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Topics - peggysmum

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Hertfordshire / haymeads,bishops storford. 1920's
« on: Tuesday 28 May 13 18:01 BST (UK)  »
hi all i wander if anyone can provide me with some info on haymeads, bishops storford during the 1920's. i have discovered my 3 x great aunt rosina bentley nee parker died there in 1923 and her father alfred loveridge died there in 1929. both deaths were reported by the same person r.e friend who is listed as occupier which seems an odd way of listing it. I wandered if it is some sort of cottage hospital or home, both would have been very poor, so not able to afford much in a hospital.
thanks so much tracey

Essex / the people's home saffron walden. 1930's
« on: Tuesday 28 May 13 17:57 BST (UK)  »
hi all. i wander if anyone can give me some infomation on the above place. my 3 x great gran comfort parker died there in 1931, and im wandering what sort of place it might be a hospital or a old people's home,  she would have been very poor,so couldnt have paid for anything much. im guessing that by the name it is some sort of home for poor people who cant pay.
thanks tracey

Travelling People / hinks and turvills of leicstershire,could they be travellers.
« on: Saturday 13 April 13 12:03 BST (UK)  »
hi. ive been working away on my tree and have left the brick wall that is loveridge and parker for a bit im fed up with the head banging so have started my mum's dad's side. he was bn in 1901 in derby samuel gill and he die din 1953 he with my romany gran sort of had one foot in the traveller world back in derby during the war, he was disabled so couldnt go off. anyway he did a bit a this and a bit of that as yer do. now his parents were samuel gill 1869 ish -1910 and matilda turvill 1871-1945. in the 01 they are in willow row derby which was a tenement building (very poor) they are described as hawkers of small wares, she is again in the 11. now the family story is they were travellers, they were certainly involved with them, 2 of there daughters married gypsys men and sam the son joined up with my gran peggy. But i can so far not get back on sam snr he is remaining stubbonly anonymous alongside my alfred loveridge  >:( i have a rough birth date but there are other samuel gills bn at the same time, exactly the same as alf. very annoying. but matilda i have managed to get her birth certificate and her parents were robert turvill bn in harby,leicstershire 1819 , i dont think the family came from there. his parents were robert turvill and mary pick. they had plenty of children but didnt marry till a few years before he died.
matilda's mum was a sarah hinks, i think her parents were an edward bn 1774-1840's and hannah evans. now these hinks and turvills seem to stick together in the very poorest parts of leicester, matilda was bn in orange-tree court which i dont think was as nice as it sounds. they do seem to get in a lot of trouble with the police but i think that is because they are so poor. now i have found a robert turvill and sarah hinks in 1851, in leicster and in that census he is described as a chair bottomer and living with other bottomers and grinders. in later census he seems to be doing other things but no real trade so i can imagine a bit of this and a bit of that like my grandad. so could they be travellers or just dirt poor people living in the same areas as other very poor travellers. has anyone come across the names turvill/e or hinks in there research. the hinks are a bit hit and miss as if they up and move a lot but robert and sarah seem to stick to leicstershire. there daughter ending up, up the road in derby, just as poor.
( i wander why it is i just cant find a rich ancestor they all seem to be poor and sadly the pattern hasnt changed, i guess some of us are meant to be in the lower classes, i have nver done anything naughty though.)
anyway this is my grandad and uncle. and the pony was i believe bob.

thanks tracey

Bedfordshire Lookup Requests / parker baptism in cranfield beds. 1869-1873
« on: Saturday 09 February 13 17:48 GMT (UK)  »
hi all. i have just discovered my 2 x great grannies maiden name was parker. she has stated in the 2 census reports i have her in that she was born in cranfield beds but as she is a romany it has been difficult to pin her down. i now know as i say she was a parker. (she always used loveridge on other certificates) i recently discovered she had another son in 1915 so through this i discovered she was a parker.
so im hoping there will be a baptism record for her in cranfield, there are 3 possible eliza parkers bn between 1869 and 1872. any help anyone can give me would really be greatly appreciated i just have not been able to find out who she was and who her parents where so im so hoping now i know she was a parker i may be able to find her.
thanks so much. tracey

The Common Room / university college hosp, st pancras in 1935
« on: Friday 04 January 13 16:26 GMT (UK)  »
hi all. i wasnt sure quite where to put this so if it should be somewhere else im sorry.
I have just got the death cert today for my great grandad, he apparently died in the above hosp in 1935 of cancer. now what im not sure about is how and why he was taken there.. my great grandad was at the time working as a groom for a local doctor in toddington, beds, prior to that he and his family of 6 daughters and his wife were travellers. so there was not much money. Now i was told by a great aunt that he was ill one day and he was taken away and she never saw him again. He died of cancer of the liver, he  served in the 1st war and was gassed and this is what led to the cancer. so why would he be taken all the way to st pancras, 40 odd miles from toddington, past several closer hospitals, who could have paid for him to go to travel there, stay in the hospital and bring his body home, surely that would have cost to much for my great gran. the only thing i can think is maybe the army as he was a veteran and the illness was a result of the war but would they. Any ideas please.
thanks tracey

Unwanted Birth, Marriage, Death Certs N to S / PARKER William Sidney death 1935
« on: Thursday 03 January 13 21:10 GMT (UK)  »
i have a death cert for a william sidney parker dd 1935 age 56 in lambeth.
brought by mistake. please pm me if you would like it.
thanks tracey

Essex / how might i find a burial record please
« on: Saturday 29 December 12 12:20 GMT (UK)  »
hi i wander if anyone can give me some suggestions please as too how i might try and find the grave of my great great gran, ive just discovered she died in 1961 in st albrights hospital, stanway,colchester. i am not sure of churches there or if she might be in a council cem, i suspect more likely council and possibly pauper. her husband went in an unmarked paupers grave in st albans so possibly she may have to. she was 88 yrs old when she died and her name was eliza loveridge.
thansk so much for any suggestions.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / 2 family photos, date ideas please
« on: Tuesday 11 December 12 16:32 GMT (UK)  »
hi. i have these 2 family photos i wander if anyone can help me date them please, i think the wedding one must be around 1920 as the baby on the lady's  lap is my nan vera and she was born jan 1918, her mum is bessie my great gran and at the other end is my great grandad bertie.him with the ears. (seems we have to features in our family ears and nose)
the shop photo we are not sure on at all. i think the man with the beard in the wedding photo is the man in the shop photo. we dont know where the shop was. also i wander can anyone help me crop it so it is just the photo i have tried to edit it but i cant figure it out how to do it.
thanks tracey

Travelling People / question please regarding census.loveridge
« on: Tuesday 11 December 12 15:25 GMT (UK)  »
hi all. sorry havent been on for a while, but ive still been beavering away trying to solve this puzzle of my family. i have had a lot of help from kaziah i dont think i could have got this far without her but we are both stuck. where i am at so far is as follows in reverse order.

lavinia loveridge (my great gran) bn 1897 suffolk dd 1987 markyate,herts.
israel loveridge (her dad, partner of the mysterious eliza loveridge) bn ampthill beds, 1869 dd 1940 st albans
alfred loveridge (his dad, partner of comfort parker) bn bedford c1852 dd c1929

now we think alfred is the son of joseph loveridge aka montague grey and elizabeth loveridge but we just cant find the proof. there are several alfred loveridges bn around the right time but he seems to be the only one on bedfordshire he seems to fit BUT there is a problem which is what is throwing us out.

we have in the 1871 census in princes risbourgh, bucks
alfred lovel/r 24 beds
comfort lovel/r 24 bucks
ambrose    4    beds
issac/israel 1 beds.
with them is nelson parker and his family and james taylor and his family.

but in cople, beds in 1871  there is an entry for
montague grey 37
elizabeth loveridge 36
alfred son 20 bn 1851 bedford.
all other kids.

so could he have been in both places, i dont mean at the same time i mean a few days later. nelson parker and his family got caught twice in the 71 census so could alfred, or is it possible a mistake was made, i should imagine the enumerator filled out the form could montague/joseph have just said the names of all there kids misunderstanding that they only wanted those present not all there family. or am i getting desperate and clutching at straws.
the only other thing is in the 1891 census comfort parker is found with some of her kids and a chap called thomas grey, now i dont know who he is but i suspect he may well be alfred, she is back with alf in 01 and 11. i have not found them in the 1881 census or alfred,israel or ambrose loveridge in the 91 so im wandering if ther eis this link with the grey surname maybe that is what connects the families.

i may possibly have asked this before, if so im sorry, im trying to find the answer to who my alfred is, im sure he is a member of the loveridge family that is descended from william and margaret loveridge but i just cant find which alf he is.
hope someone here can help. thanks so much tracey

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