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Topics - slightlyfoxed

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London and Middlesex / marriages
« on: Monday 26 July 10 11:22 BST (UK)  »
1816- Does anyone have any ideas about why someone with a business in High Wycombe might go to Deptford to be married.? It is quite a distance and  there was only the Blackfriars bridge over the Thames, apart from London Bridge  so why?

It was a bigamous marriage - Like most people who were not exceedingly rich they couldn't afford to divorce. It was the only option available at the time.
BUT unless they told people, nobody would /could have known surely!??
It is obviously more complicated than that - She was living in Colchester and left  but why go to Deptford? It seems an odd choice.?
 In those days people just moved away and settled down together but this pair definitely 'married'...

Cornwall / Finding small places
« on: Friday 11 June 10 12:07 BST (UK)  »
help! Has anyone any idea how i can find out where ancient ancestors where actually living.???
E.G. St Columb is a town and a large parish not far from the coast-and in 1550 - 1620 was a long time ago.
How can I discover - preferably on line- where these families actually lived . Small farms abound,  there are villages with manor house- these were gentry- landed folk,  but I cant find where they actually lived.
 this is an example-  Collaton in Newton Ferrers Devon. It is now a farm but once was a 'manor'. It is a definite place and was once the home of a family of Pomeroys. Their descendants married into St Columb gentry  families BUT where did they live!??

Dorset / Sir Edward Hext Lord of the Manor of Somerton in Somerset.
« on: Tuesday 17 February 09 10:30 GMT (UK)  »
I found this intriguing report.


 The Virginia Magazine of History and Biography, Published Quartely by The Virginia Historical Society, Richmond, Va. Volume VI - No. 1  July 1898, p. 230

Title of Article:  Kidnapping Maidens, to be Sold in Virginia, 1618
(Abstract, from English Pub. Record Office, by W. N. Sainsbury.)

1618, Nov. 13.

 Examinations of Francis Prewe, of Ottery, Thomas Crocker, William Mitchell and JOHN WATTS, taken before Sire Edward Hext of Somerton on the 16th and 31st of October 1618.  In reference to the proceedings of Owen Evans in endeavoring to press Maidens to be sent to the Bermudas and Virginia -- that same bred such terror as above forty young women fled out of the parish of Ottery and were not yet to be found : That he threatened Prewe should answer his conduct in another place, if he failed, that Thomas Crocker should be hanged in the morning if he failed to press him some maidens, that Michell compounded with Evans for ten shillings to be free : and that Evans gave JOHN WATTS four shillings to press him four maidens and bring them to him at Sherborne Co., Dorset, and twelve pence to one Jacob Crystel to press Evans his [Cryste's] daughter.

United States of America / McGuire- California
« on: Wednesday 04 February 09 16:58 GMT (UK)  »
Im looking for descendants of the Mcquire family who originated in Louisiana, lived in California in 1900's.
Names:  Percy,McGuire married Virginia Pomeroy daughter Kathleen born (*) son James Pomeroy McGuire born San Francisco (*) died Mexico 1959.

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United States of America / Marriages
« on: Saturday 27 December 08 11:40 GMT (UK)  »
I am trying to find a marriage in California after 1889 and before 1900
 Edgar Pomeroy born in UK Woolston near Liverpool April 1868 to Martha or Matlin L  French born in CA Nov 1874.
He migrated to USA 1889,  was married by the time of the 1900 census, I have that entry.

It would be useful to find Edgar in the 1930 census. I have an address 55 Estus Ave, San Francisco.
 Living with Lottie Pomeroy . This may be a second marriage,  before 1930 and after about 1916 to a Charlotte or a Lottie. OR she could be his daughter born 1894 in California.

 I also want to confirm the marriage of his brother Campbell Pomeroy  to Leana Moffat Hanger possibly around 1900-1904.

 I wonder if there is a census return for this family in 1890 , They migrated in 1889, they appear in CA in 1900 .
Elizabeth their mother, Edgar, Campbell and Martha (Mattie)wife of Edgar

Any advance would be great!

US Lookup Requests / A Californian Pomeroy Family
« on: Monday 22 December 08 13:34 GMT (UK)  »
Trying to find a possible marriage.

In 1930 ship Hamburg docking Aug 9 1930 in New York. Passengers include
Edgar  POMEROY working in Oakland San Francisco, emigrated 1889, naturalised  Aug 7th 1929  living  55 Estus Ave San Francisco
with him is  Lottie Pomeroy same home address b 13 Nov 1894 CA  
Could this be a second wife, his first wife Martha or Mattie died  in 1916!
She is not his daughter, sister, aunt, sister in law or any other blood relation as far as I can tell
Married after 1916 -  

 ALSO looking for the possible marriage of his niece, Kathleen McGuire born 1927 so marriage if there was one from around 1945,  same area of SF

and any mention of James Pomeroy Mcguire born 1931 died Mexico 1959

Here's hoping!

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United States of America / 1930 census SanFrancisco
« on: Friday 19 December 08 13:56 GMT (UK)  »
I am trying to find 2 marriages.
1- Virginia Pomeroy born 1905 in USA who married Percy McGuire before 1927

 2- Edgar Pomeroy b 1868 in UK, went to US in1889 ended up in CA  where he lived in Oakland SF. He married there to Martha French around 1900 and she died in 1916.

In 1930 he came to England. He is in the passenger list of the ship Hamburg, returning to New York, accompanied by Lottie.  She was b 13 Nov 1894, CA,  so somewhat younger than him so she might be a daughter??


Completed Census Requests / USA census
« on: Tuesday 16 December 08 10:42 GMT (UK)  »
Could some one please look up
Campbell Pomeroy in 1930 census. San Francisco, born 1870/71
I have most of it

Campbell Pomeroy, age 59 born 1871 is living with his daughter
Virginia P. age 27, b circa 1903
 Percy J McGuire age 30 Son-in-law
 Kathleen, age 3, their daughter.
Percy is head of houshold, and is renting the quarters # 2331.

However  I failed to get the address.
previous census record 1920 has him at McDonald Ave  Santa Rose Sonoma San Francisco

Many thanks

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