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Topics - kpnut

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Durham / Marriage of William Morton born 1902 in South Shields, County Durham
« on: Sunday 12 May 13 19:07 BST (UK)  »
Hello everyone

I wonder if anyone can help me knock down what has been a massive "brick wall" in my tree for many years.

My maternal grandmother's brother was William Morton born 1902 in South Shields, County Durham.  I know he married as I have photos.  My nan had written the name of "Maud(e)" on the back of photos of William's wife.  The surname she's written looks something like "Battie, Ballie, Baillies, Batties, Battier" - you get my gist.

My nan had very fancy writing and no-one is able to make out exactly what the surname is.  I do know that William and Maud had a daughter called Jean, and on a photo I have of her, is written "Jean - William's daughter aged 4 months" and there is a date stamp on the photo of 8th September 1934.

I will say that I have searched "every" possible combination of spelling of Maud's surname that I can think of, and I have also searched for the birth references of Jean Morton (which will show her mother's maiden name), but NOTHING appears to match and look ANYTHING like what it written on the photos.

It has been mentioned to me that perhaps Maud had been married before, but I've searched everything I can think of, with no success.

Any help and suggestions will be truly appreciated.

Many thanks.

Durham Lookup Requests / WILLIAM MORTON
« on: Tuesday 04 May 10 20:51 BST (UK)  »
Hi all

I am new to this site (as of today).  I have been doing my family research for nearly four years now, and for nearly three of those years I have been looking for a marriage of my nan's brother WILLIAM MORTON.  I can't find any details anywhere.

I know he definately married as I have photographs as proof.  My nan had very fancy writing and on the back of the photos she has written "my only brother William on his wedding day to Maud (and then the surname looks something like Battier, Batties, Ballie, etc. etc. - you get my drift).

I know William was born in 1902 in South Shields to parents Thomas Morton and Mabel Trousdale, and I do know that they had a daughter Jean born about 1934.  As I have been unable to find a birth reference for her either, I have come to a complete "brick wall".

I did a little while ago send for a marriage certificate for a William Morton and a Mary Battye, (this marriage took place in 1933), but as much as William's father was listed as Thomas Morton, he was shown as a Stone Mason, and my Thomas was a Joiner.  He also died in 1924 so would have shown as deceased on the certificate , but he wasn't showing as deceased.

I am completely stuck on this one, and ANY help at all would be gratefully appreciated.  Does anyone know if Maud was a proper name or if it was short for anything?

Many thanks in advance.

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