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Topics - Grotto77

Pages: [1] 2
World War Two / PoW Record John Littleford Pte 5570444
« on: Sunday 17 December 23 15:09 GMT (UK)  »
I have found a WW2 Army Causality List on ancestry, it states at the top of the page "Previously reported Prisoner of War in German Hands (Germany) now Not Prisoner of War".
Yet I found a WW2 card with "POW Number 8258, Camp Type Stalag, Camp Number XX-B Camp Location   Malbork, Poland.
John Littleford born 28 Dec 1917 Birmingham, may have been Pte 5570444 Regiment Wiltshire

Does this mean he was never a PoW? 

Can anyone date the photo. And how old do you think the man is. Thank you.

The Common Room / Is this the same lady
« on: Saturday 07 January 23 12:02 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all
I know for sure that the lady on left of photo is Maria Cunningham b1864 (England).  Rootschat dated the photo to be mid 1880's, so she would be around 21 years of age. Do you think she looks 21 or a a little older (25-30 years old)?

I obtained the other photo from another source and they believe she too is Maria Cunningham.  Again, I had the photo dated in Rootschat and the response was 1880s and they sent me a link to - her hair looks similar to 1880 and dress to 1880-1883. If 1880 then she could be 16 years old.

I can't see any resemblance between the two photos - is it the same person? What do you think.
Thank you.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Date photo Maria Cunningham (Stobbs)
« on: Sunday 20 November 22 16:33 GMT (UK)  »
Require approx date of photo and the reason why i.e. hair, clothes

I have added a better photo.

Hi All, can you please help to date the group photo?  The elder lady - different families have her down as:
a) Maria Anderson (formerly Cunningham, Farrow) - born Dec 1841, died Feb 1918, age 76.
b) Mary Ann Raine (Stobbs) - born Jun 1817 died Nov 1907, age 90.

The two ladies Maria and Mary Ann are related by the marriage of Jonathan Stobbs son of Mary Ann and Maria Cunningham daughter of Maria.

We don't know who the other folk are. Looking at the elder lady, gentleman and the younger lady - would you say this is 3 generations? i.e. the gentleman is not the husband of either of the ladies. Maria 2nd husband David Farrow was born 1849 d1900. Mary Ann's husband John Stobbs died 1868.

The other photo is the same lady, we don't know who the boy is. Or if both photos were taken at the same time. But it gaves you a good image of the elder lady.

thank you.

Free Photo Restoration & Date Old Photographs / Date photo Maria Anderson b1841
« on: Thursday 03 November 22 12:18 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All, can you please date this photo.  We think it may be Maria Anderson b1841 or perhaps her daughter Maria Cunningham b1864.

The Common Room / Seamen
« on: Friday 28 October 22 16:45 BST (UK)  »
My great grandfather was a sailor and he died on board the SS Ataka in 1907 whilst in port in Russia.  I have the log book for the vessel. Written in the log book is a Statement on what was owned to Henry - Total earnings £11 2s 6d, Total deductions £6 2s 6d, Balance £5 5s 0d.'  What would the deductions be for?

Occupation Interests / Merchant Navy CR1 Card
« on: Wednesday 21 October 20 15:55 BST (UK)  »
C.R.1. Card (Merchant Navy) for Thomas Salder Porter birth year 1893 South Shields.

1) Does the N.R.5(1931) means he was not a registered seaman for 5 years prior to that date i.e. 1926?

2) The Dis.A. No 1122705, would that be his discharged no in 1925/6? It is stamped with 27 Feb 1925 or 1926

3) Certificate of Discharge for the following reason: First issued previously working as a boilermaker. So are we saying that prior to 1925/26 he was a boilermaker

1901 Census Seagoing Fireman - error this is his father
1911 Census Heater Ship Yards
1939 Register working in the Shipyards

Could the ship be S.S. Leicester?  hard to read.

The Common Room / SS Sea Rambler 149165
« on: Sunday 18 October 20 14:27 BST (UK)  »
Several of the crew including captain Munday were struck down with a mysterious illness in Aug 1936. The Captain decided to alter his course to Madeira where a number of the crew died, one being John David Porter. At first their thought it was food poison but later that year after blood had been taken from the surviving crew it turned out that it was yellow fever. 

Does anyone know how to find the cemetery in Funchal, Madeira, where John and the others are buried.  I have tried Find A Grave but no luck.

John Porter died 3 September 1936 at Funchal Hospital.

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