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Topics - hbaid

Pages: [1]
London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / tailor of Westminster
« on: Thursday 09 June 05 17:26 BST (UK)  »
My great-great-grandfather's occupation according to his death certificate is a tailor of Westminster.  I do know that his son was a tailor for the House of Lords which makes me wonder if being a tailor of Westminster is a tailor for something to do with the government?  I had assumed when I first read it that he was a tailor "IN" Westminster as in the place.  Has anybody else looked into being a "tailor" as a trade in the 1800's and if there's any lists or information of apprentices or registration?  Any idea if its possible to get information about past employees of the government such as a tailor to make the robes?

London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / St. Peter's House Kennington
« on: Thursday 09 June 05 17:21 BST (UK)  »
I've recently obtained my great-great grandfather's death certificate which lists him as living at St. Peter's House Kennington when he died in 1888.  In the 1881 census he was a convict living at H.M. Convict Prison in Chatham Kent.  The informant of the death certificate is described as:  Sister Josphine de Ste Marie, Inmate, St. Peter's House Kennington.
I can't seem to find a St. Peter's House but there is a St. Peter's Hospital in Vauxhall (Vauxhall is quite near Kennington on today's map).  Any ideas on what this St. Peter's House would be?  Would you be listed as an inmate if staying in a hospital in a census return?  Would a "sister" also be an inmate if living at the same place because that is what the description of residence of informant is?
Any thoughts?

Kent / Prison info (Chatham 1881)
« on: Saturday 28 May 05 12:58 BST (UK)  »
I think I've found an ancestor in the 1881 census as a prisoner in H.M. Convict Prison Chatham Kent.  Does anyone know if its possible (and how) to find out why somebody would be in prison during this time period and when they were released?  Also, I can't find any information on Chatham prison itself.  From the internet search I've done so far it seems as though it no longer exists.

London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / 1861 Look up please
« on: Tuesday 01 March 05 22:18 GMT (UK)  »
Hi!  I would appreciate very much if anyone is able to complete the 1861 census information for the following:

RG 9 - 165 folio 35 (St. George Bloomsbury):  Patrick Rafferty age 37, Elizabeth Rafferty age 27, Francis Rafferty age 2, Elizabeth Rafferty age 9 months

RG 9 - 096 folio 89 (Pancras, Regent Park):  Mary Ann Jones age 57, Phillip G Jones 32, Elizabeth Jones 32, Ann Jones 7, William H Jones 5, George P Jones 3, Elizabeth Jones 4 months

I am particularly interested in the place of birth for each entry.  Thank you very much,

London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / 1861 - Jones
« on: Sunday 13 February 05 15:02 GMT (UK)  »
I'm trying to find a Thomas Jones (born 1838 in London) and his wife Ann Elizabeth Jones (nee Lingley born 1833 Stoke by Nayland, Suffolk) in the 1861 census.  They were married Feb 3, 1861 at the Parish Church of All Hallows London Wall, City of London and Thomas is listed as living at Saracen's Head Yard and Ann 9 Camomile St.  In 1871, they are living at 19 New Inn Yard, St. Leonard Shoreditch with a 9 year old daughter (Anne Jones) who was born Bishopsgate, London.  Thomas was a biscuit baker.

All my searches at these addresses so far have been unsuccesful.  If anyone could help I would greatly appreciate it.
Thanks very much,

London & Middlesex Completed Lookup Requests / 1861 - Rafferty
« on: Sunday 13 February 05 14:51 GMT (UK)  »
I can't seem to track down a Patrick Francis Rafferty who was born in Ireland (?county) about 1831.  He married Elizabeth Beverley (born Burnham Westgate, Norfolk 1834) Nov 27th, 1858 at St. Pancras Church and the residence for both Patrick and Elizabeth on the marriage certificate is Judd St.  Their address in 1871 is 17 Sherwood St., Westminster with an 11 yr old son Francis Rafferty (born 1859 at 1 Judd St. Pancras).  I've checked both the Sherwood and Judd St. addresses for 1861 and didn't have any luck.

I also can't find Patrick Francis Rafferty (b. 1831) in the 1881 census which lists his wife Elizabeth as married and the son Francis P. Rafferty (22 yrs) as the head of household.  In the 1891 census Elizabeth is listed as a widow but despite checking all the years in between for a death certificate, I couldn't find him. 

Any suggestions?
Thanks, Heather

Suffolk / Lavenham, Suffolk
« on: Sunday 23 January 05 16:57 GMT (UK)  »
I'm researching the following family names from Lavenham, Suffolk if anyone has any interest or information:



Norfolk / Burnham
« on: Saturday 22 January 05 19:42 GMT (UK)  »
Researching the following family names who lived in Norfolk during the 17-1800's in Burnham Westgate, Burnham Sutton cum Ulph, Burnham Market:


Thanks, Heather

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