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Messages - heitch

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 13
Got a few "later-added" too.

Have a few headstones where the mother dies, then the children who died before her are added :(

Modified:  ...talking to myself here and trying to make sense of my own family gravestones ::) .............please excuse me :P

I have one from 1943, .....only a year out!  I'm guessing that the wife subtracted his age  from the year he died and came up with his year of birth :)

Denbighshire Lookup Requests / Chirk/Llangollen/Wrexham newspapers 1938
« on: Tuesday 28 August 12 15:34 BST (UK)  »

Is anyone able to look up the newspapers in those areas, from 12th-30th June 1938?

(Won't go into detail here as there may be living relatives). 

Looking for death/inquest/funeral reports. please pm if you can help. (already have the death cert.


Wales / Re: places 1911
« on: Tuesday 17 August 10 00:01 BST (UK)  »
1911 transcribers did well, didn't they ???

Capel Celyn,

The Lighter Side / Re: You know you're addicted to Genealogy when ....
« on: Friday 13 August 10 00:52 BST (UK)  »
Yes it was and yes they are!!
People used to think I was morbid bringing my children to graveyards
It helped them with:
Map reading- obviously
History - again a bit obvious
Geography - finding their location!!
Maths - if that grave is ref# A56 242 how far to A56 263 or calculating ages
English - where old english was used and explanations of changes in letters and usage
Civics - through general respect of the property
and this is long before you find the long lost dead relative that teaches the Realism of death being a part of life!!

or maybe this was me trying to justify my addiction!

Love it ;)  Classic line from my daughter today.....(we missed a bus so had an hour to spare...graveyard across the way ;))
she started crying, saying that "I miss all these people"
Me, "don't be silly, you did'nt know any of them"
4 year old daughter, "but someone knows them and they miss them so I can be sad"

The Lighter Side / Re: You know you're addicted to Genealogy when ....
« on: Wednesday 11 August 10 18:01 BST (UK)  »
myluck!.....if that was a reply to my post?  I have an idea,... they are now
"colouring -in" days!!

Brilliant, yet "guiltless" ;D

Census and Resource Discussion / Re: Ancestry- new records ?
« on: Tuesday 10 August 10 20:32 BST (UK)  »
I had planned for an early night.......absolutely no chance of that now! ;)

Thanks for the "heads up" and link ;D

The Lighter Side / Re: You know you're addicted to Genealogy when ....
« on: Tuesday 10 August 10 19:50 BST (UK)  »
Now I know I'm addicted........just reading through rootschat, and my 4 year old daughter asked, "Who's grave are we looking for now Mummy?"

.......then I think back, and all the "days out" have been centred on a graveyard visit :-[


Wales / Re: Mary Evans, Aberwheeler.
« on: Tuesday 10 August 10 14:47 BST (UK)  »
Hi Ena,
I went back to the graveyard, but no luck I'm afraid. There are a couple of "Robert Jones" graves which are legible, but none with a wife "Mary". Unfortunately the graves from the 1890's-early 1900's are in the worst state, (a lot of missing headstones and the laid down stones are covered with an inch or two of grass & moss) :'( 


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