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Topics - alf

Pages: 1 ... 20 21 22 [23]
Gloucestershire Lookup Requests / BEARD (BMD)
« on: Friday 27 May 05 05:57 BST (UK)  »
If any one wants a BEARD, Birth or Marriage Ref looked up from the (BMD Index) I will do it. All I require is Full Name, Year,  (within two years),  Registration District if known or where they were born or married  and what type, Birth of Marriage  I will not look up if only the name and year is given or example  between 1860 & 1870 not known where born

Gloucestershire / Tudor Families
« on: Friday 27 May 05 05:42 BST (UK)  »
I amd researching all the Gloucestershire Tudor Family (not the Royals) and I would like to hear from any person. My Tudor's came from Slimbridge, before that, any ones guess. I am would like  to exchange data

Gloucestershire / Beard Families
« on: Friday 27 May 05 05:39 BST (UK)  »
I am researching/collating all the Gloucestershire Beard Families
and I have a very large amount of data not yet connected to my family, but would give to any family that are connected. If any person would like to exchange information I would like to hera from you

One Name Studies: A to G / BEARD family
« on: Thursday 26 May 05 08:07 BST (UK)  »
I am researching ALL Gloucestershire Beard Families of Beard Families with a Gloucestershire connection.

I would like to hear from any person who may be connected or is a Gloucestershire Beard. I do have a vast amount of data and would like to exchange informations

also researching Tudor, Smith, Hobby, Lusmore (Glos) ;D

Armed Forces / War Graves
« on: Thursday 26 May 05 07:40 BST (UK)  »
If any person is interested in taking photographs of War Graves " British Subjects only" Then have a look at  THE WARGRAVES PROJECT ,  The aim is to record ALL the graves in the world,  be it WW1 & WW2, other conflicts or deaths while in H.M.Forces.  Private family memorial are also included and plaques etc.  For non British subject, ie Australian, Poland etc there are other sites, ran the same way


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