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Messages - sharon48

Pages: [1]
Kent Lookup Requests / Re: William Degnan 1875
« on: Sunday 24 May 09 14:16 BST (UK)  »
Thank you Eyesee,

I do appreciate everyones help very much.
I haven't given up on my Degnan family, it's been a lot of fun and quite a challenge to get where I am now, thanks to a great community of fellow researchers.

Yes, Helen Louise is John Samuels daughter.  John Degnin  and Elizabeth Clake had 7 children: John Samuel 1888; Elizabeth 1892; Wilhelmina 1893; Helen Louise 1895; Hugh Havelock 1898; Douglas Charles 1900; Horace 1901.

Thank you again
take care

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: William Degnan 1875
« on: Saturday 23 May 09 18:40 BST (UK)  »
Hi Casalguidi,
Now you've got my wheels turning...

I'm pretty certain that William Degnan and John Samuel Degnin are brothers.
BUT, there is that one percent that leaves me wondering, and without documents to prove otherwise, it's left both Doug and I saying they were indeed brothers.

In the 1901 census it has Susan working as their servant, and the 1891 census was John Samuel living with his inlaws, his wife being Elizabeth [ lizzie ] Clark.

The nephew / cousin in mention on the passenger list is Douglas CHARLES Degnan, son to John Samuel Degnin.

The Degnan family, High, Sarah and children you mentioned below are the same ones I've been hanging onto for quite some time. Cousin Doug says he doesn't think they are the parents because of the dates.
I'm confused about this one.

Both Doug and myself have documents from our gr-gr-grandfathers with either Hugh or William as given names for their father. 

It could be true, this family could be the parents of William,  and John Samuel could be a cousin to William, so more searching needs to be done to prove this.

The information with Edward and Hugh were found by Doug, I'll contact him to find out just exactly where he found them.

Thank you for all your help and information., with your questions it has made me rethink ther is hope for finding this family. 

keep safe

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: William Degnan 1875
« on: Friday 22 May 09 19:16 BST (UK)  »
Hi Bearkat,

My stubern wall lies in England, with missing parents. I have records of William and his wife and children from the 1901 England census till now. I have copies of his marriage certificate and death certificate. Susan's as well. My granmother was Elizabeth Degnan b. 1905 Westham, England.

William died in 1944 in Chester, Pennsylvania, my home town, unfortunately I never meet William, but, Susan was with us till 1958.

I also have adoption records for Susan and, Lucky me, also the letter her mother wrote to her before giving her up for adoption.

Whats holding me back are no names for the parents, other then William Hugh for the father.

Awhile back I found  records for this one Degnan family, William Degnan and Sarah Quigley along with their children.  It surely looks to be who I'm looking for, But, dates are not true for the children. In one record it gives my William being born years before John Samuel was, I know it is the other way around.

I've been tempted to adopt this family and just go on with finding their parents,, but, my Degnan cousin keeps me away from that idea.
He understand that mistakes are made, as do I and these dates may have been a slip of confusion, screaming kids at the front door, quiting time, in a hurry to make last call at the local pub???

Thank you for your help, I do appreciate it...
keep safe

Kent Lookup Requests / Re: William Degnan 1875
« on: Friday 22 May 09 17:47 BST (UK)  »
Thank you so much for your help Casalguidi,

It was very nice of you to search for me, I do have copies of the ships passenger list and of course stories from family members  that both William's were in the Royal Navy along with the Merchant Marines. 
I agree with you though about them being in the Merchant Marines over the Royal Navy. I've been on the Archive site many times to find no record of either one, which lead me to rethink some of the family stories.

It boggles my mind that I'm unable to find any of my Degnan's in any census other then the 1901 but still nothing on William sr..

Also, it really confuses me that none of the sons remember their mothers name?????
I'm in contact with a distant Degnan cousin, his gr-gr-grandfather is brother to my William and there were no mention of a mothers name on any documents he has too.
His gr-gr-grandfather was John Samuel b. 1865, and I know the mother was around till after what youngest son that  I know of was born, which was Hugh Degnan b.1878 Kent co..

Both my cousin and I are in need of birth certificates, but without a name how could we be certain if it were the right family or not?

Hence the frustration from the census...

It seems the more we find, the more gets confusing.

I do appreciate your helping and getting back to me so quickly. it's people like yourself who is willing to help others that is the reason why we have ANY information at all.

Thank you
keep safe

Kent Lookup Requests / William Degnan 1875
« on: Friday 22 May 09 13:02 BST (UK)  »
Good Morning Kent searchers,

I'd appreciate any help in finding some information on my Degnan family.

WILLIAM DEGNAN [ Degnin ] b. 14 Dec 1875 Glasgow, Scotland, married 16 Oct 1901 Holy Trinity Church, Greavesend, Kent, England to:
 Susan Appleby b. 14 Apr 1877 Queens Charlotte's Hospital Marylebone, London.

William and Susan had 6 children; Wilhelmina 1903; Elizabeth 1905; Hugh 1907; John 1912; William H. 1902 all born in Kent co., England.

WILLIAM'S,{ b. 1875 }, father was WILLIAM DEGNAN  b. Ireland, as stated on Wm's death certificate and HUGH DEGNAN on Wm's marriage certificate.
 No none name for Wm's mother.
I found brothers to William living in Kent co,in the 1901 England census;
 John Samuel Degnin b. 1865 N. Ireland,
Hugh Degnin b. 1878 Kent, Eng.,
 Edward Degnin b. 1873 Kent, England.

I know  1875 William and his father had been in the British Royal Navy and also the British Merchant Marines, unknown ship or dates .
My Degnan family's faith was Roman Catholic, they sailed from England 1920 to Pennsylvania.

I'm searching for any information on the parents of William , John,  Hugh and Edward. 
There is one Degnan family that keeps popping up, but the dates are completly wrong.
Knowing all census takers weren't all sharp as their pencils, I've kept what information on this family close at hand in hopes someone may shine a light on who is truely who, and what dates are turely true.....

Thank you
keep safe

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