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Topics - maggiefishblue

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Leicestershire Lookup Requests / Burial Look-up please
« on: Saturday 24 September 11 13:56 BST (UK)  »
Could anyone look up a possible burial for me please?

Mary LEESON died 14th January 1931 at 'The Home, Woodmarket, Lutterworth age 73 years. 

I am trying to find out whether she was actually buried in Lutterworth, or in Barwell, where her son lived who is mentioned on her death certificate, or in Hinckley where the rest of her family lived.

Any help with this gratefully received.

Thanks in anticipation.

Maggie  :)

Gloucestershire / John Tombs - dead end!
« on: Monday 08 June 09 08:41 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,

I have a John TOMBS who died in 1755 in Turkdean, Glos. -  I have a
copy of his will.  I have been able to trace his descendents in
Turkdean but I can't get any further back than John - or even find his

I have looked at the Turkdean PRs at my local LDS centre but the
earliest TOMB/ES in Turkdean appear to be John and his descendents
which suggests that he wasn't born there. John was married in Turkdean
to Sarah Miller on 12 April 1716 - found on the PRs.

Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I can do now?  I have no
idea where he might have been born or where there might be any
siblings for him that would help me.


Gloucestershire Lookup Requests / Gloucester RO look-up please
« on: Tuesday 14 April 09 11:47 BST (UK)  »
If anyone is visiting Gloucester RO could they possibly look-up the following for me please?

I am looking for a marriage between Anthony Dowdeswell and Hannah Blizzard/Blissard that took place between c1645 - 1647.  I believe that Hannah may have been born in Buckland and Anthony in Kineton (Keynton/Keinton), Temple Guiting.

I have found an earlier marriage for Anthony Dowdeswell to Joane Small which is recorded in the 'Gloucestershire Marriage Allegation: Marriage Allegations in the Diocese of Gloucester page 14' on googlebooks - although it is only a snippet ....

I know that Joane died c1645 and that Anthony and Hannah Dowdeswell had a child baptised on 26th December 1647 at Temple Guiting (where Anthony was a yeoman) - so I am assuming they were married before then ...

Any help would be much appreciated.

Maggie  :)

Nottinghamshire Lookup Requests / Help with baptism please
« on: Friday 06 March 09 11:08 GMT (UK)  »
My great x3 grandfather was Samuel Wright born c1801 Chilwell, Notts. - that is according to census information.  Although, he appears to have lived in Warwickshire for a great deal of his life.

Samuel was a cordwainer and most of his sons followed that occupation, so it is likely that his father may also have been one too - that's just a theory of course.

Can anyone look up the baptism for me please - I have no idea who his parents were I'm afraid.

Any help would be much appreciated  :)


Gloucestershire / Parish Church Tewkesbury
« on: Saturday 21 February 09 10:11 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All,

My great grandparents marriage certificate states that they were married in The Parish Church Tewkesbury on January 4th 1881 - can anyone tell me please which church would be their parish church?

My great grandfather's address was given as Gravel Walk and my great grandmother's as High Street.

Maggie  :)

Gloucestershire / Look up at Gloucester RO please
« on: Thursday 24 July 08 09:47 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,

Could someone look up the following for me next time they visit Gloucester RO please?  :)

I am trying to establish whether the following couple had any children - this is what I know about them, and it's very little really:

James GRIFFIN died 25 July 1764 age 80
Lucy GRIFFIN died 28 February 1768 age 76 (I think her maiden name could have been Lock because she left legacies to her brothers Lock in her will)

They were both buried at Temple Guiting.

I am trying to link them with a later Griffin family in Temple Guiting so need to find out first whether they did indeed have any children themselves - possibly baptised at Temple Guiting.

Any help would be much appreciated  :)


Gloucestershire / The Woodhouse, Temple Guiting?
« on: Sunday 13 July 08 09:51 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,

I have a copy of a will for my great x5 grandfather which shows his abode at the time the will was drawn up in 1795 as the Woodhouse, Temple Guiting.

Does anyone know what the Woodhouse actually was please?  I wondered whether it was a house, farm, an area or something else.  It was suggested to me that it might have been a pub - but again I'm not sure.  My ancestor's occupation was recorded as a Gentleman - that is what led me towards a house.

I found another will on Genuki drawn up in 1815 again giving the abode as the Woodhouse - a different family from mine though.  I attempted to contact the person who put the will onto Genuki but my email was returned because the person no longer has that email address.

Any help will be much appreciated  :)


Surrey / Wimbledon
« on: Tuesday 11 March 08 11:44 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All,

This is probably a silly question but please bear with me I have only just traced one of my lines to Wimbledon Surrey  :)

Where can I find historical information about Wimbledon please?  PRs, wills and the like. I have no idea whether it falls into East or West Surrey.

Thanks in anticipation.


Gloucestershire / Temple Guiting gravestone photo please - completed thanks
« on: Sunday 30 December 07 15:40 GMT (UK)  »
Hi All,

I have been told that there is a gravestone just inside the churchyard gate at Temple Guiting for some of my ancestors - the Dowdeswells.

If anyone happens to be nearby with their camera I would love a photo please  :)


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