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Topics - soclaxpm

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Lincolnshire Lookup Requests / Ulceby Death
« on: Sunday 07 January 07 00:02 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for the death register  of my great grandmother   Sarah Ann Robson  Sayer Carr
Sarah Ann  Robson married  Emanuel Sayer  was widowed in 1908 then married Harry Carr 
She moved to Ulceby where she died June 3 1918   I was wondering if there was a record of her death at the church or a grave stone   I am trying to see  if it mentioned any further family members

Any assistance   would be appreciated


Wiltshire Lookup Requests / Barstardy Records
« on: Monday 04 September 06 22:33 BST (UK)  »
I was wondering if any  one would be able to look  up in the Sheston magna Barstardy Records
I am hoping to find out if the father is listed for the following children

THomas James Sayer born 1838  to Elizabeth Sayer
Mary Jane Sayer  born 1840 to Elizabeth Sayer

Susan Sayer  1818  born to Hannah Sayer widow at the time

Mary Ann Sayer married  James Neal   He was deported to Australia and she went ont o ahve children and used the name Neal as the childrens surname but I can find no proff she married

I would be interested in any SAYER listed in these recordsas it might hlep to slove some mysteries

Thank you to anyone who can help me  :)


Wiltshire Completed Lookup Requests / Airs/Sayer
« on: Tuesday 01 August 06 18:53 BST (UK)  »
I would be grateful if any one could assist me in this search
I am searching for Information regarding Thomas Airs who married Susan Sayer in Sherston Magna Wiltshire   The marriage took place in 1844 Sheston
No information is known about Thomas    or Thomas and Susans marriage i have been unable to locate them on  any of the census forms
Susan was  the  illegitimate  daughter    of Hannah Sayer poor person  Baptized 1820 In  Sherston

Thank you
Karen :-\

Somerset Lookup Requests / SAyer Crocombe
« on: Saturday 22 July 06 22:23 BST (UK)  »
Looking for any information of SAYER  family of Crowcombe near Taunton Somerset   Particularly a John Syaer born approx 1774   who later  married I believe Hannah maurice of Sherston Wiltshire
Any information regarding John would be appreciated ( I ahave alla the information after he married  .)
John was a draper

Thank you  :)

Wiltshire Lookup Requests / Hannah Maurice /John Sayer
« on: Saturday 22 July 06 22:17 BST (UK)  »
Could anyone assist me  I am searching for the marraige of Hannah Maurice who was i beleive from Sherston Magna  to John Sayer from Crocombe Somerset  The marriage took place approx 1794  give or take   Thank you

England / found some Sayer
« on: Friday 12 August 05 20:55 BST (UK)  »
found recently the following information  On memebers I have been searching for

LIONEL P  Sayer  See Scotland   posting

Florence Annie Sayer Married her stepfather   see  Lincolnshire

England / Missing Family/Ancestors
« on: Friday 12 August 05 20:49 BST (UK)  »
On and Off for the past 10 years I have searched for some family members of my grandfather

I found this missing Ancestor  Florence Annie Sayer  She married her step father 4 weeks after her mother died    In Ulceby Lincolnshire  ... She married a Harry M Carr
I do not know if she had any children  I know she lived in he Scunthorpe /Grimsby area as I located Harry Death in 1950's 
Any other information would be appreciated

Wiltshire Lookup Requests / Sayer
« on: Sunday 15 May 05 19:05 BST (UK)  »
Looking for the marriage of John Sayer and Hannah?  Married end of 1700 first part of 1800 .  They lived in  Sherston Magna  Wiltshire  and raised a family there, John died in approx 1818
Would like to know who the parents of John and Hannah Were

Any other information on SAYER in the area appreciated

Thank you :)

Somerset Completed Lookup Requests / Barnes/Burton 1841,1851
« on: Saturday 07 May 05 01:54 BST (UK)  »
Looking for 
William Barnes  Born approx 1813  Bath Somerset married to Hannah Burton
 On the 1851 Census they were in Gloucestershire
would like o know if they were in  Somerset Bath Twerton area in 1841

Looking for Thomas Burton on the on the 1841 and 1851 census  in Twerton Area wifes name Mary

Thank you

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