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Topics - SiGr

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The Common Room / 'M' annotation in baptism Register - any ideas ?
« on: Wednesday 27 April 22 11:06 BST (UK)  »
Would anybody know the meaning of the annotated letter 'M' in this 1884 baptism in Chester ? And what also looks like a 'C' below it but might not be ?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Armed Forces / Help requested identifying three medal ribbons.
« on: Thursday 24 March 22 17:18 GMT (UK)  »
Can anyone please help identify the medal ribbons here ? I have included two photos - the full portrait and then a zoom of just the ribbons.
The sitter is Arthur Dugdale in his uniform as a Lieutenant-Colonel in the Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars (QOOH). It comes from the 1927 book “The Oxfordshire Hussars in the Great War’ by Adrian Keith-Falconer.
Arthur was promoted to Lt-Col on 10 Mar 1914 so the photo is of that date or later.
He commanded his regiment on the Western Front throughout WW1 and so would have been awarded at least the 1914 Star and Victory Medal. However, I am pretty sure he is not wearing those two medals in this photo.
He was awarded the Territorial Decoration in 1913 the CMG in 1915 and the DSO in 1919.
Given the date of this photo is Mar 1914 or later, one of the medals should be the TD with its Green/narrow Yellow/Green colours but I can’t say I am sure one of those ribbons is actually his TD.
Members of the QOOH served in the South African War of 1900-01 but I am reasonably confident Arthur did not take part in that campaign.
I thought one of these might be a 1902 Coronation Medal but the colours do not match. I also considered the later 1911 Coronation Medal as it is known that several QOOH members received that medal. But to my eye the colours again do not appear to match.
So, in short I am perplexed on all three ribbons.
On a semi-related issue, Arthur’s name on the photo includes his CMG and DSO but not his TD. I have no idea why this was not mentioned and would welcome any thoughts on that omission as well.
Thanks in advance for any ideas/comments/suggestions.

The Common Room / Baptized twice within 4 months. Any suggestions why ?
« on: Wednesday 09 February 22 14:38 GMT (UK)  »
I just came across an ancestor who was baptized in Malpas, Cheshire on 23 July 1842 and then again in Malpas on 23 October 1842. In each case the details are exactly the same - name: Anna. Parents: John and Sarah Edwards. Abode: Harthill. Father: Shoemaker. The person performing the ceremony was the same person as well - H Wigfield, Officiating Minister. The details are the same in both the Parish Register and Bishop's Transcript on each occasion. There are no annotations in the margins to explain or elaborate.
The people being baptized either side of the dates are not duplicated. Only Anna Edwards.
Does anybody have any ideas/suggestions as to why this would have happened ? Or am I missing something obvious ?
Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Cheshire / Has anybody heard of Whitenbury in Cheshire ?
« on: Saturday 22 January 22 04:56 GMT (UK)  »
Has anybody heard of Whitenbury in Cheshire ? It is in the attached 1861 Census return but I can find no trace of it. I thought it might be Wittenbury or something similar but again found nothing named like that either
Most of the family concerned come from the Tattenhall and Huxley area but a search of an old map had nothing resembling this place in the surrounding area.
The person in the Census appears one other time as being born in Staffordshire - but I again drew a blank.
Does anybody have any thoughts/ideas/suggestions ?
Thanks in advance.


A basic question from a DNA novice.

I have already done Ancestry and 23andme DNA tests.

I was just wondering, is there any real use/benefit in my mother doing one as well ?

I should add that there are no 'maternity concerns'; I am just wondering if her doing a test will help us expand and explore our family tree any more.

Thanks in advance for any comments.



Please can someone tell me the word at Arrow A on the attached and xxxx in Line 17 below ? It is not 'give' because Arrows B and C state "give" and it is not the same word. It looks like 'save' or something similar but if so, that makes no sense in the context of the sentence. The lines shown read (my best transcription):

14. moveable and unmovable whatsoever; Item I give and bequeath
15. unto my two son in laws and their wives and any one of their
16. children twelve pence apiece in full discharge of their
17. child’s part, I xxxx my two son in laws and their wives and
18. children Richard Wilcockson and Thomas Leather both of
19. Manley aforesaid; Item all the rest of my good moveable
20. and unmovable whatsoever, my debts and funeral expenses
21. being discharged I do give unto my two daughters Jane

Many thanks in advance for any assistance.


If possible, please could someone help me identify the name of a place in line 2 of the attached 1632 Will of Alice Birkenhead ? I am stumped as to whether it is even one or two words. The initial letter of the underlined word a few lines below I know to be 'M' as the name is 'Mainwaring' if that helps. I have checked all the townships around Nantwich and the 1899 map but cannot find anything that matches I am also keen to know the word indicated in line 6 which seems to be 'six something pounds'. My current best effort of lines 1-7 is:
1.  In the name of God: Amen August the first in the year of our Lord God one thousand five hundred thirty and two I Alice Birkenhed
2.  of XXXXXXXXXXXXXX in the county of Chester spinster; being somewhat weak in body, but of sound mind and perfect memory (I thank my God) do make
3.  my last will and Testament in manner and form following; first I commend my soul into the hands of God my creator and redeemer; and my body to the earth
4.  where it was, to be interred as my under-named executors shall in their directions think convenient; and as for my worldly goods and chattelsI declare my
5.  will as followeth. First I give and bequeath unto my niece Mainwaring her three children, Henry Mainwaring, John Mainwaring, and Elizabeth
6.  Mainwaring sixXXXXX pounds, to be employed for their best advantage by my under-named executors and delivered to them (xxxxx equally divided) or to
7.  the survivors or survivor of them, together with such profit as they shall have raised out of the same; when they shall severally accomplish their ages.
Thanks in advance for any help.

Please could somebody help me identify the surname on the attached picture ? The initial letter has me stumped - it does not appear anywhere else in the Will nor in my 'Secretary Hand ABC Book' that I use for reference. If it is not a surname, what word is it ?
Thank you in advance for any assistance.

I would be grateful for people's thoughts, comments, suggestions on the attached. It concerns a baptism entry from Frodsham in Cheshire in 1596. The 1912 book of transcriptions states it as, "Ric. Janion fil Hugon' B[aptized]". It is the 'Hugon' that I am interested in. I have attached an enlargement of it. A bit higher up there is an entry that the 1912 transcription has as, "Jane Hatton fil. Hugonis" which hopefully serves for a comparison. This Hatton 'Hugh' is (1) and the Janion 'Hugh' is (2).
Could people tell me if they agree with the Janion "Hugon" or do they think it is something different ?
Thank you in advance.

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