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Topics - Candolim_Imp

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Europe / Denmark: Help with Danish records
« on: Sunday 05 April 09 22:31 BST (UK)  »
Hoping a Danish speaker might be able to help me here.

I have scans of various Danish records from the archives website. I'm struggling with all of them to varying degrees. The main one at present is the marriage of my GGG grandparents in Holbaek in November 1833.

Using translation websites & common sense, I've determined that one of the columns asks for names, ages, residence and "handling" (Haandtering).

This latter catagory refers to dates close to (but not exactly matching) births.

The obvious answer might be that it could be asking for baptism date, but we're pretty sure we know the groom's baptism of 18th March 1808 (born 13th Jan 1808)... the date on the marriage record is 26th July 1808. The marriage record says he was 25 3/4 at the time.

His bride's mystery date is 4th Aug 1811, and she's listed as 23 1/2. Her age would place her birth around May 1810, which ties in with her age in later census returns.

Can anyone help me on what this "Haandtering" actually means in the context of old marriage records?

Many thanks


Cumberland Lookup Requests / Lookup Request: Alston burials
« on: Saturday 28 March 09 09:56 GMT (UK)  »

Hoping someone can help me with any burials for the name Bailes, Bails or Bales in Alston.

Any help much appreciated



The Lighter Side / Serious contender for silliest name competition
« on: Saturday 06 December 08 08:46 GMT (UK)  »
OK, I've seen a few in my time, with around 8500 names in my tree, and many more viewed in the process... up to now, I think my favourite was the late 19thC child named Albert Hall... and then I found these... distantly related by marriage:

John & Abigail Thompson of Cumberland were obviously trying to set their children apart from the plebs in some way:

They started out pretty normal with an Alfred, then (in reverse order of silliness, though aside from the 2 daftest, this is also in date order, as aside from the last son, the names get increasingly wacky as the years progress):

Ann Crozier
Alphoso de Lamartine
Van Buren Randolph
Alonzo Leonadas Leavenworth

And the last 2 (who came between Van Buren & Alonzo)

Orianna Bernadeen Carrawayleanne
Creamaleaness Euphemia

I found them while tracing the birth details of Van Buren, whose daughter married my G grandfather's cousin.... assuming that the family must have some Germanic origins... but looking at the names, I think John Thompson was either a cruel father, bored with his own common name or simply as mad as a box of frogs.

I just loved this, and had to share

Other Countries / Help! Sierra Leone
« on: Monday 08 September 08 17:16 BST (UK)  »
My partner's grandfather was Henry Williams of Sierra Leone. He married Catherine Colebourn in Liverpool in 1915. Henry was listed as 23 years old, ship's fireman, son of John Williams, Carpenter. We have been told that Henry held Sierra Leone AND Liberian passports. We are also told that he came from Freetown.

I have absolutely no idea how to proceed in tracing Henry's African background, but the name suggests he descended from one of the American slaves "repatriated" to Freetown, Sierra Leone after the American War of Independence when a large number of former slaves who had fought for the British ended up workless & homeless on London streets.

There are some Williams' on IGI who I'd like to think are linked to Henry, but I have no proof at present


Lancashire Lookup Requests / Rhoden family Prescot parish & Bickerstaffe
« on: Friday 05 September 08 20:33 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone have Prescot baptisms &/or burials on file? I'm looking for anything relating to Rhoden..... inparticular:

John & Margaret Rhoden, who baptised a son, Henry in Rainford in Oct 1827 who died in Bickerstaffe aged 14 months. There's also a Charlotte, illegitimate dau of John Mary Rhoden (could mean john unknown & Mary Rhoden) baptised Nov 1827. This child also died in Bickerstaffe aged 14 weeks in March 1828 (buried in Upholland). This seems to indicate that John & Margaret (and perhaps a sister of John, or just her baby) moved to Bickerstaffe between Nov 1827 & Mar 1828. They had numerous children there and moved back to Rainford around 1847/48.

A Mary Rhoden married John Houghton in Ormskirk in 1828, who looks likely to be mother of Charlotte (and probably sister of John)

John was born c1804 and in 1841 lived with a Peter Rhoden born c1780-86. I therefore believe John's parents may have been Peter Rhoden of Parr & Ann Halsall of Windle, who married at Prescot in 1804.

I have no baptism for John or any siblings, nor do I have a marriage record for him, so Margaret's surname is unknown. I'm also struggling to locate Mary Houghton (née Rhoden) in census returns

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Lancashire / Liverpool Directory & general family puzzle help
« on: Friday 08 August 08 20:38 BST (UK)  »
I have a request for information on Brown, Colebourn & Co, Ship & Insurance Brokers of Liverpool. I already have a bit on Colebourn (who is our topic of interest), but I'm hoping to trace Brown, in the hope that he might shed some light on questions we have about Colebourn & family.

In 1853, Gores list Brown, Colebourn & Co. They also individually list William S Colebourn (of B, C & Co) at 12 Canning St. These earlier directories (and newspaper ads) list them as a partnership, but later ones show Colebourn & Co, without Brown. Then, Colebourn suddenly disappears from newspapers and directories at least a couple of years before his death (of Haemorrhoids!!) in 1864.... I think he may not appear after around 1859.

There are things that don't add up about this family. William Swettenham Colebourn presumably had money and lived comfortably (at 1 Priory Rd at the time of their youngest child's birth in 1861), and seemed to be part/full owner of a small, but healthy, ship & insurance broking business. Then he vanishes from the business community, has a curious cause of death (Haemorrhoids might be the root cause, but one might expect a complication to be the actual killer, such as blood poisoning... and as such to be the main cause on his death cert).... and would haemmorrhoids force a man out of work so long before he died?

Added to this, William left no will (or at least, not one large enough to be in the probate books)... nor did his wife, Elizabeth (née Blair), who died in 1870.

They left 5 surviving children (one had already died) William Blair Colebourn, Margaret Eleanor, Walter Larkin, Mary Charlotte & Robert Henry, who were in the care of their aunt, Mary Blair in 1871... ages ranging from 9-18. In 1881, all the children except Walter were still together in Toxteth. I have never been able to trace a death, abode or emmigration for Walter.

William became an insurance clerk, and in 1881, Robert was an apprentice in the tobacco trade, so both were established in decent jobs. William is untraceable after this time, Robert Henry shaved a number of years off his age and was a humble Dock Labourer by 1891. Mary Charlotte also disappears and Margaret married John Tickle & moved to Yorkshire.

My questions are:
What happened to William srs partnership with Brown, and who WAS Brown?

How can all of the family money disappear so rapidly (I've found no newspaper references to bancruptcy around the time of Colebourn's disappearance from the shipping notices & directories)

Where did William Jr, Walter & Mary Charlotte go?

Why did a literate young man with prospects in the tobacco trade end up as a dock labourer? (I have explored the possibility that he was a different man, but there is only one Robert Henry Colebourn born anywhere within a wide time range, and the dock labourer is known under this full name in family certificates)... on top of this, Robert Henry gradually shaves more years off his age with each record, calls himself James Murray in 1901 (which was his wife's stepfather's surname and her grandfather's forename... definitely not a different man in her family, as her stepfather was West Indian and had no children with her mother... only, after a long search, did I find these because of the name matches on their 5 children's forenames). Similarly, in 1891, he had listed himself, "wife" & child by only their forename initials, though the others on the page were fully transcribed (including his mother-in-law in the same house).

Was Robert just worried about being caught out living over the brush with Catherine Lyon (he married her in 1901, she bigamously married another man in 1914), or were there more sinister reasons for his loss of fortune, and his deceptions designed to keep himself hidden?

Any thoughts or further info from directories that might provide more information would be much appreciated

Canada / Garlick & Dady, Lancashire to British Columbia
« on: Wednesday 07 November 07 15:29 GMT (UK)  »
I'm trying to track down more information on my GG aunt, Emily Dady and husband Joseph William Garlick.

Emily was born in Southport, Lancs in 1880, and all evidence seems to point to Joseph also being from Southport, though the couple married in Vancouver.

I had always had trouble reading his surname in the family bible, and today managed to find their marriage on the BC archive website that confirmed his surname as Garlick.

I found a Joseph Garlick in the 1911 census in Vancouver aged 28, lodging with a family named Harrison. Unfortunately, this doesn't give his birthplace or occupation. No record of him in Canada in 1901.

On 5th Aug 1910 a Joseph Garlick aged 28 arrived at Quebec on the Tunisian, destination British Columbia. If I'm reading the page correctly, I think it says he was a gardener. I am struggling to read all of the data, though, as the handwriting is appalling. There's a stamp after his name saying British B**** ****** No idea what is says, but would love to know!

I've found death records:

Emily Garlick. 20th Oct 1939. Vancouver. Aged 57
Joseph William Garlick. 28th May 1971. Victoria. Aged 89

The age and occupation seems to match one Joseph William Garlick, born 1882 in Southport, son of John Garlick and Ann Porter (Joseph's stepmother was named Zillah Taylor). In 1901 John was a nurseryman & florist & his sons were gardeners, including Joseph.

I'm sure that this is the same person, especially when you consider that Emily Dady was also from Southport.

I can't find Emily's emigration to Canada, nor do I know how to find out if they had any children or anything else about their lives in Canada. I would also love to find anyone descended from this couple, as I have a lot of family history to share on all branches of the Dady family.

Emily's siblings William Dady and Elizabeth (by then named Sawyer) also emigrated to Canada.

If anyone can help, or has any links to this family, I'd love to know

Canada Lookup Request / Page family, Quebec & Ontario
« on: Thursday 25 October 07 16:17 BST (UK)  »
I'm hoping someone might be able to help me track down anything on this fanily, primarily Stephen Harvey Page born 1832, who it's believed moved to Canada in 1850 (from England). He married Nancy Ann Colbran c1859 and the family flitted between Quebec & Ontario for a few years, settling there (in York East) by the mid-late 1870s.

I'm particularly looking for any census returns before 1881, especially an 1851 which shows Stephen, hopefully with parents, though I don't know if he emigrated with them or on his own. Also interested in any marriage details between him & Nancy (known as Ann in census returns), which also might give some clue about his parents.



Cumberland / Seeking GUILDFORD/GILFORD etc family in Longtown and Carlisle
« on: Thursday 27 September 07 09:17 BST (UK)  »
I'm desperately trying to trace the family of my GGG grandfather, John Guildford, who married in Liverpool in 1846 and died there just before the 1851 census.

He was living in Liverpool in 1841, born Scotland probably between 1815 and 1818. Recent discovery of family legend claims Dumfries as place of origin. His father was Samuel Guildford, a labourer.

I believe that his parents are Samuel and Mary Gilford, aged 75 and 67 respectively, living in Longtown in 1861. Samual Gillford died Jun Q of 1861 in Longtown district.

In 1871, Mary Guildford aged 82 was living in Botchergate, Carlisle with her daughter, Agnes, aged 33. Both born Scotland.... though I also have a marriage index entry of 2 years earlier for Agnes Guildford in Carlisle district to Telesforo Perez or William Armstrong. This is the only exact spelling Guildford record in Cumberland, and seems too coincidental to not be connected, but she was listed as unmarried in 1871.

Knowing that Samuel dies in Longtown, I was hoping someone might have some details of deaths/memorial inscriptions of the area which might expand on his family links.

Other possible relative is Edward Guildford, who lived in Liverpool from at least 1851, born c1820 in Scotland.


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