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Messages - scattymum

Pages: [1] 2
United States of America / Re: Liverpool to US, HICK james montgomery and Nora
« on: Sunday 01 August 10 21:13 BST (UK)  »
hi there, ill send you a private message and we can message that way :)

United States of America / Re: Liverpool to US, HICK james montgomery and Nora
« on: Sunday 01 August 10 19:16 BST (UK)  »
That would be great if you have any info :)

Lancashire Lookup Offers / Re: Look-up Liverpool (Mersey) Pilots 1734/1990
« on: Tuesday 10 March 09 10:15 GMT (UK)  »
thanks a million !  :)

United States of America / Re: Liverpool to US, HICK james montgomery and Nora
« on: Sunday 01 March 09 10:00 GMT (UK)  »
That would be wonderful shelley, thank you so much

Wicklow / Re: Arklow Cemetery Records Help
« on: Friday 27 February 09 23:05 GMT (UK)  »
I was in Arklow Library today, the lady at the Desk had no clue what i was talking about :). she told me to go the the parish office and they suggested that I contact the undertaker as both he and his father keep/kept records  ;D

To the OP, the New and Old cemetries are both in St Gabriels cemetery  - they are just divided by a wall.

I will hopefully be up that end of town during the next week or so - i have taken your ref Nos and will see if i can track down the gravestones.

I live just outside arklow so im not often up that end of town

United States of America / Re: Liverpool to US, HICK james montgomery and Nora
« on: Friday 27 February 09 20:21 GMT (UK)  »
excellent, thank you both so much!

United States of America / Re: Liverpool to US, HICK james montgomery and Nora
« on: Friday 27 February 09 17:58 GMT (UK)  »
wow, thank you so much Carole and for your very quick response too :)

United States of America / Liverpool to US, HICK james montgomery and Nora
« on: Friday 27 February 09 16:51 GMT (UK)  »
Wonder if anyone could Help me.

My Great Aunt Nora Long (b. 1900 toxteth, Parents george Richard shephaerd longand ada rigby) married a James Montgomery Hick b.1897( seemed to be always known as monty). they married in Liverpool and had 2 sons - george and John. they emigrated to the US but I have no idea where in the US or what happened to them after that.

Wicklow / gravestones in co.wicklow
« on: Friday 27 February 09 15:11 GMT (UK)  »

Pages: [1] 2