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Topics - mkftandc

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Lanarkshire / Peter Blair Mystery , need help
« on: Sunday 30 November 08 03:00 GMT (UK)  »
HI Everyone,

 I really need some RC help on this person . We cannot find him anywhere after 1888 . here is the information that we do have -

Peter Blair -  Illegitimate

B. 26 Apr 1871 - 13 Bell St . Glasgow

Parents - Michael Blair ( Rivetter , Journeyman)
                Sarah Farrell -(power loom weaver ) widow of Michael Muldoon

Birth registry was signed by both parents . And we know what happens to the parents .

In the 1881 Census , Peter is at a school in Dennistoun . (excuse spelling )

In 1888 , Peter Blair signs his mothers death registry . Death by tramcar .

We have no other record for Peter after this 1888 date . He lists his address at the time of the registry as 2 McPherson St , Glasgow .

Peter's father Michael Blair is in and out of the poorhouse and or jail until his death in 23 Jun 1892 . But no sign of Peter on his death registry or in any poorhouses or jails ( thank goodness ).

Any help or suggestions !!!!



Here is another one that needs restoration and if anyone could date it also .All I know about it is that it looks like a Valentine's Day party for the children .


Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Restore - if possible ??
« on: Friday 28 November 08 03:25 GMT (UK)  »
Hi ,

 I was wondering if anybody wanted to take a stab at restoring this picture and possibly date it . I figure dating will be hard because it is only furniture but just thought I 'd ask .

This is a picture of my great great Aunts parlor . Funny thing is that before it was her parlor she was a servant in this house when she first came over from Ireland . Her future husband told her if she married him he would one day buy this house for her . And he did .


World War One / 1st Bn - Royal Irish Regiment
« on: Tuesday 25 November 08 22:06 GMT (UK)  »
Hi ,

 I have been searching for any service records of my relative . Here is his info -

Patrick McGrath - b. 1889 in Ballyragget , Co. Kilkenny , Ireland
son of John McGrath and ?

Regiment - Royal Irish Regiment - 1st Bn
Serial # 4038
Rank - Lance Serjeant
Status - Died of Wound on 22 Sep 1915 in Corbie , France
Burial - Corbie Communal Cemetery , France

I have his info from the War Graves site but cannot find anything on him except a printed version of the above on Ancestry . Not even a medal Index Card .
Not knowing much about the military - was a Lance Serjeant a commisioned or non commisioned rank ? Ancestry says that their records of the " Burnt Documents " are for non commisioned personnel .

Does anyone have any suggestions of where else to look on the internet . I live in the states so can't visit Kew ?

Would Ireland hold any records of this Regiment ? Any help or suggestions will be appreciated .


Lancashire / Liverpool Rd , Irlam
« on: Saturday 22 November 08 16:55 GMT (UK)  »
Hi ,
I just received some records of my gg uncles war service. On his attestation page it says that he was living here -

Michael McGrory - b. 12 Oct 1884 in Keady , Co. Armagh, Ireland

Address - 560 Liverpool Rd , Irlam , Near Manchester

Occupation - Steelworker

Enlisted - 21 Sep 1915 at Hamilton

My questions are -

Can anyone tell me about this area ? Were there steelmills around Irlam ?
Is there a website that might have photos of this area ? And lastly , where is Hamilton in relation to Irlam ?

Michael McGrory died 2 Nov 1918 and is buried in Belguim . I am just trying to figure out how he got from Ireland to England and what he was doing before he gave his life to the War .

Thank you,

Armed Forces / 288th Field Co , Royal Engineers
« on: Monday 10 November 08 03:15 GMT (UK)  »
Hi  Everyone ,

 My Great Uncle , Michael Joseph Flanigan was in the 288th Field Co, Royal Engineers . I am waiting for some records on him but in the meantime I was wondering if anyone knew anything about this unit and how they were captured .

At least some of them must have been POWs because that is what happened to my Great Uncle . He is labeled as a POW and is buried at the Kranji Cemetery in Singapore .

All I know so far about him is his rank and number from the War Graves and his date of death which was 7 May 1942 .

If anyone has any information about this unit and what happened to them , please let me know .


Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Can the reverse be done ?
« on: Thursday 06 November 08 15:35 GMT (UK)  »
Hi Everyone,

 I have a request that I am not sure if it can be done . I would like to in clude a picture of my son with all of my Old family photos . And I was wondering if his picture could be antiqued to look old ?

Can that be done ? If it can i have included 3 photos , either one would be fantastic . By the way , in the photos he is 8 mths old and 30 lbs !!!

Thanks ,

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / 2nd photo to color , please
« on: Tuesday 21 October 08 00:40 BST (UK)  »
Me again,

 Here is the second photo . The baby on the left is a boy . He grew up to become a priest and just passed away last month .

He left me these pictures of the Craugh family . I thought it might look good with a little bit of color .

Thank you,

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Does anybody fancy a litle coloring ?
« on: Tuesday 21 October 08 00:32 BST (UK)  »

 I have 2 pictures of Craugh children . I have no idea what their names are but I thought someone might take a stab at alittle coloring .



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