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Topics - walker1234

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Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / a restoration if you can :)
« on: Sunday 16 December 12 12:14 GMT (UK)  »
Hiya , can anyone have a go at restoring this picture from my grt grans locket ?
thanks if you can :D

Hi can anyone possible date this better for me ? plus any information about the car would be great, as i know nothing.

Its a picture of my grt grt grandpa and his family around his car. i know its roughly 1910 -1920 . ill name and date them left to right ; Rosa 1867-1922. Arnold and Phyllis twins b.1906, John william 1862-1927, Alfred b.1903, Norman b.1892, Gladys b.1895, Percy b.1889.

the picture is a copy of a copy but i have another picture of them which i will post as well , which i think is an original , around the  same time (its about 11.5cmx7cm in size the second photo)

thanks if you can  :)

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