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Topics - porthos

Pages: [1]
Suffolk / Woods
« on: Wednesday 14 February 24 21:24 GMT (UK)  »

I'm wondering if anyone has had better luck than I have finding the Woods family of Aldeburgh, from around 1770 - 1870.

My great-great-great-grandfather was Philip Richardson, from the Richardsons of Aldeburgh. His mother was Eliza Woods and his stepmother was Cecil Elizabeth Woods as both sisters married Norton Richardson.

We have found Cecil and Norton's grave in Aldeburgh and, in the same part of the churchyard, there is a grave for Elizabeth Woods, who we are quite certain was the mother of Eliza and Cecil. Elizabeth's husband was called John.

But we can't find birth records for any of the Woods siblings - we believe there were at least four girls, and Cecil married two of her sisters' widowers (first Starling then Richardson) so they were quite an interesting family!

Does anyone know anything about them?

Thank you in advance!

Family History Beginners Board / A brick wall!
« on: Monday 21 February 11 15:37 GMT (UK)  »
We've been searching for this one lady from our family history - Janet Mackintosh Cayley - for what seems like ages now so I wondered if anyone had any ideas about how to find her.  She appears in 1867 marrying Philip Richardson in Stockton and on the 1871 and 1881 census she lists her birth place as being Scotland.  But in 1891 it is listed as Brompton, Yorkshire!  She died in 1900 so, obviously, the records stop there.  We're really confused about this and don't have any clear idea of where to go next!!!  We've ordered the marriage certificate in the hope that will give us a few pointers but any advice would be gratefully received  ;D

PS - if this is in the wrong board please move it, I wasn't sure where to post it  :-\  ;D

Family History Beginners Board / Marriage certificates
« on: Monday 21 February 11 13:29 GMT (UK)  »
Hi there!

Can anyone tell me what I can expect to find on a marriage certificate from 1867?  Would the bride's mother and father be listed?   ???

Thanks!   ;D

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