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Topics - ChrisAllonby

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The Common Room / Contacting a family tree owner on Ancestry
« on: Saturday 09 July 22 17:53 BST (UK)  »
Hello, I'm struggling to see how contact can be made with an Ancestry family tree owner. I'm using the Ancestry Library edition in a public library. The online advice I can find suggests clicking on the tree owner at the top of the display, but the tree in question doesn't have this option. Could anyone suggest how I might proceed? The tree in question is the Swain Family Tree, which includes Matthew James Kennedy, my person of interest. Thanks.

The Common Room / Using FindMyPast for Catholic Parish Registers
« on: Wednesday 16 August 17 21:38 BST (UK)  »
This relates to my earlier post concerning Place of Birth on Death Cert' and James Devauden.

First, a complaint. I've never been a member of FindMyPast. On the rare occasions I've needed something from the site I've asked a colleague to look it up for me. However, my current research suggests that FindMyPast would be the only source of records available, so I signed up for the so-called free trial (credit card details required). Low and behold, the first record I try to view, from the 1939 Register, can't be viewed without an upgrade! And, the so-called month free trial only lasts for 14 days! I guess this last point is caused by the trial always expiring on the last day of the month.

Anyway, my real issue is availability of catholic parish records for St Peter the Apostle Catholic Church in Leamington Spa, in particular, baptism records. The church website states "All our sacramental registers have been digitised and are available to view on the Find My Past website." However, try as I might, I could not find these baptism records. Confirmation records were available, but as soon as I selected the 'Baptism and Marriage' record set there were no records returned. Had anyone had similar issues? Maybe the set is not actually available, or maybe I'm not specifying the correct search criteria. Perhaps if someone has access they could let me know. Thanks, Chris.

Update - I found what I was looking for - they are there, but had to be accessed via a different search route. Currently ploughing through the 300+ records of interest.

Update - Ahh! Drawn a blank. Not a single record with a birth date of 27 September 1889/1891.

The Common Room / Place of Birth on Death Certificate
« on: Saturday 05 August 17 19:36 BST (UK)  »
Looking at a recent (2015) death certificate I noticed that it has Place of Birth. How long has this useful item of information been on death certificates? I'm interested in a 1974 death, and if the certificate did have Place of Birth it would be an enormous help with my research. Thanks, Chris.

Armagh / Armagh Ancestry Online
« on: Wednesday 07 April 10 18:59 BST (UK)  »
Anyone had experience of using Armagh Ancestry Online? Previously I've tried using the LDS for NI records and thought I'd identified an ancestor of mine in Upper Killeavy. However, when I search AAO I find loads more potential records dervied from church registers. In fact, I'm now very doubtful that my original find at LDS is genuine.

The problem with AAO seems to be the limited (free) search capabilities and the cost of accessing the original records. I'm interested in a marriage around 1840, but you can only enter the names of one party. This leaves loads of records to view - at 5 euro a time!

Are these church records from Armagh available elsewhere - easily?


Armagh / Upper Killeavy - Birth to Christening
« on: Sunday 21 February 10 19:01 GMT (UK)  »
Hello, I've identified an individual in the IGI called Patrick Burns, christened in Upper Killeavy on 22 Feb 1843. It's likely that this person is my gg-grandfather, but the year of 1843 does not tie in well with other records such as census returns, marriage certificate and death certificate, all of which suggest a birth year of about 1840. I'm wondering if children born in Ireland at about this time would typically be christened a year or two after birth. That would perhaps explain the discrepancy. Does anyone have any thoughts on this? Thanks, Chris.

Kent Lookup Requests / Possible birth in Dover, c1840
« on: Thursday 14 May 09 21:58 BST (UK)  »
My gg-grandmother, Mary Carroll was listed as being born in Ireland in the censuses from 1851 to 1891, then in 1901 she is listed as being born in Kent, Dover. I'd always considered this to be a mistake of some sort, but recently I've obtained military papers for a James Carroll who is likely to be her father. The papers note that he was discharged from the Army having suffered an eye infection in Dover (1829). Mary was born in about 1840 but there are no FreeBMD online records for a birth in Dover. So I'm wondering where to go from here. There's a possibility that a local Kent BMD  record of her birth exists. Unfortunately the online birth indexes only start in 1992. I live in Middlesbrough, so would anyone be able to assist with a lookup?


Is anyone from the Furness area able to help me with a lookup at Cumbria Record Office in Barrow? I would like to see if there is an obituary listed in the local newspaper for January 1902. I can offer various lookups in return.


Armed Forces / Interpretation of Military Records
« on: Sunday 22 March 09 22:31 GMT (UK)  »
Just found the following records at the National Archive relating to a probable ancestor of mine:

WO 97/516/120 JAMES CARROLL Born KILL, Cavan Served in 34th Foot Regiment Discharged aged 39 1827-1848

WO 97/762/47 JAMES CARROLL Born KILLAN, Cavan Served in 63rd Foot Regiment Discharged aged 22 1827-1829

This is my first foray into military records, so maybe someone could help me with a couple of questions:

Are these records likely to relate to the same person?

What can be deduced from this information - would James Carroll be resident in England during any of the dates listed etc.

Where might I go from here?


Attached photo is thought to be of James Park (1840-1916). Can anything be deduced from this photo - possible date etc? It's a bit of a long shot, but you never know.


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