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Messages - Shellspacebabe

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Cumberland / Re: Alston WW2 Evacuees
« on: Friday 08 November 13 12:24 GMT (UK)  »
Hello Vera

thank you for showing an interest and helping me  :) I believe the three sisters (all adults) were from Cumbria or Northumberland area and were evacuees.  Dad said the house he lived in was very odd one window had iron bars on it and it was a strange shape it was due for demolition but delayed due to the huge influx of evacuees so I am not sure if it is there any longer.  He went back to Alston in 1979 and a lady approached him in the street she actually remembered him! he was so taken aback he forgot to ask who she was :) I will see Dad next weekend and ask him if any of the names ring a bell

Cumberland / Re: Alston WW2 Evacuees
« on: Monday 07 October 13 13:16 BST (UK)  »
Hi Vera

his name is Alan Young also known as Hugh apparently he ran everywhere and was known as the boy who never walked!!!

Thanks for your interest


Cumberland / Alston WW2 Evacuees
« on: Tuesday 01 October 13 13:28 BST (UK)  »

My Dad was an evacuee between 1940 to 1945, he lived in a funny house that he said had a song written about it, they were going to demolish it but in the end they decided to house evacuees there.  He said it had steps going up to the front door and the road or a alley ran underneath it I think he said it was called "newhome" or "newhouse" not sure, does anyone remember it?  He lived there with three sisters one of whom was called Ethel

 :) :) that easy! Oh dear bit embarrassed thank you will try that :)

Hello Miriam

I am carrying out some research on the home I did type in Darlington Road but nothing came up

Would be wonderful if you could let me know how you found it  :) :) :)

Kind Regards


i am unable to find any census records for 1881 and 1901.  I have the information I need for 1891 but for some reason when I type in the street name it only shows an entry for 1891 and just the lodges for 1901. The street name was Darlington Road the home opened in 1874

If anyone is happy to assist would be very grateful  :)

The Common Room / Re: Registering of Births in the 1960's
« on: Saturday 23 February 13 16:54 GMT (UK)  »
Yes I tend to agree with Larkspur on this it is what I consider to be my family history and I find it all very exciting and adds flesh to the bones  :)

The Common Room / Re: Registering of Births in the 1960's
« on: Wednesday 20 February 13 15:22 GMT (UK)  »

good idea will give that a try


The Common Room / Re: Registering of Births in the 1960's
« on: Wednesday 20 February 13 14:11 GMT (UK)  »
Oh Ok thats intereresting I think my parents did marry in October 1963 or 64 and my sister was born 1965 they registered us both together summer 1965 by then I was 3 years old, I wonder if I can check for an earlier entry?

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