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Topics - karen8

Pages: [1]
The Common Room / Literacy in London versus the north
« on: Monday 26 March 18 21:00 BST (UK)  »
Although the major part of my family research has been in the midlands and the north, Lincolnshire, Northamptonshire, West Midlands, Lancashire and Yorkshire, I have more recently been researching family in London. 

What strikes me is that most of the northern research tells me that my working class ancestors in the 19th Century were illiterate and signed the marriage registers with a 'mark'.  In London, although I found family who were obviously extremely poor and living in areas renowned for poverty, Bethnal Green, Shoreditch, Clerkenwell etc, most seemed to be able to at least sign the marriage registers.  Although this not prove they were fully literate, I find the difference striking. 

Does anyone know why this would be the case?  I wondered whether it was because of a greater prevalence of charities in the capital?

The Common Room / Am I missing something
« on: Friday 30 June 17 21:19 BST (UK)  »

I've been researching my daughter's partners family and I'm not sure whether I am missing something with this family.  All London

Matilda Jane Hemmings b 1811

Married William Stubbins 1828 St Dunstan's

Matilda Jane Stubbins marries William Deason 1835 Hackney

1841 census
Wm Deason aged 30
Matilda Deason aged 30
Wm Deason aged 5
Eliza Deason aged 3
George Stubbins aged 12
Sarah Stubbins aged 9
1851 Census
William Deason aged 41
Matilda Deason aged 41
William Deason aged 15
Matilda Deason aged 6
George Stubbins aged 22
Sarah Stubbins aged 19
Sarah Hemmings mother aged 79

so far all agrees - then I find the baptism records for George Stubbins, Sarah Stubbins and William Deason - all on 3rd April 1836 in Hackney.  George and Sarah on page 105 and William Deason on page 106.  The birth dates agree but George and Sarah's dad is given as William Stubbins but it doesnt say he is deceased.  Also George and Sarah have a different residence listed.  Is it normal not to mention a parent is deceased on a baptism.

Another anomaly is Matilda's second marriage lists her as a spinster.

Sorry for long post - but I wondered if anyone thinks I could have made a mistake anywhere?

Many thanks

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Baptisms at St Peter's Morley
« on: Monday 28 May 12 06:38 BST (UK)  »

Is anyone able to tell me what the word 'private' means when written in the margin of the baptism records at St Peter's Church, Morley?  Could it be that they were posthumous baptisms - if they exist?  A couple of my great grandmothers siblings who I believe died either at birth or in infancy have this written next to their baptism records.

If so it is quite sobering to see how many they were - on one page - out of eight baptisms  five had 'private' in the margins.

Many thanks


The Common Room / Registration of deaths
« on: Sunday 08 January 12 11:42 GMT (UK)  »

I wonder if anyone can help with a problem I have regarding the death of my great grandfather John Robert Ellis.  I would like to apply for a death certificate but cannot find a death registration in the BMD indexes.

He was definitely christened in Deeping St James, Lincolnshire in July 1860 and moved to Morley then the Wortley area of Leeds sometime in the 1880's.  I have a definite record of his burial on the 28.06.1899 in New Wortley, Leeds (I'm local to Leeds and this is exactly the location I would expect).  I cannot though find a suitable entry though for his death.

My questions are what were the time limits for registering a death at that time?

Also family stories come into play.  I'm sure my grandfather who was born in November 1898 and who died 20 years ago now told me that John Robert had died shortly before he was born - meaning I would have expected the death to be in summer or autumn of 1898 and the burial around that time.

Another family member was told John Robert was killed in some mining accident and that he shouldn't have been working where he was at the time but was covering for someone (he did work usually above ground as an engineer in coal mines) - therefore is it possible he died in 1898 and it took some time to recover the body.  This seems feasible to me in someways but his father in law had definitely been killed in a much earlier mining accident and I wonder whether this story has been credited to the wrong person with the passage of time.

Sorry about the long post but I would appreciate any ideas on my next step.

Thanks in advance


The Common Room / very confusing marriage - help please
« on: Tuesday 04 October 11 07:00 BST (UK)  »

I wasn't sure whether to post on the West Yorkshire board but I think it is a more general opinion I would like.  This person is not really part of my family but what I've uncovered is intriguing me.

Mary Gavin is on the 1861 census living in Leeds, born in Leeds in about 1823.  She is living with her husband John Dean, wheelwright and her father Uriah Gavin born about 1875 in Halifax (I have found a birth record at Leeds Parish Church for 1822 which supports this.

In 1849 there is a marriage in Morley (now part of Leeds) of a Mary Gavins father Uriah Gavins (can't read his occupation) to a John Turton occupation carpenter, father Joseph Turton occupation farmer.

The strange thing is that John Dean's (married to Mary in the 1861 census) mother Elizabeth Dean had the maiden name Turton.  His father was Joseph Dean and his father's occupation was farmer. 

My questions are, did Mary marry twice to two different men? (with practically the same backgrounds)?
Did Thomas Dean use the name Turton when he married? (if so why, I know his mother and father were definitely married when he was born, I have a handwritten family document recording this plus his date of birth and have corroborated this online).
Is this marriage a red herring and this is a different Mary with a father named Uriah?

I must add in the 1851 census I have been unable to find Mary.  Thomas Dean is living in Farnley (Leeds) with his father Joseph and mother Elizabeth. Thomas is listed as married.  I don't think there would have been an omission of Mary in this entry as Joseph Dean was the census enumerator for Farnley.

I would be grateful for any opinions on this

Many thanks

Northamptonshire / Trayford's of Brigstock
« on: Sunday 20 March 11 09:50 GMT (UK)  »
I recently found that my great great great grandmother was Catherine Trayford of Blatherwycke, she resided in Bridge Street, Brigstock in 1841 aged 25 (although I believe she was probably around 27). The query I have is that her name changes on every subsequent census, even allowing for spellings at the time it seems a bit excessive.  Can anyone offer an explanation?

1841 Catherine Trayford
1851 Caton Trayfield
1861 Catherine Traford
1871 Catherine Twyfoot

Also most if not all of her children moved to Morley near Leeds (a mining district) and stopped using the Trayford surname and used their middle name of Bell.  Her son George Henry B Trayford/Trayfield married using the name Trayford in 1864, but his children were registered as Bell and he is on the 1871 census as George Bell.  I'm wondering if they were ashamed of the name for any reason?

Many thanks in advance if anyone can help.

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Mortimer, Armley Height 1881, Leeds (not a tower block!)
« on: Sunday 16 January 11 09:50 GMT (UK)  »
I wonder if anyone can help with my problem.

My great granddad Dennis Mortimer (in the 1881 census) is listed as living with his family at Armley Height (no house number).  When I address searched Armley Height - difficult to find - I found it under 'other establishments', his family is listed with nine others.  In the address search each family has a different schedule number i.e. 853,854 etc.

My question is, are these individual dwellings or were several families living in the same building's?  (I know my great granddad's family were very poor).

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Joseph Dean(Skipton/Farnley) Elizabeth Turton (Selby/Farnley)
« on: Saturday 08 January 11 07:48 GMT (UK)  »
I was given a document by my daughters' paternal great grandmother, she was given it by Annie Elizabeth (one of the children mentioned) and it seems a pity to keep it to myself.  It is set out like a church register document, on what I assume is parchment in beautiful, copperplate style writing.  I guess it was written around 1850.  Not sure this is the best place to post it but I couldn't immediately find a more apt board.

I have copied it exactly how it is written so the language is a little old fashioned


Joseph Dean of Bramhope Hall, Coachman (son of Thomas Dean of Rilstone near Skipton in Craven Farrar)
Elizabeth Turton of Bramhope Hall (daughter of Thomas Turton of Selby, builder)
Married at Leeds Parish Church 18th March, 1828

Their Children

Thomas, born at Bramhope  17 April, 1829 (Good Friday) 17 minutes before 3 in the afternoon
Joseph, born at Kirskill 7 September 1830 at 8 o clock at night
Anne Elizabeth born at Kirskill 26 August 1832 at half past 6 o clock in the morning
Mary Jane born at Kirskill 1st January 1834 at 6 o’clock in the morning
Olive born at Farnley 9th January 1837 at a quarter before 7 o clock in the morning
Sarah born at the Beulah Inn Farnley 11th November, 1838 at a quarter before 10 o clock at night
Charlotte born at the Beulah Inn Farnley 22nd November 1840 at 11 o’clock in the morning
Caroline born at 4 o clock in the morning at the Beulah Inn, Farnley on the 24th December 1842
Amelia born at a quarter before 5 in the morning at the Beulah Inn, Farnley on the 24th December 1842

I thought originally I had mistranscribed Kirskill (for Kirkstall) but Kirskill actually existed as a hamlet between Leeds and Otley and Kirskill Hall is where Emmerdale's Home Farm is filmed!

Yorkshire (West Riding) / Ellis family Morley/Wortley area of Leeds
« on: Tuesday 28 December 10 09:42 GMT (UK)  »

I'm new to these boards so hello to everyone.  I have been researching my family history and have got a little stuck on one or two points. (sorry long post)

My great grandad John Robert Ellis was on the 1991 census as living at 17 Stapleton Steet Morley with his wife and 3 daughters.  I'm 100% certain this is the correct as the daughters were still alive when I was young and their birthdates tally along with his wife's name (Alice) and I know he is from the Deepings area of Lincolnshire.  The only thing slightly out is his birthdate - I estimate it was more 1858/9 than the 1861 stated (I have his army records from 1877 to 1889 which give his age in 1877 as 19) and also state he was discharged to an address at 8 Hull Steet Morley in 1889).

My problem is the story in the family is that he died just before my Grandad (grandad was the youngest of 8) was born in November 1898.  Therefore with my calculations he must have died between February and November 1898 but I have been unable to find a record of a death which tallies with the information I know.

I find myself wondering whether he did actually die or whether he deserted the family - I've traced one of his sisters who appears to have been the first one to move up to Leeds and she subsequently emigrated to the USA.

Is anyone able to advise me what to do next? 

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