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Topics - ang1985

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World War Two / Next of kin? *COMPLETED MANY THANKS*
« on: Sunday 13 August 17 11:50 BST (UK)  »
My paternal Grand Uncles both fought in the second world war.. Neither married or had children and have both since died. I am just wondering whether my father would be classed as next of kin if I decided to apply for their records?. My father has older cousins who i think would be probably be classed as next of kin but he has never known or met them and I do not even know if they are still alive. Many thanks

Norfolk Lookup Requests / Maria Smith
« on: Saturday 18 March 17 18:27 GMT (UK)  »
My Great x 3 Grandmother Maria Smith is a mystery.. I believe she was born in Coltishall in 1834 and she married her first husband Robert Gray (who was living in Wroxham at the time) in Coltishall in 1856. Their first child Matilda Gray (for whom I have the birth certificate) was born in Great Yarmouth in 1865. I cannot find Maria and Robert ever living together after they were married.
 In 1871 Maria had a daughter (my Great x 2) grandmother Ellen Kirk Gray.I also have Ellen's birth certificate which lists her mother as Maria Gray living at the same address she was at when Matilda was born and no mention of the father. I also obtained Ellens wedding certificate which listed her father as Thomas Kirk who was a lodger in Great Yarmouth at the time of Ellens birth. I cannot find my Great x 3 Grandmother Maria on the 1861 census, she is living in Great Yarmouth with her daughter Matilda on the 1871 census and disappears again on the 1881 census.
She then marries again in 1884 to a gentleman called Samuel Pigney and on the marriage certificate she is listed as a widow and her fathers name and profession match those for her first husband Robert Gray. She appears on the 1891 census and from what I have managed to find out dies in 1892.
My question is can anyone find her on the 1861 and 1881 censuses and also find her first husband? i have found a Robert Gray still living in Wroxham at this time and a couple of the entries appear to suggest he is married but he was still living in Wroxham after Maria marries again so am I barking up the wrong tree with him or could it be a case of bigamy?. i really hope this makes sense as it is confusing to me! 😀

England / Bastardy Records
« on: Wednesday 22 February 17 21:15 GMT (UK)  »
I was randomly searching through the British Newspaper Archive searching for names off my family tree when I came across an article featuring my Great x 3 grandmother Elizabeth Page... I was quite surprised to read that she had managed to get a warrant issued against a man for non payment of arrears of bastardy in 1848, at this time she was already married to my Great x 3 Grandfather... All the children I have listed for her were born after she married my Great x 3 Grandfather. I did think of the possibility that the article could be in reference to a different Elizabeth Page however this not very likely as Great Shelford is a village and I cannot imagine more than one Elizabeth Page living there at the same time. My question is would this have been a claim for a child of her own or could she have been helping a relative? If it is a child of her own.. I have heard of Bastardy records, I was just wondering where to find them if they indeed do exist.. Would they be in Cambridge where she lived or in Suffolk where the accused lived?

Cambridgeshire Completed Lookups / Page family Great Shelford Gravestones?
« on: Monday 09 November 15 23:14 GMT (UK)  »

I was just wondering if anyone lived in the Great Shelford area whether they would mind having a look round the churchyard for any 'Page' gravestones. My Great Great grandparents lived there all their lives. Their names were Robert Page born in 1819 died in 1891 and Elizabeth Page born in 1819 died in 1894. I don't think there was a lot of money in the family so i won't be surprised if their graves were unmarked but I have been wondering whether to make a journey down to Great Shelford and if there are 'Page' gravestones, I will definitely go and have a look.

Many thanks 😊

Berkshire Completed Look ups / Recognise this building?
« on: Tuesday 27 October 15 17:08 GMT (UK)  »
This is an incredibly big long shot but amongst my late grandparents photographs are pictures of people that I do not recognise. My father believes they are people my grandmother knew from Berkshire.. She grew up in Wootton Vale of White Horse (now in Oxfordshire) most of the photos are in front of non descript buildings, stone walls or inside so there is no way of recognising any landmarks but one is in front of a building and I was just wondering if it looks familiar to anybody?.. There is the long shot! 😀 Relations that would know anything about these photos are now dead unfortunately 😞 Totally understand if noone can help....

Norfolk / James and Elizabeth Olley
« on: Sunday 26 July 15 13:27 BST (UK)  »
I wonder if anyone can help me... my 4x Great Grandparents and family are being very elusive.. James Olley was born abt 1801 in Skeyton and his wife Elizabeth Olley nee Storey was born abt 1811 in Skeyton.
I have found their marriage also in Skeyton 2nd Aug 1829 and I have found them in the 1841 census still living in Skeyton. In the 1851 census I have found Elizabeth and their children (James, William, Mariah and Sarah Ann) in Skeyton but no James and she is listed as wife not widow... After that the trail goes cold.. I cannot find Elizabeth or James on any other censuses.. I suppose they could have died but I have struggled to find a record of this.. I would be extremely grateful for any help 😊

Norfolk / Coroners Report
« on: Wednesday 01 July 15 19:40 BST (UK)  »
Sometime back I posted on here and asked whether it was possible to find a coroners report from 1863 for a 12 year old ancestor who had died as a result of an accidental gunshot wound in Banningham, Norfolk,. The advice given at the time was to get in touch with Norfolk Record Office which I have finally got round to doing. What I am wondering though is what a Coroners Report will tell me, I have found a tiny newspaper clipping from the time and I also have the death certificate so is the Coroners Report going to give me any more information if indeed it still exists?.

The Common Room / Great Great Grandmother Stumbling Block!
« on: Sunday 07 September 14 14:46 BST (UK)  »
I have always hit a brick wall with my Great Great Grandmother and every so often I wonder if I can break through it and I never can so I am wondering whether anyone can give me some pointers in the right direction as I am becoming so disheartened.
My Great Great Grandmother was called Ellen Kirk and she was born in roughly 1871..
Now I know exactly when she got married as I have the marriage entry, I know exactly when she died in 1909 as I have her death certificate but what I do not know is where she was born.
I know that when she got married in 1889 to my Great Great Grandfather Abraham Burgess she was living in Row 39, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk and he was living in Reedham, Norfolk. The entry puts her at 18 so this would make 1871 her birth year ish.
In the 1891 census she was lodging with someone and her birthplace was put as Reedham, Norfolk.
The mystery deepens however as in the next census 1901 she is listed as born in 'Manchester, Lancashire, England' She is also listed as Hellen Burgess which I have taken to be a mistake as at the time of her death Ellen was still married to my Great Great Grandfather.
So the only information I have for Ellen is that she was born roughly 1871 in either Reedham, Norfolk or Manchester.. Not much difference there!!. Luckily I also know that her father was called Thomas Kirk and he was a pipe maker. Obviously I want to get further back than Ellen on my family tree but I am just not sure how to go about it or if indeed I will be able to???. Any help will be greatly received as I really am stumped!!.

Norfolk / Coroners Records * completed many thanks *
« on: Saturday 01 March 14 16:27 GMT (UK)  »
I have a relative who was 12 when he tragically died as a result of an accidental gunshot wound in 1863 in Banningham, Norfolk.
A Mr W. Henry Scott deputy coroner for the Duchy of Lancaster carried out the inquest the next day, I know a lot of coroners records do not exist anymore but where would I look to see if this one still does? I found out about my ancestors death through the newspaper archive website and I haven't managed to find a record of the inquest on there.

Many thanks :)

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