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Topics - AndrewMartin

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Cambridgeshire / HARRISON & TINGEY - Little Downham
« on: Thursday 12 October 06 14:06 BST (UK)  »
Fanny Harrison, my gtx4 grandmother, was the daughter of Richard and Esther Harrison of Little Downham and was baptised in 19.12.1802. I've also found 6 of her siblings.

She married my gtx4 grandfather Robert Tingey, also of Little Downham and they had about 12 children between 1821 and 1848 and , the eldest, Mary b.1821, was my gtx3 grandmother.

I'm quite interested in finding a bit more about the Harrison family (Richard and Esther) and also finding out more about what happened to the Tingey siblings.

There's a bit more about both branches on my website at and

Suffolk / HOWLETT in Suffolk
« on: Sunday 24 September 06 18:11 BST (UK)  »
Hello, I've kind of kept my HOWLETT family research on the back burner for a while as it has been in a different county than the majority of my research but I've decided now to start it.

The oldest ancestor i can track is John Howlett, who appears aged 65 on the Mildenhall census of 1851. He is listed with his wife Elizabeth (56), his son Thomas (16 - my Gt Gt Gt Grandfather) and his daughter Elizabeth (14).

The census lists them as born in Ashfield - NFK, Sutton - CAM, Mindham - NFK and Neathersom, SFK respectively.

Now, i'm happy to re-read that as Ashfield SUFFOLK, Sutton CAMBS and possibly Mendham SUFFOLK but i'm stuck with the last one.

Also, these are all guesses and actually, i'd like to get some more information on the family.

I know that in 1855, Thomas married Caroline Clark at Mildenhall and at the time, his father was a labourer.

I know that Thomas and Caroline had a daughter, Elizabeth in 1856 who was my Gt Gt Grandmother (and i've followed her tracks, so i'm okay there) but i have no idea whether she had any siblings or any further aunts or uncles.

Thomas died a few years later and then widow Caroline Howlett remarried to Robert Coe of Prickwillow - that bit is also well covered.

Any info on the HOWLETT family of Suffolk is greatly appreciated.

Herts Completed Lookup Requests / BARKER in Barkway, Hertfordshire
« on: Monday 26 June 06 15:23 BST (UK)  »

I'm looking for BARKERs in Barkway, Hertfordshire, in the mid 1800s.

I only have a little information on this family, which can be found on my website at

Cambridgeshire / Seymore / Seymour but i dont see more.
« on: Sunday 19 February 06 16:03 GMT (UK)  »
The Seymore/Seymour family name has twice married widowed gtxN Grandmothers of mine and in both cases, the newlyweds have seemingly vanished. So here i am launching my appeal for information to help me track them down and, for want of a more endearing phrase, kill them off.

Seymour (Part One)
The more recent Seymore appearance occured following the death of my Gt Gt Gt Grandfather, Edward Moden, of Wardy Hill, Coveney. He died in 1867, a few months before the birth of my Gt Gt Grandfather. His death left his widow Mary Ann Moden (nee Freeman of Prickwillow) very heavily pregnant and with an already thriving family of young Moden children.

On 27th March 1871, widow Mary Ann (34), daughter of John Freeman, married David Seymour (32), a labourer, son to Richard Seymour, at Coveney parish church.

On 20th November 1871, George Seymour is born (presumably conceived before the marriage) and this is followed in 13th May 1874 by Sarah Jane Seymour. Both children are baptised in Coveney.

By the 1881 census, the Seymour/Moden family have moved to Green's Farm, Ely but there is no sign of George, who would have been 9yrs old.

After this, i lose track of David and Mary Ann. What happened to George and Sarah Jane? When and where did David and Mary Ann die?

Seymore (Part Two)
Rebecca Newman was born in 1804 and in 1820 she gave birth to Charles Newman in Somersham. The church baptism records of Haddenham (where Rebecca goes to live with her parents) seem to happily name the father as Elias Dann (who crops up in nearby Wilburton) and Charles names Elias Dann as his father on his own wedding register entry years later. 

However, on 31st December 1822, Rebecca Newman married John Seymore and in 1823 they baptise their first child, Sarah Seymore. In 1826 they return to baptise Rebecca Seymore (now noted as being "of Aldreth") but after this, i lose track of them.

Where did Rebecca and John go? Did they have further children? When and where did they die?

Any help is most gratefully received :)

Cambridgeshire / Accident at Haddenham in 1809
« on: Saturday 21 January 06 18:46 GMT (UK)  »
I strongly suspect that one of my Newman ancestors was killed in 1809 at Haddenham in an accident at a mill.

This suspicion has come from reading in the Haddenham parish burial registers that Philip Newman was...

"accidentally killed in a mill belonging to Messrs Robert and William Pate of Haddenham on 20th July 1809"

The ancestor of mine was my Gtx5 Grandfather, husband of Elizabeth (nee Whitehead - she was his second wife) of Haddenham. He was 49yrs.

The reason i've posted this to the forum, is that i would like to know whether there is any documentation that i could perhaps consult to see whether it was really him. It is most likely that it is but i would like to read something like a newspaper article (?) or something that names his wife. Of course, the death occurs outside of the death certificate range but the "accident" seems so vague, that i'd like to delve deeper.  Was Philip meant to have been in the mill? Was he trespassing? Did he work for the Pates? Was there an inquest etc?

Any pointers would be most welcome.


Cambridgeshire Completed Lookups / Vine Taylor b.c. 1852 in Ely. *COMPLETED*
« on: Friday 20 January 06 20:21 GMT (UK)  »
I'm looking for information on my Gt Gt Gt Grandmother, born as Vine Taylor in about 1852. At her marriage in 1870 at St. Mary's Church, Ely, she is noted as the daughter of William Taylor, a labourer. She as well as her groom (George Cross) are both noted as living on Cambridge Road, Ely.

I've got plenty of information on the Cross family before and after this date but what i lack is information on Vine. With such an unusual name, she must have really stood out in records. The name was repeated for her Grand-daughter but that was it.

Did Vine Taylor have siblings?
Who was Vine's mother and father?
Where was Vine born?

The 1871/81 census states that it was Ely but as yet, this elludes me.

Of course, she was born AFTER the 1851 census and the 1861 census for Ely was destroyed... sadly this would really have given me the perfect snapshot of the Taylor family with Vine aged about 9. Her baptism holds the key.

I'd rather come up with some more information before asking the Ely registrar to get searching.

Any help is most appreciated.

kind regards
Andrew Martin  :)

England / Save the country's memory
« on: Tuesday 20 December 05 10:26 GMT (UK)  »
Lifted from the Littleport Society (Cambridgeshire) newsletter that i received this morning in the post is a link to the NCA (National Council on Archives) who have an online petition at

to lobby the government and funding bodies to convince them that putting archives further up the agenda is worthwhile.

Please take a moment to put your Name and Email address onto this petition (no need to do the organisation and position fields) and go towards helping to save, maintain and evolve our nations heritage.

Bedfordshire / A Burnell headstone in Dunstable?
« on: Thursday 20 October 05 19:07 BST (UK)  »
Hello  :)

My research hasnt really taken me to Bedfordshire and therefore I'm cautious of doing a journey to Dunstable just on the off chance that my Great Great Grandfather, George Burnell, has a headstone there on his grave.

He died in 4th June 1891 at The Royal Oak, Church Street, where he was the publican, aged just 41 years. At that time, he had five children with his wife Mary Ann and their sixth child (their only son) was born after his death.

What i'd like to know is whether there was or is a headstone in Dunstable for GEORGE BURNELL. I'm making a sweeping assumption here that presumably Church Street had a church on it and that possibly he would be buried in its churchyard.

Mary Ann was not buried with him later on as she moved over to Littleport in Cambridgeshire and later remarried.

Fingers crossed,

Devon / Mary BABBIDGE
« on: Sunday 31 July 05 17:42 BST (UK)  »
Hello, I'm looking to tie up some more info on one of my ancestors was a Mary Babbidge from Holborne Rogus, Devon. She was born in approximately 1816 and went on to marry Samuel Burnell, moving with him to neighbouring Somerset (Coombe Florey).

This surname is the only one that i have in Devon so i will only be looking back at this part of the site periodically, please drop me a message if you have any info.

There's a little more information on my website at


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