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Topics - Xotan

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Dublin / Harriet Stack
« on: Tuesday 05 November 13 11:48 GMT (UK)  »
I hope I am posting this in the right place.  Also I have to acknowledge that the text is a cousin's.  We share the same gt grandmother, and we have only just got to know each other on the net.  Clearly we share the same interest in an ancestress, Harriet Stack.  My cousin's text explains the rest:

"I’m currently doing some research on my family history. The records in Ireland aren’t readily available online before 1850. We have no definitive proof at this stage, but believe there is a strong possibility that there is a relationship to General Edward Stack b 1750, d 1833. My father recalls older generations speaking of a French connection in the Family. This was possibly General Stack’s wife who we think was called Amelia or some possible variation of this name.  [Amélie? - Xotan]

Amelia is a name that has featured in the Simpson family through several generations. I have an aunt (my father’s sister) named Amelia. My Great Grandmother and Great Great Grandmother were also Amelia. Amelia first appeared in the family tree with my Great Great Grandmother - Amelia Simpson (née Roche or Roache – the exact spelling is unclear, but we think it’s Roche). She married my Great Grandfather, Alfred Simpson, in January 1880. She was born in 1863 and died on February 2, 1933. I can see from the details on the marriage certificate that her father’s name was Stephen Roche. There is no reference to her mother’s name. We’re guessing that her mother could have been a daughter of General Stack. 

There is a story in the family that General Stack’s wife came from a French Protestant family and converted to Catholicism in order to marry him. Following this, her family disowned her, but didn’t give her some property in Dublin which we believe was in the Golden Bridge area where my father’s side of the family originates from.

Do you have any information regarding General Stack’s wife and children? This may help me tie Amelia Roche to General Stack. There is some information online about General Stack and his career, but I've been unable to find anything regarding his wife and children.


The same story has come down on my side of the family.  IN fact, I recall my grandmother Amelia (obit 1962) refer to the General's wife as Lady Amelia, who presumably was thought to be Harriet's mother.  None of us, however, have been able to go back beyond Stephen Roche (1818 - 1893) and his wife Harriet Stack.

At this point, having hit the brickwall, is there any chance that some kind soul out there could have some information which would advance our search, please?


Carlow / Annie Lawler
« on: Thursday 07 February 13 16:18 GMT (UK)  »
Annie and * Lawler were twins and seem to have come from Rathvilly.   Sometime in the late(?) 1940s/early 1950s they emigrated to England, and then to Australia.  Annie died there about 12 years ago and is buried in Sydney.  Her sister, I believe, was still living as of two years ago. 

I would like to find out, if possible where Annie is buried and perhaps get a photo of her grave.  Carlow seems to be the best place to start the search.  Can anyone help with information, please?

Oxfordshire / Oxon Marriage Index
« on: Tuesday 05 February 13 21:12 GMT (UK)  »
I am trying to get information, please, on Susanna(h) King (maiden name unknown) married to Joseph King (b. 1767 Dorchester on Thames).  The marriage may possibly have taken place in Marsh Baldon.  As their first child was born in 7 November 1802, presumably they were married before that date.

I would be especially interested in knowing Susanna's maiden name and the date of the marriage, if this were possible.

Joseph's parents were Joseph and Lewis (Lois?  Louise? - difficulty in transcription) King.  Anything that would clarify Lewis's name and give their dates would be welcome too.

The King family lived in Dorchester on Thames

Can anyone help, please?

Oxfordshire Lookup Requests / Joseph King n.1767 Dorchester on Thames
« on: Tuesday 05 February 13 14:34 GMT (UK)  »
Joseph King (I) b. abt 1767 d. abt 1857.  Spouse Susanna....

Their son Joseph (II) b. 1807- 1811, d. unknown - pre 1851?  m. Mary Richings 24 Sept 1833  Mary's d.o.d. is unknown

I am as certain as one can be about the details of the first Joseph(I)'s birth and death dates.

My questions arise about his wife Susanna.  I have nothing but the name.  It looks as though he married at about 39 or 39.  The first born, Joseph (II) in the period 1807 - 1811 suggests that Susanna may have been quite a bit younger than her husband.  I assume they would have married in Dorchester, but cannot be sure of this.  Any information on her would help to fill in the gaps in this part of my tree, so would be much appreciated.  I cannot get to Dorchester so easily as I live in furthest France.

I have a further question.  Could someone please let me have the exact location of the graveyard Dorchester with Burcot.  I was kindly given a plan of the actual burial ground with family graves clearly indicated by a member here, but on a visit to Dorchester last April, I was unable to locate the graveyard.  There does not appear to be a church in Burcot.  Subequently I looked at Google Earth and Michelin on line, but could not find it.

Help, please.


Kent / Kenric Vincent King
« on: Saturday 01 September 12 15:41 BST (UK)  »
My grandfather, Kenric Vincent King, was born in Dorchester on Thames, Oxon, about 1881.

He married my grandmother, Amelia Simpson, in Dublin in 1909.

At the time my mother, Alice Mary King, was born (1911) he was serving as a private in the 1st Battalion, Royal Berkshire Regiment and was living in married quarters, Western Heights, Dover, U.D.

At some point the family moved to Dublin, and he lived there until his death in 1950.

I have been trying to put together some coherent picture of his life, but am unable to ascertain the circumstances of his move to Ireland.  His siblings continued to live in Dorchester on Thames, and contact with them was maintained until his death.  Thereafter it lapsed, and I am unaware of any descendants that may be there (or elsewhere).

I wrote to the Regiment's museum and received a very kind reply.  Sadly it indicated that there was no extant record of my grandfather's service.  It appears that many records were destroyed in the Blitz in the Second World War.  My hope had been that would be some hints to glean, in particular whether or not he served in the Great War.  There was never any mention of this in the family.  Equally there was never any mention of his nephew, Horace King, who served in the 5th Battalion, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, and who was killed in action in France or Flanders on 25th September, 1915.  Horace is commemorated on the Menin Gate at Ypres and on the War Memorial in Dorchester.  So, the lack of mention could mean something or nothing...

I was unable to find any reference to him in the 1911 Census.

It strikes me that there may be something to be learned of his relocation/s from the posting of my grandfather's regiment.  Could it have been posted to Dublin?  I am aware, of course that these were very troubled times in Ireland.  On the other hand, he could have served his term and have been a civilian again.  In this case, had he moved to Ireland before the outbreak of war, he would likely not have been liable for call up as there was no conscription there.  All mysterious and, perhaps, a little curious.

I would be grateful if anyone could suggest other likely paths to follow so that I can piece together more information about my grandfather, and in particular about the period between my last record of him in England (my mother's birth certificate - 1911) and his move to Ireland.

For the reason stated in my previous paragraph it seems to me that this is the proper county in which to post this enquiry.  If not, please excuse me, and perhaps a moderator would advise me.

Dublin / Monks/White
« on: Sunday 15 January 12 21:57 GMT (UK)  »
see: Monks/?/Hyland/Lister/Cahill 6 Aug 2010 thread

In the thread referenced above many people took quite a lot of trouble to help me when I was researching my g.g.grandfather, Peter Monks's second marriage.  The information from my father's papers was that his first wife, Anne Monks (née?) died in 1870 and he married again - another Anne (née Hyland).   It was all to no avail - and no wonder!

With the greater availability of documents on Irish Genealogy, I have been able to identify his second marriage.  It was to Mary White of 44 Bolton Street.  I was on a wrong track altogether. (Thanks Dad!   :) )

The position now is that Peter Monks of 2 Ryder's Row married Mary White of 44 Bolton Street on 11 January 1874.  Peter was aged 49/50 at this time.

I'd like to find out more about Mary White

  • - how old was she when she wed?
    - when did she die?
    - What was her father's occupation?

Irish Genealogy also solved another matter.  The name of Peter's father was always in question.  The marriage record, however, confirms it to have been Thomas Monks.  We have always believed that he was born about 1790 in Tubbergregan, Garristown, and Peter's birth in 1824 would fit well with this.  This would make him about 84 at the time of the marriage!  However, while not impossible, it would seem unlikely that he should live so long in those days.  I have been unable to come across a record of his death, so far.  BTW, his wife, also at the marriage, was Alicia.  This seems to be pointing to a later birth for Thomas...  It would be satisfying to have something more accurate. 

Also, family lore maintains there were two earlier generations at Tubbergregan.  I have found nothing on this.  Can anyone help, please?  I can't readily get to records not on line as I don't live in Ireland.

Can anyone help with my queries about my ggstepgrandmother and her parent, and also with my ggggrandfather.

I take the opportunity to wish all a great 2012.

Dublin / Stack/Simpson
« on: Wednesday 14 September 11 21:42 BST (UK)  »
 On Holidays and still checking the family. on a borrowed computer.

On the distaff side, one of our ancestresses seems to have been French.  ~She married Lt. General (Thomas?) Stack [b. 1781- d. 1833, buried in Goldenbridge] based at Richmond Barracks, Dublin.  She was Amelia (surname unknown), and this, possibly could have been rendered 'Amelie'.

Can anyone suggest as to where I should start investigation, please?


Meath / James Monks
« on: Wednesday 26 January 11 15:12 GMT (UK)  »
I am back on the trail of my gt gt gt Uncle James.

In brief, he lived in Tubbbergregan, Co. Dublin, b. ca. 1836.

As younger brother he did not inherit the interest in some land from his father.  Instead, this went to his older brother, Peter.  Peter died in 1884 and James (probably illegally) sold the interest in the land, which presumably should have passed to Peter's offspring.

The family story is that the first attempt at sale was boycotted by the locals as they deemed James had no rights.  However, he tried again and and 'outsider' made the purchase.  Peter's son took no action until the statute of limitations had come into force.

James, meanwhile, had gone to America.  he came back a pauper and ended his days in Dunshaughlin Workhouse in about 1896.  My father always insisted the his gt grandfather (my gt gt grandfather) and his uncle (my gt uncles)  had had the body exhumed .  This would have had to have taken place some time in the 6 year period before 1902 when my gt gt grandfather died.  The remains were then transferred to the traditional family burial ground in Ardcath, co. Meath. for burial there. 

I have been in touch with the County Library in Navan and they are unable to help me with any record of an exhumation or reburial.  Also, I have been unable to trace the burial records for Ardcath, and when in Ireland, I have tried on a number of occasions to see if I could locate a headstone.  Many had fallen over and other were just illegible.

Can anyone help, please?

I have tried

World War Two / Nicholas Monks
« on: Wednesday 26 January 11 14:52 GMT (UK)  »
I am looking for any information about my father, Nicholas Monks's service in the RAF.  I have some photos a few other mementos.  Not a lot, really.   I do, however, recall him recounting tales of his time in Palestine during the 1940s, and at Fairford in Gloucestershire (I believe) later.

I'm not at all clear what the RAF was doing in Palestine, but presumably it had a war-time role, and would also have seen service in the latter days of the Mandate there, prior to the setting up of the state of Israel.

His rank was Sergeant 1902689

Can anyone help,. please?


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