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Topics - NettieS

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The Common Room / A bit of a dilemma thats complicated
« on: Tuesday 10 April 12 12:53 BST (UK)  »

Hi Everyone,

I was recently contacted by a distant relative (my fathers cousins daughter) looking for information about her grandmother and her grandmothers family. The ladies father had been led to believe that his mother had died when he and his three siblings were quite young.
Through alot of research and contact with other distant family members I have found that my fathers aunt left her husband ( the reason why is unknown), however she went on to have 6 more children.
During the course of my research, I have also found that two of the ladies fathers siblings have a different mother to him and his sister.

I honestly feel at this moment in time that I shouldnt pass on any of the information I have found out to this lady as I dont want to open a can of worms so to speak or upset her or her father and the family he has grown up with.

I just wondered if anyone else in the course of thier research had come across something like this and how you dealt with it.


Travelling People / Colney Heath Common Gypsies 1920's
« on: Friday 08 April 11 10:58 BST (UK)  »

Hi All,

I am researching the Gypsies that used to live on Colney Heath Common in the 1920's.
My cousin has a magazine article from the 1970's which has 4 photo's in it taken at Colney Heath Common in the 1920's, one is of his great grandparents, there is another one of a lady on her own, one of a child (which is also on the Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies website) and another photo of an older gentleman who according to the article had been identified by locals as Johnie Chopper, we believe that Johnie Chopper could be my cousins great great grandfather.

At the moment I seem to be hitting a brickwall and have come up with nothing, even after having a conversation with my cousin he said that he and his siblings dont know anything about this side of thier family.
Knowing how helpful everyone is on this board I wondered if some kind person may know something and be able to help me.

Apart from the name Johnie Chopper (which was a nickname) the only surnames I have to go on are Porter and possibly Smith.

Kind Regards

US Lookup Requests / Hartley, Bramwell, Massachuttes
« on: Thursday 17 February 11 15:06 GMT (UK)  »

I am researching my family tree and it seems that one of my great grandfathers sisters Clara Bramwell got married about 1905 in New Bedford to a Robert Hartley.

They had three daughters, Bertha born 1906, Annie born 1908 and Maud born 1909, they were all born in a place which I was led to believe was called River Fall, Massachuttes, but it is more likely to be Fall River.
I,m hoping some kind person if possible could do a look up for me of thier births and also see if the three daughters married.

Kind Regards

Stirlingshire / John Wilson Liddell and Elizabeth Aitken Liddell Completed
« on: Wednesday 04 August 10 15:40 BST (UK)  »

I,m trying to trace the families of John Wilson Liddell and Elizabeth Aitken Liddell
The information I have so far is that John and Elizabeth were the son and daughter of James Liddell and Mary Wilson. John was born in 1893 and Elizabeth in 1896 both in Airdrie, they had a sister Margaret who was my husbands grandmother ( Margarets family have been traced).

John Wilson Liddell according to information that has been passed onto me died in Larbert in 1978 and Elizabeth Aitken Liddell could have possibly married a Robert Smith round about 1930.

I would be very grateful for any help as I have hit a brick wall on these two and thier families.

Kind Regards

Lancashire Completed Lookup Requests / Ralph Bramwells Third Wife
« on: Tuesday 02 March 10 23:36 GMT (UK)  »

Hi All,

I,m hoping that someone could kindly do a marriage look up for me for my 3x great grandfather  Ralph Bramwell and his third wife.
Her name was either Mary O'Connor or Mary Kelly according to two trees that I have seen on another site and they married sometime between 1852 and 1855 in Bolton.
I really want to find out which Mary he married and would be very grateful for any help anyone can give me.


Lancashire / Bramwell family Lancashire
« on: Thursday 28 January 10 15:28 GMT (UK)  »

I,m looking for information on the Bramwell Family which seem to be spread all over Lancashire,
my own particular part of the Bramwell family comes from Bolton.
Although my great great grandfather and most of his siblings were born in Derbyshire, they seemed to have moved to Bolton after thier mother died and thier father got remarried.
Where my 3x great grandfather had two more children Martha born 1855 and James born 1857.

I believe that many of my great great grandfathers siblings may have moved to other areas of Lancashire as I have found information that suggests some of them did.


Census and Resource Discussion / False Information On Ancestry
« on: Monday 30 November 09 08:58 GMT (UK)  »

Hi All,

I,m going to have a slight moan but it is also a warning to all members researching thier family trees. 
Yesterday I went on the Ancestry site and came across someones tree which has my great grandmother on it with information on it that is not true. This persons tree has my great grandmother as passing away in Cambridge, Somerset, Maine, USA when infact my great grandmother died in Cambridge, England.
My great grandmother passed away at my grandparents house in Nuttings Road, I went to her funeral and being the eldest great granddaughter she left me her wedding ring.

I am so cross that who ever this person is has not researched thier information correctly, which sadly seems to be quite comman for alot of  peoples trees on Ancestry, which in turn leads to alot of confusion for people researching thier family trees.
If you use Ancestry at all please make sure that the information you have is correct or that the information some else may have in a tree there is correct even if you have to keep checking the information until you get it right.
Thanks for letting me moan.


Tipperary / Look Up For Rawley Please
« on: Thursday 30 April 09 10:41 BST (UK)  »

Hi Everyone,

I was hoping some kind person could help me by doing a look up for me.

In the last couple of days I have been told by a relative that my grandfather came from Tipperary, considering all the family thought he orginated from Middlesex it has come as a bit of a shock.
My grandfather was the black sheep of his family because he was very much a rogue when he was younger.

I have looked at the link that takes you to the pilot site so you can look for family and had a hit with my grandfathers name and year of birth although not the correct month, but my grandfather could have possibly changed the month of his birth to hide how much of a rogue he was.

The information I have found is John Rawley birth Jul- Sep 1915 Cashel Registration District (Tipperary, Ireland) but it doesnt give his mothers name and I wondered if someone could possibley find out for me. I have been told that my grandfathers mothers name was Florence Rawley and would like to know if this name is on record at the Cashel Registration District as  John Rawleys mother.


London and Middlesex / Wheeler Builders Firm on Seven Sisters Road Tottenham
« on: Tuesday 06 January 09 23:21 GMT (UK)  »

Hi All,
I have hit a complete brick wall with this for the last few years and am hoping someone will be able to give me a little help.

My great grandfather whose surname was Wheeler owned a builders firm on seven sisters road in Tottenham, I dont know what my great grandfathers first name was and this is where I hoping someone could help.
My great grandmother was a Rawley by birth, I believe she may have been born in Edmonton, which is where my grandfather was born before my great grandmother married my great grandfather.

Really I am looking to go a bit further with my tree and because my grandfather was the black sheep of the family and didnt have anything to do with his parents this is the only information I have.


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