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Topics - marie1964

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Family History Beginners Board / Cited in a Divorce
« on: Saturday 11 February 12 13:35 GMT (UK)  »
Whilst researching a family tree I have been told that someone in the family was cited in a divorce back in the 1950's/1960's in England.

Is there anyway I can confirm this, as I do not have the married couples names only the person supposedly cited?


Wiltshire Lookup Requests / FRY - Norton Birth 1834 - look up please
« on: Monday 25 April 11 14:04 BST (UK)  »
I am looking for the birth/baptism of Elizabeth Fry 1834 in Norton, Wiltshire.  All I know is that her father was Isaac and mother was Mary or Mary Ann.

I am hoping this may indicate her mothers maiden name or some other information to go on as there are quite a few marriages for Isaac and Mary / Mary Ann before and after her birth and just need a lead as to which one is correct.

Any information would be appreciated.

Thank you.

The Common Room / Family Search Centres
« on: Sunday 24 April 11 16:36 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone happen to know if the Staines Family Search Centre is now open as has been "temporarily closed" for several months now and the staff at the London centre do not have any news on this?

I have obtained quite a bit of info from the site, but as you know sight of the copy of the documents is a must.  Staines is the nearest to me without spending all day on public transport!


The Common Room / FRY Elizabeth - 3 Baptisms?
« on: Friday 22 April 11 19:02 BST (UK)  »
I have found 3 baptisms for Elizabeth Fry born 1834, Norton, Wiltshire,  being as follows:

16 Nov 1834  Westport, Wilts
14 Dec 1845  Hullavington, Wilts
6   Mar 1913  Edington, Wilts 
                      (bap in maiden name of Fry but, reference made to married name of  Drewett).

Parents Isaac and Mary/ Mary Ann.

I was wondering why so many baptisms.  If anyone could cast some light on this, I would be grateful and why with regard to the 3rd would this be in her maiden name and not married name?

Thank you.

Somerset Lookup Requests / TOOGOOD James marriage in Spaxton, Somerset
« on: Wednesday 30 March 11 21:58 BST (UK)  »
Would it be possible for someone to kindly look up the following marriage:

James Toogood to Rachel Baker 8 Aug 1832, Spaxton, Somerset.

According to the family records passed down to me,  he was supposed to have married a Rachel Miles in Shepton Mallett, but the only record I can find is a marriage to Rachel Baker.  I am thinking either our family records are wrong or she was possibly married before to a Mr baker, but born a Miles.

If this record can be located, is it possible any more information would be available to me so that I can trace James's parentage as I have come to a complete brick wall on this one.

Many thanks in advance.


Glamorganshire / Polly Lewis
« on: Sunday 07 November 10 18:47 GMT (UK)  »
I have the marriage certificate for Polly Lewis to Evan Rees Sept 1895 in Merthyr Tydfil.  The certificate states her age as 20 and her deceased fathers name as John Lewis and his occupation as a painter.  I have been unable to trace her birth or even her on any census.  Have come to a brick wall with her.  Any help would be appreciated. 

Thank you.

Suffolk / HEPWORTH Parish Records
« on: Tuesday 19 October 10 14:57 BST (UK)  »
I have a lot of ancestors from Hepworth, Suffolk.  If I were to visit the town would I be able to look through the original BMD's, say for instance in the church or are these kept elsewhere, if so where and do I need to make an appointment to view the documents?

Thank you.

Suffolk / THETFORD is it in Norfolk or Suffolk
« on: Tuesday 05 October 10 15:34 BST (UK)  »
Can someone tell me which county Thetford was in in the 19th centrury as I know I had folk born and baptised in Hepworth, Suffolk, but registered under Thetford which I believe to be in Norfolk.

Thank you.

Census and Resource Discussion / Adoption 1891 census - Edith Kneeshaw
« on: Friday 01 October 10 08:35 BST (UK)  »
On the 1891 census for Edith Kneeshaw Ref RG12 3643 83 17 she is listed as being "adopted" by  John and Emma Holdsworth from Bradford.

Does anyone know as to why she would have been adopted as I know her mother Mary Ann died 1881 but this still left her father Edward and sister Eliza (now married to Frank Gration) around?
If adopted would she not also assume the new family name of Holdsworth?

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you

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