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Topics - Doddie

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Armed Forces / QARANC look up please.
« on: Thursday 29 March 18 11:50 BST (UK)  »
Can somebody do me a great favour? I am not on the Forces War Records website - and I am not entirely sure if the information I am after is contained on it. My mother was in the Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps between approximately 1955 - 1960. She served in Malaya during the 'emergency' and I  have her medal that she was awarded. I am trying to find records relating to her. My mother's name then was Ishobel McAlpine Stewart. She was born in November of 1932 in Argyll, Scotland and was a Lieutenant and then a Captain in the QARANC. I have a great many wonderful photos of her from her time in Malaya/Singapore. I would just like some more service details to complete my research. I am aware of the fact  that by calling the conflict an emergency it meant that it allowed the government of the day to declare that it was not a war in the technical sense of the word. Therefore it may be that there are no relevant records to view on the Forces War Record website. That being the case does anybody have any ideas where  else  I can look for the records. I would be grateful for any assistance.



I have been with Ancestry since about 2008 and have not encountered any problems until now.

For the last few weeks I have been unable to view transcripts of any documents. All 'View' boxes are now very narrow. When I click on them I initially just get a black screen then a dialogue box pops up saying, "Oops, we've hit a snag, we are unable to retrieve the image. Please try again". Needless to say trying again makes no difference. All other aspects of  using the site are fine, just this one irritating issue. I take it that because the problem is obviously recognised by Ancestry themselves and flagged up via one of their own dialogue boxes, the problem is at their end.

All advice appreciated.



Ireland / Records of inquests in Ireland late 1800s.
« on: Thursday 12 January 17 15:31 GMT (UK)  »
I have a general inquiry about how to obtain details of inquests held in Ireland during the late 1800s (between 1888 and 1891 inclusive, to be more precise). Is it a similar process to finding the information for England. I have been trying online to find the details of the inquest in to the death my g. g. grandfather who moved from England to Ireland after 1888. He was apparently killed during an accident on a building site. To avoid repetition/additional complications I don't want to expand on the particulars in this post because I have explored this subject previously on RootsChat. I just want to know if is there an Irish organisation or similar that holds historic information on inquests or is it simply a matter of continuing to trawl through old newspapers. All help would be much appreciated.



The Common Room / Mary Ellen Wilson, born Kirkdale, Liverpool Nov. 1872
« on: Thursday 22 December 16 16:43 GMT (UK)  »
I am hoping that somebody also has 'my' Mary Ellen Wilson in their family tree. I am investigating some new avenues in order to try and  discover more about the demise of my g.g. grandfather Robert Wilson, Mary's father (the link below is one of my previous postings about Robert which will provide some background detail). Mary's mother was Mary Jane Dickinson. Mary's parents were married in the Edge Hill area of Liverpool in 1866. Mary was born in Kirkdale in November of 1872. In August of 1891 she married Samuel Flynn in Leigh Lancashire. In 1901 Mary and Samuel are living at 11 Birch Street(?), in the Lancashire parish of Tyldesley with Shakerley. Their children are Mary, John and Dorise (or possibly Doris). By 1911 the family are living at 2 Mort(?) Street. They have another child, Samuel. In each census entry Mary's middle initial is incorrectly given as 'H', maybe because the middle name has been heard as 'Helen'.

I would be very grateful to anyone who can shed new light on what became of Mary's father. I am hoping that any relative of Mary's who comes across this post might be able to provide some new insights.



The Common Room / Assuming middle names in later life.
« on: Monday 07 November 16 11:04 GMT (UK)  »
A general query. I want to find out what the position is when an individual assumes a middle name in later life. My paternal g. grandfather assumed the maiden name of his maternal grandmother as his middle name. It appears on his death certificate in 1943 and on the family headstone at the cemetery where he was buried. I am trying to find out what official protocols may have existed (and maybe still exist) for suddenly assuming a middle name. Also, I am trying to find out what other documents or information sources (apart from BMD and census forms) might contain my g. grandfather's longer name form. I am trying to establish when he first used his new middle name.



Europe / Ancestral origins of the family of Harold Shiers (born Blackpool 1899).
« on: Thursday 06 October 16 15:26 BST (UK)  »
Have recently embarked on a diversionary line of research. I am interested in discovering the family background of the man I knew (when a little boy) as my Blackpool born paternal grandfather, an affectionate man. He was in reality my dad's stepfather. Harold Shiers was my grandmother's second husband who she married in 1946. I have followed Harold's line back. His father was Solomon (known as Saul) Shiers born in Manchester in 1862. He married a local Manchester girl who was C. of E. Harold's grandfather was Jacob Shiers born in Austria in 1837. As far as I can gather he moved to England just before 1860 with his wife Annie. I am interested in finding out about Harold's Jewish roots. Does any one know what online genealogical records there are for Austria. Also, is Shiers a typically Jewish surname or would Jaocob have 'anglicised' his surname to appear more British? I would dearly like to put more meat on the bones of my 'grandfather's' life even though there is no blood connection with him.



The Common Room / Visiting records office in Edinburgh on Tuesday 20th September
« on: Thursday 15 September 16 08:04 BST (UK)  »
Slightly short notice, I know, but I will be visiting the records office in Edinburgh this Tuesday coming. Happy to look up for Scottish related queries that anyone has. Will do my best to get through any queries I receive.



Census and Resource Discussion / 1851 census check *completed*
« on: Wednesday 07 September 16 14:02 BST (UK)  »
Can I ask a favour? I am on Ancestry but not on Findmypast. Too cut a long story short I have been unable to find a family on the 1851 census for England yet I am convinced that the family were living in the Seaforth/Litherland area of Liverpool at the time of the census. The family lived most of their lives in this area and I have managed to put together a detailed paper trail for them showing this. Could somebody please have a look in 1851 on findmypast for  the Wilson Family. Head, Robert Wilson, born in Overton, Lancs. in 1804/5, gardener or coachman. Wife, Mary Wilson, born Cheshire in 1816/17 possibly a laundress. Son Robert, born Seaforth in 1844/45. As far as I know there were no other children. I have been unable to find these Wilsons as either a family unit or individually on Ancestry. It may be that the actual census sheet pertaining to them has gone missing or suffered damage. However, I am also thinking that there is an outside chance that there are discrepancies between the two websites and that the family may exist on findmypast. All help very much appreciated.



The Common Room / Missing census pages
« on: Monday 29 August 16 14:38 BST (UK)  »
Just a v. general query. How frequent is it for there to be missing census pages? On Ancestry I have been trying to look for a census entry for a family living in the Litherland/Seaforth area of Liverpool. I have a quite detailed paper trail comprised of various other documents but the 1861 census has yielded nothing. For a thirty year period the family seemed to have lived in the same area (which I have mapped out). The only explanation I can come up with is that the original page of the relevant census is missing.



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