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Topics - dorsetfolk

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For Sale / Wanted / Events / Dorset Family History Society's Monthly meeting
« on: Saturday 06 May 17 19:58 BST (UK)  »
Simon Wills will be giving a talk entitled ' Seafaring Ancestors on Camera'.

Photographs of seafaring ancestors can give a lot of information to researchers on how they lived, and Simon Wills' helpful and practical guide will indicate how to interpret that evidence caught on camera.
Maritime roles have been so vital to Britain and they are among the most common of professions depicted in photographs. Whether an ancestor served in the Royal Navy or Merchant Navy, or other seagoing roles such as fishermen, lifeboat men or even a ship's passenger, Simon can help spot photographic clues as a guide to an individual's past.
Born and brought up in Poole, Simon is a history journalist, author and genealogist writing for many magazines including 'Family Tree' and being an advisor for the BBC's 'Who Do You Think You Are?' He is a regular presenter on 'Who Do You Think You Are? - Live', and in his books he uses many period details to bring his readers closer to the lives of their ancestors.

Venue: St John's Church Centre, Ashley Road (opposite Waitrose), Upper Parkstone, Poole, BH14 0AA
Date: Monday 12th June 2017
Time: from 7.30pm for 8pm start
Admission: £2 to include refreshments
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'The History of Poole Hospital' by John Gill

John is a retired medical librarian who worked at Poole Hospital for 34 years and is now researching into the history of healthcare in Poole at the Poole History Centre in Dorset. He is also a voluntary archivist at the hospital. John's talk this evening is of how the modern hospital has developed from the small Cornelia Cottage Hospital in the Old Town to the Longfleet Road site of today, how it coped with two World Wars, and how it was rebuilt from the basement up, serving the people of Poole and beyond.

Venue: St John's Church Centre (opposite Waitrose), Parkstone, Poole, BH14 0AA.
Time: 7.30 for 8p.m. start.
Admission: £2 to include refreshments.
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'Thomas Hardy - a Literary Life' by Rob Curtis

Rob, a retired RAF Officer, an experienced tour manager and a South West Tourism Blue Badge Guide, has led a number of walks and given several talks for DFHS. This evening he will be talking about the life of Thomas Hardy and his literary connections with Dorset.

Venue: St John's Church Centre (opposite Waitrose), Parkstone, Poole, BH14 0AA.
Time: 7.30 for 8p.m. start.
Admission: £2 to include refreshments.
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'Founders of Bournemouth' by John Barker

John is a long time Bournemouth resident and currently President of Bournemouth Civic Society. He will be giving an illustrated talk on the growth of early Bournemouth by four Victorian shapers of the town - a surveyor, an estate agent, a builder and a doctor.

Venue: St John's Church Centre (opposite Waitrose), Parkstone, Poole, BH14 0AA.
Time: 7.30 for 8p.m. start.
Admission: £2 to include refreshments.
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'A History of Swanage Pubs' by John Patrick

John Patrick, an amateur historian and part of the Swanage Museum team, previously gave a talk to DFHS on the tombstones of the famous people of Swanage in Dorset. As part of his interest in local history he has also researched the history of the pubs and hostelries in Swanage. This evening John will be sharing the stories of the change of names and buildings and will be talking about the people involved in the changes over the years.

Venue: St John's Church Centre (opposite Waitrose), Parkstone, Poole, BH14 0AA.
Time: 7.30 for 8p.m. start.
Admission: £2 to include refreshments.
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For Sale / Wanted / Events / Dorset Family History Society's monthly meeting
« on: Friday 25 November 16 19:15 GMT (UK)  »
The ever-popular Bonny Sartin returns to tell the story of Dorset's brave fishermen who for hundreds of years sailed across the Atlantic for the summer to fish for cod off Newfoundland. As Bonny explains, "Many fortunes were made and lost, but the port of Poole, in particular, flourished. It was tough for the fishermen though. Newfoundland is inhospitable. Icebergs, fogs and foul weather played havoc with their little boats and if you survived that, you were often greeted by the Press Gang when you reached home!"

Venue: St John's Church Centre (opposite Waitrose), Parkstone, Poole, BH14 0AA.
Time: 7.30 for 8p.m. Start.
Admission: £2 to include refreshments.
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Dorset Family History Society will be holding their AGM followed by a talk on 'The Industries of Verwood and Three Legged Cross' by Pam Reeks. Pam, a founder member of DFHS and an archivist for Verwood Historical Society, will be talking about brick making, pottery, hurdle and besom making and farming in that part of East Dorset.

Venue: St John's Church Centre, Ashley Road (opposite Waitrose), Parkstone, Poole, BH14 0AA
Time: 7.30 for 8p.m. start
Admission: £2 to include refreshments


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