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Topics - bearkat

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Sussex Lookup Requests / Adams/Vaus marriage
« on: Friday 01 May 20 21:06 BST (UK)  »
I'm trying to find the marriage of Sarah ADAMS to John VAUS possibly at Cliffe, Lewes between 1670 and 1681.

Can anyone help, please?

London and Middlesex / WCH
« on: Thursday 19 March 20 19:22 GMT (UK)  »
I'm been looking at the record of a relative who was admitted to Mile End Workhouse in 1857.

There is a note to say his wife was in WCH.  I assumed this was Whipps Cross Hospital.  I've now read that West Ham Union Workhouse Infirmary only changed its name to Whipps Cross Hospital in 1917.

So, what does WCH stand for?

Useful Links / Hardwicke Marriage Index - marriages 1754 - 1837
« on: Friday 10 January 20 12:17 GMT (UK)  »
Apologies if this has been posted before

Coverage for each county isn't great, averaging about 10%, but there are parishes included that I've not seen transcribed elsewhere.  It's obviously work in progress with 8 parishes added in 2020 already.

Worth a look.

London and Middlesex / Phillip PHIPPS pre 1881 (completed thank you)
« on: Monday 18 November 19 19:12 GMT (UK)  »
Here is what I found about Phillip PHIPPS so far:

1881 census born 1856 pob NK, living with VAUS family
1891 census born 1859 pob Stepney, living with VAUS family
1894 married Susan Sarah VAUS Mile End Old Town (father James PHIPPS, deceased)
1901 census born 1863 pob Stepney

I can't find any earlier reference to him - not in earlier census or a birth/baptism.

Can you help find him, please?

Family History Programs, Tree Organisation, Presentation / Family Tree Maker on Mac?
« on: Thursday 03 October 19 14:14 BST (UK)  »
My laptop suffered its second software failure in 6 months :'(

I have backed up my Family Tree Maker tree. 

I have now been given a Mac. 

So, can I install FTM 2014 onto my Mac?

Quaker Family History / early Quakers
« on: Saturday 08 June 19 12:38 BST (UK)  »
Looking at the history of Quakers it seems to be accepted that the movement began in 1647.

I've been looking at records for Peel's Court, Westminster on FindMyPast - Can anyone explain why there baptisms for Quakers as early as 1644?

How to Use RootsChat (Please don't post requests here) / Home page
« on: Thursday 23 May 19 22:53 BST (UK)  »
If I click on the Home page I get taken to a BT page ???

I'm using my iPad. 

Is it just me?

Ancestral Family Tree DNA Testing / Great grandfather or not?
« on: Sunday 28 April 19 23:33 BST (UK)  »
Research has shown that my OH's grandfather was illegitimate.  His birth was registered under his mother's maiden name but one of his middle names was the surname of the man she later married. So I was quite happy he was the father.

A DNA match has come up to a second cousin, as shown by paper research, but they only match 135cm. Looking at DNA painter this seems to imply that they are more likely to to be half second cousins (I think).

How can I investigate this further?  Apart from first cousins I've not in contact with any of the wider family although the 'great grandparents' went on to have a further 12 children!).  It's a very common name.

The Common Room / Keeper of the Castle
« on: Saturday 13 April 19 20:21 BST (UK)  »
What did the Keeper of the Castle do in Medieval times?

Would he have lived in the castle?

I can't find anything online.

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