmother,  Francis Ballantyne and Margaret Robson.   Please let me know  and  maybe  we can communicate some other way.    There is a lot of information about our Ballantyne heritage.   

Have you met my sister, Beverly Russell?   Some family members, including us, are trying to organise a headstone for John Douglas Francis Ballantyne at Crookstone Cemetery. 

Looking forward to hearing from you

Selkirkshire / Re: First Ballantyne from Scotland*completed*
« on: Monday 16 February 09 18:08 GMT (UK)  »
I presume your George Henry Ballantyne is the same one who came out to NZ in 1860.  His mother was Jessie Douglas who died as they came up the harbour into Dunedin, leaving father, John Douglas FRANCIS Ballantyne a widow for the second time with 9 children.    I cannot tell you much about what happened to George after they arrived in NZ.  Michelle would know more about that branch of the family, but I can fill you in on the family before they came to NZ, if that is of interest to you.  If you would like to know more on the earlier history of the family, please reply on this website and I will  provide the details. 
Regards, Ngaio

Roxburghshire / Re: SCOTTS of Blinkbonny, (New)castleton, 18th century
« on: Thursday 18 December 08 18:00 GMT (UK)  »
When you do return home, would you mind looking up and seeing if you have anything on the other John Scott?
Meantime happy christmas to all who read this.

Roxburghshire / Re: SCOTTS of Blinkbonny, (New)castleton, 18th century
« on: Friday 12 December 08 18:55 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you Jane for taking time to reply at this very busy time of year. 
You have answered one question - namely that John Scott had not been married before he married Margaret.
However, my very great help, Michael Jackson, tells me that there were two John Scotts who died at Saughtrees.  First, John Scott aged 87 died in 1782 which means he was born in about 1695.   Could this John have been your John Scott's father??????   Can anyone help here?
Happy Christmas everyone
Ngaio  :D :D

Roxburghshire / Re: SCOTTS of Blinkbonny, (New)castleton, 18th century
« on: Thursday 04 December 08 23:04 GMT (UK)  »
Presume the last message was not from Jane - thank you whoever it is. 
Would  it be possible to look up any possible death notices for  Isabella Moore who married John Scott on 3.12.1841 in Castleton?  We wonder if this could have been the first wife of the John Scott who moved across  into Cumberland in 1752. 

It is also interesting  that you have found the birth of a John Scott to parents  John Scott and Margaret Nicoll 6/1/1841 in Castleton.      Our records show that John Scott married a Margaret Nichol on 1 Jan 1772 in Bewcastle, Cumberland and I am presuming that this was his second wife.   If you could find out any details of  the Margaret Nicoll from Castleton, it may solve one piece of the mystery or create another!
Many thanks

Roxburghshire / Re: SCOTTS of Blinkbonny, (New)castleton, 18th century
« on: Tuesday 02 December 08 01:00 GMT (UK)  »
Reading through the Dodgson Manuscript more thoroughly, see that  John Scott married Margaret Nichol  in 1772 which sort of puts a spanner in the works as far as my theory goes.     Could he have been married prior to this maybe while he was in Scotland?  and had daughters only?  as Richard is recorded as being the first son.    He would have been about 55 yrs old when he married Margaret so it is quite likely that he had been married previously.   In the marriage records it would be interesting to know if John is recorded as widow.
Ah well  I'll just keep hoping something turns up

Roxburghshire / Re: SCOTTS of Blinkbonny, (New)castleton, 18th century
« on: Monday 01 December 08 20:37 GMT (UK)  »
Thank you Jane, I found the Dodgson Manuscript  and was very excited to see that your (possibly our) John Scott was married to a Margaret Nicol.   Our Isabella Scott's first daughter was called Margaret and first son called John.  Manuscript also said that they had other children, apart from eldest son Richard.    I wonder if that means that John's father was called Richard?

My 95 year old father, who started all our family research years ago, but is now blind and unable to do so, is very excited so hope you can make sense of your notes soon. 

Incidentally I sent you some more info yesterday, not by email as our machine wasn't working, but directly through the website.   Did you receive it?

Roxburghshire / Re: Francis Ballantyne Mysetry
« on: Monday 01 December 08 00:12 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Michelle
We are having trouble receiving emails at present  and cannot get through to xtra to find out what the problem is. 
Without seeing the family tree you have where you mentioned that only one Francis Ballantyne appears, I cannot explain why, unless I was concentrating purely on our direct family.   Do remember that  the second Francis was actually John Douglas Francis Ballantyne - why he was later called Francis I don't know. 
For what it is worth, and you may already have this information, but I will start right at the beginning of what we know of the Ballantynes.

Francis Ballantyne born abt 1749 possibly in Whithaughburn, Roxburgh.   married Margaret Robson about 1775   We don't know where either Francis and Margaret came from.  One theory is that they may have come from the Kinross area but cannot prove anything here. Francis was a grocer .
Their children were (not necessarily in the right order of birth)

Christian born 
Elizabeth (betty)  born 1776 married William Ingles
Isabell  married John Inglies (spelling as this husbands were brothers)
William married Janet Armstrong
James  born 1786
Francis  married Frances Brown  became merchant in Hawick, buried in Hawick 
John   born in Newcastleton in 1789 the youngest  and our connection

John  Ballantyne, the youngest I have  as being christened  18/4/1779?  married Mary Miller who was born in Brampton but was baptised  in Bewcastle in Cumberland and grew up on a property called  Steppings - house still there.  They married about 1810/11.   John Ballantyne died in Castleton on 9/11/1855.  Their children were

Isabella    born 1812
Francis     born 1814
Margaret  born 1815
Helen       born 1817  died after 1853
John Douglas Francis     born  aboout 1819  our connection
Agnes       born 1825
Archibald born  1826/27   

It was  this John Douglas Francis Ballantyne who married three times,  your connection being from the second wife who died as they were arriving in Dunedin in 1860. 

We would love to know what happened to the second family.    Our Mary Ann Ballantyne, youngest of first family, was seen walking up Maori Hill in Dunedin when she was about 12, carrying a baby under one arm and a load of washing in other.  Her brother in law (married to Jessie who became a Swannerton on marriage) saw her  and felt so sorry for her that  they took her in to live with them.    Mary Ann was so grateful thatshe named her daughter  (my grandmother )Jessie Swannerton Brown.
I think it was probably very difficult for the children of the second marriage as  John Douglas Francis married for the 3rd time  in about 1861/62 and then had another four children.

Hope I am not confusing you too much
My sister has just returned from the South Island  where she met up with other Ballantynes and I gather she has brought back quite a bit of information we don't  have so when I get this, will forward it on to you. 
Meanwhile, keep asking questions - it helps us too. 

PS  We  do have notes of a diary dictated by John Ballantyne, second child  from John Douglas Francis Ballantyne's first marriage to Margaret Francies Archibald.  He went blind some time after he came to New Zealand. He tells the story briefly of  the family's life before they came to New Zealand and his life after he came here.  The trouble is it would be too long to put on this website so would love to be able to send it to you.    There must be a way!

Roxburghshire / Re: SCOTTS of Blinkbonny, (New)castleton, 18th century
« on: Sunday 30 November 08 23:19 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Jane, it's me again seeing if I can send message  through this website as our email  won't receive any mail at present. 
Anyway further to my previous  message I have discovered where Blinkbonny is.  It is on the western edge of the Newcastleton Forest,  within a half mile of the English border, 2 miles southeast of the village of Newcastleton. 
I have also discovered  from the 1851 census  that living at Sautrees (the property bought near Bewcastle on the English side of the border by John Scott in 1752) was William Scott  who was recorded as farmer aged 34 which means he was born about 1817, so was probably  Richard Scott's son.    Also in this Sautrees census  is  his wife, Jane aged 36  who was born in Bewcastle   and their son Archibald aged 5 born in Bewcastle.    William Scott is recorded in this census as being born in Scotland. 

The Saughtrees property on the English side of the border appears to be close to the Scottish border but more to the north west.   Looking at a map it is northwest of Bewcastle. 
Look  forward to hearing from you when you have time

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