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Topics - rosas84

Pages: [1]
Kent / The Edwards challenge ..Tunbridge Wells/Southborough help gratefully accepted
« on: Wednesday 10 October 12 22:03 BST (UK)  »

Firstly I am always a bit confused about whether Tunbridge Wells counts as Kent or Sussex so if its in the wrong forum please let me know.

I have been trying to find some of my ancestorys for a couple of years now and some how they just appear as if by magic in the 1861 census, then disappear again!

The search began with Henry Elias Edwards born in 1864 in Southborough, Tunbridge Wells, to a Charlotte Edwards (Father unknown)

I have found a Charlotte Edwards (b 1850 Tunbridge) living a few streets away from where Henry was born in the 1861 census with her Father Richard Edwards (b 1813 in what looks like Askhurst but I assume is Ashurst?) her mother Sarah (b 1818 also Askhurst/Ashurst) and her two siblings Harriett Edwards (b 1848 Tunbridge) and William (B 1853 Tunbridge).

The family seem to appear in the 1861 census and then disappear again until I find Henry Elias Edwards in a later census married and with children.

I am desperate to find out more about them so any help would be fantastic and greatly appreciated!



Family History Beginners Board / Advice on finding out what the crime was
« on: Saturday 23 July 11 21:52 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,

I have an ancestor who was sent to a reformatory school between 1881 and 1891. I know this because in 1881 she is at home with her family in Eastbourne and in 1891, aged 19, she is in a reform school in London.

I'd really like to find out what she did to be sent to this school. I've tried to find the school to see if they have any records but it would seem that it was a small school and hardly any information or records survive. Someone mentioned that she would have been tried in a magistrates Court type setting.

What would be the best way of finding out her crime? Would it be in newspapers of the day or in court records? Whats the best way to find these? Any advice on how I can research this then I would be very grateful.



Sussex / Heathfield Haffenden Hunters ...anyone out there??
« on: Saturday 09 July 11 11:52 BST (UK)  »

I am researching my Haffenden ancestors, who seem to like living in Heathfield in Sussex. Having spent several hours last night going through the census' for Heathfield and noting down the Haffendens there seem to be loads an loads of them.

Ive looked for a specific topic for Haffendens, but only find passing mention of them in other topics...surely I can't be the only one who's trying to trace and figure out their seemingly huge family  ;D

I looking forward (hopefully) to hearing from other Heathfield Haffenden Hunters...

Amy   :)

London and Middlesex / Hampstead Reform School for Girls???
« on: Thursday 07 July 11 22:14 BST (UK)  »

I'm trying to find out some more information about the reform school. I've emailed the local museum and the library but they have little information or suggestions as to how I might find out more.

I'm wondering whether anyone knows anything about this school, In particular why the girls might be there!!

I have a great great aunt who I believe was there in 1891 (the year it closed) aged 19, and am trying to piece together how she managed to get from Eastbourne to there!

Any clues, or even nudges in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!  :)

Thanks in advance.


The Common Room / Of this Parish??? Desperatey seeking Caroline...
« on: Thursday 07 July 11 20:42 BST (UK)  »
Hi All,

I wonder if anyone can shed some light, I have been trying to trace a Caroline Sherwood/Haffenden for what seems to be ages. I have her being born in Eastbourne in 1872 as Caroline Evenden, she is then living with her parents in the 1881 census as Caroline Sherwood, and then again as Caroline Haffenden in Hampstead in the 1891 census (I'm guessing she was a naughty girl as she was at Hampstead Reform School for Girls).

Its here the scent goes cold...

I'm currently searching the marriage records, in case she has changed her name. I've found a Caroline Sherwood marrying in 1891 in Edmonton, on the Banns it says of this parish. Does this always mean that they were born in the parish or just that they live there and attend the church?

Thanks in advance for your help (I hope)


PS If any one likes a challenge and would like to join me on this hunt then I would be very very grateful   ;D

Family History Beginners Board / No father on marriage cert
« on: Tuesday 02 November 10 20:54 GMT (UK)  »
I recently got the marriage cert for my great grandfather, in the field for his fathers name and occupation it is left as blank - even though I know he knew his father through war records etc.

Does this mean his father was dead at the time of marriage or had they maybe fallen out?

Any help would be appreciated.



Occupation Interests / Tennis Bat Maker
« on: Sunday 15 August 10 19:57 BST (UK)  »
Hi Everyone,

My boyfriends ancestors are listed as Lawn Tennis Bat Makers in London, we were wondering what sort of a job this would of been like and whether it was a good occupation at the time (late 1800's).

I knows its a bit of an unusual one but we've thought it pretty interesting (makes a change from my ancestors all being Agg Laborours  :D)



Travelling People / Haffenden/Evenden/Sherewood/Sharwood - Sussex and Kent
« on: Sunday 15 August 10 19:11 BST (UK)  »
Hi Everyone,

Im a new to Rootschat but im hoping someone might be able to help me as Im up against a brickwall when it comes to tracing back my G Grandad John Henry Haffenden.

My nan says that his family were travellers although the only confirmation of this is that there is a family story of relatives turning up in a wagon (apparently a very fancy one)  and the fact that I can't find anything about them at all earlier than the war records.

I have found his war records which show him as having enlisted twice (once before WW1, the other normal conscription) He is down as being born in 1879 in Eastbourne Sussex and his father is listed as George. We know there was an uncle Billy (William) who's war records I have also found. I just can't find them any earlier.

He was married to a Henrietta Elliott however for some reason he was married as a John Henry Shurdwood which ties in with my nans recollections of him possibly going by two names as she recalled him being refferred to as Sherwood possibly Jack.

He seperated from Henrietta whith whom he had several children and lived with in a house in Bromley Kent and got together with my G Gradmother (they never married) had two more children and he took on her name of Townsend (not legally) So then became John Townsend.

I hope I haven't confused anyone too much  :) He is something of an enigma and if anyone has any theories or knowledge I'd be interested to hear about it.



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