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Topics - ALAMO2008

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World War One / WW1 Navy Medals note ?
« on: Tuesday 26 December 23 14:45 GMT (UK)  »
SPO 229750 Arthur George Norman of the Navy in WW1 killed 31 May 1916

His Medals Record shows 1914/15 Star and British War Medal and Victory Medal

But his Medal record has note on that column end saying "Ww"

Any idea what that means ?

World War One / WW1 Medal Help Please ?
« on: Sunday 24 December 23 11:37 GMT (UK)  »
L/Cpl 12658 Michael West aged 26  of 2nd South African Infantry Killed in Action 24 June 1918 and buried per CWGC in France

But No Trace of him listed on the Medals Card

Is there a Reason why?

World War One / Soldier I D Please
« on: Thursday 07 December 23 17:21 GMT (UK)  »
Soldier on the Right in the Photo is meant to be 22155 Harry Lloyd of the King's Liverpool Pals ?

World War One / WW1 POW ?
« on: Tuesday 28 November 23 17:09 GMT (UK)  »
Pte 359857 Cecil Langton Rennard of 10th Scottish King's Liverpool Regt
Enlisted 5 April 1917
Discharged Wounded 23 May 1919 with Silver War Badge number B238942

The Family have just informed me that he was a German POW he had a leg amputated which saved his life.

But I can't find him on Grandeguerre

Nor can I find his Disability Pension Card

Luckily Genies here have better Searching Skills than me, 

Anything appreciated.

World War One / Regt Identification Please ?
« on: Thursday 23 November 23 20:28 GMT (UK)  »

World War One / Date period ?
« on: Monday 20 November 23 13:30 GMT (UK)  »
Can Period be Identified from the Slouch Hats Please?

World War One / Uniform /Badge Regt I D Please
« on: Sunday 19 November 23 19:38 GMT (UK)  »
Samuel Holding born 1896 West Derby Liverpool on the Left - Portrait taken at Liverpool Studio with Unknown Soldier
Family are hopeful that I D of the Soldier may give us a clue from his Regt as to who he might be if a Relative

World War One / Is this a WW1 Uniform ?
« on: Wednesday 15 November 23 19:36 GMT (UK)  »
This Photo of George Richardson but the Family don't know which War he served in nor which Regt.

Any Opinions Please ?

World War One / Discharged T X
« on: Thursday 09 November 23 15:33 GMT (UK)  »
Two Brothers 8347 Joseph Gaskell and 8960 Edward Gaskell both of 1st King's Liverpool
both went over 12 August 1914
Their Medal Cards for the Star are noted " Discharged T X "
Haven't come across that before.
Any Advice ?
Is it Termination Expired ?

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