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Topics - gemmanoon

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Glamorganshire Lookup Requests / Capel-y-ton Calvinistic chapel lookup
« on: Friday 10 May 24 22:12 BST (UK)  »
Hi all, bit of a strange request but can someone let me know if there is still an inscription at Capel-y-ton Calvinistic chapel for Thomas R Locke, who died 29 April 1903, and if it confirms his place of death as Frank, Alberta, Canada? And if so, is the Williams family or anyone else included in the inscription? I'd be extremely grateful to learn any additional information about the inscription at all.


Inverness / Help locating Old Drynoch and Ellanraich on Skye
« on: Tuesday 22 February 22 06:11 GMT (UK)  »
Hey all, hoping a local can help me out here!

I'm trying to locate where Old Drynoch house/manor stood in in the 16/1700s. It was the home of the Macleods of Drynoch from Donald Glas Macleod through to Norman Macleod, 4th of Drynoch, who moved his family to the newly built Ellanraich - more on that place next.  I know the family moved back to a farm called Drynoch a couple of generations later, which is generally presumed to be the ruins of Gesto House in Bracadale. The diaries of one of the last Macleods of this line to live at the house recalls walking to look at the ruins of "Old Drynoch" in the 1840ish period, described as being located at "the cullin hills about ten miles south at the head of a long bay," but it was written some 50+ years later after a lifetime in another country. Can anyone help me locate it, or let me know if there is anything still visible on this spot?

Right, Ellanraich - it was in the Glenelg area and the family at the time were buried in the local church, but I dont' have any other leads in locating it. Macleod of Macleod sold off the Glenelg estates in the early 1800s I believe, but that's the only reference I can find. If anyone can point my in the right direction, it is MUCH appreciated!

Montgomeryshire Lookup Requests / Article check volume 4 of Cronicl (1982)
« on: Wednesday 14 July 21 08:43 BST (UK)  »
In 1982 E.R. Morris published an article called "Notes on some Montgomeryshire Surnames" that was published in the Cronicl. It is quoted in a couple of places as evidence that the Savage family who lived around Trefeglwys and Llanidloes are possibly related to the Cheshire Savages of Rocksavage as a cadet branch.

If anyone has access to the early issues of the Cronicl, could you just let me know whether Morris has evidence to back up this claim, or if it is just a hypothetical that they raised? I haven't been able to locate a copy of the article online, but I just need a heads up as to whether it's worth the effort to access an original.

Thank you!

Graveyards and Gravestones / 16th and 17th century burials in Powys
« on: Thursday 07 May 20 21:41 BST (UK)  »
Hi folks,

Does anyone in the Llanwnnog/Llanidloes area have any local knowledge about the location of early graveyards, particularly for St Gwynnogs and St Idloes? I can see from the parish records for these churches that a lot of my ancestors had their deaths registered here, but I've failed to find even one actual burial for them. I checked out some of the info for St Gwynnogs, and it seems there are no old, forgotten cemeteries in the empty areas around the church.

My ancestors were pretty wealthy folks and often specify in their will which parish that want to be buried in and leave money to cover the cost, so I'm sure they were interred locally. Can anyone local tell me if there are sources showing any of the following, please:

1) that the old graves were either cleared or buried beneath roads or structures in the local area
2) if the burials were cleared and reinterred elsewhere so the graveyards could be continued
3) there's an old cemetery somewhere away from the churches I should be looking at instead
4) there was another cemetery but no one's quite sure where it was
5) what on earth happened to the memorials if the graves have since gone
6) There were local burial customs in the 1600s to explain all of the above and I'm just ignorant of them.

I know in urban settings I've got several ancestors now under modern churches or lost to the Victorian pursuit of industrialisation, but I'm not sure what happened here.


FH Documents and Artefacts / Any experts on Georgian Royal Decrees on here?
« on: Monday 02 December 19 20:43 GMT (UK)  »
I have a digital copy of an order from George III to his Montgomeryshire magistrates to enquire after the mental health and financial holdings of one of my ancestors, as well as the letter they sent back detailing their resulting investigation three months later. The letter is signed with the copper-plate of the name Thurlow, which may well be the 1st Baron Thurlow, and was written by a scribe from the looks of it and not signed directly by the monarch.

Can anyone tell me why on earth King George would be interested in whether or not my rather unimportant ancestor, at best a minor member of the gentry, was a lunatic? I've transcribed the documents and gone through them several times, but other than the fact that my ancestor was apparently not able to fully take care of himself for at least twenty years before the command was issued, it's honestly not clear what is going on here. They don't seem to have consulted with any of his relatives whether by blood or marriage but rather a jury of his peers which I assume was the custom? 

Can anyone help me understand what's going on here? There is very little in way of context in my possession right now, and I'm genuinely flummoxed. What circumstances might have led to this, do you think?

And yes, I'm amused that George III, of all monarchs, was interested in whether my ancestor was a lunatic.

The Common Room / proof of death
« on: Wednesday 20 November 19 17:04 GMT (UK)  »
Just had to share this!

For some reason, the whole page containing the entry for some of my ancestors in the 1939 register is blacked out. I know the address of the family thanks to electoral rolls, and so reached out to have the records opened as all the people in the household are a)dead and b) were born over 100 years ago.

Today I received an email requesting proof of death because of their ages.

I emailed back, asking whether the fact the two oldest members of the house would be 157 and 156 respectively if they were still alive counted as proof, as a death certificate seems overkill in the circumstances.

Even the youngest, who I knew when I was a child, would be 115 if she was still alive. Either I'm descended from a line of vampires, or the page got missed when they unsealed a pile of records  ;D

Hi all,

I'm trying to decipher the text on this page regarding the entries for the Whittington family, but also sharing because of the glorious portrait on the bottom left-hand side - I can pretend it's one of my ancestors!

link to the original is here:

I can make out the name Margaret Whittington I think marrying someone with the surname Peake, and then lower down a William Whittington doing... something. It also looks like a different pen has added "Whittingham" after the fact.

I'm not sure if this is just a graffiti-covered page or what, but any help trying to work out what the two Whittington records actually say.

Thank you!

EDIT: Screenclip added below :-)

Montgomeryshire / Families of Llanwnog and the surrounding farms
« on: Monday 30 September 19 21:57 BST (UK)  »
The original thread I put up 8 years ago about Aberhafesp was here:

It's been a long time coming, but I've made some progress on this area and wanted to see if anyone else would like to share research, etc, as many of the families are inter-connected.

I originally started searching for my tenant farmer ancestors, the Smiths, in the area around Llanwnog, and was particularly interesting in their time at Thimble Hall, and wanted to research the Aberhafesp Hall estates as a result. Typically, the SMiths are giving me the most trouble, but I've had luck with my ancestors leading back from Ann Rees, born in 1774.

Imagine my surprise when the will of one of their ancestors, a Richard Whittington (the father of the one mentioned in the other thread) lists himself as being of Aberhafesp Hall.  The family seem to have been based in the area all the way back to 1657, but I'm still waiting on some documents to confirm which parcels of land that included.

What I did find, however, was a direct link between the Whittington and Morgan families in the area.  Margaret Morgan has a son, David Rees, who marries Richard Whittington's daughter, Martha. I haven't done much on this line yet, but they are all from Llanwnog. In addition, it seems that the Whittingtons married into the Jarvis family back in the very late 1600s (Morrati Jarvis and his son, Roger), and I wondered if this was where the Jervis connection comes in?

I'm almost certain I've seen the name on other documents I have as well, so I need to look those up again.

There's also solid ties into the Swancotts, the Hughes family, the Pryce family, the Lloyds and the Thomas family, and the possibility of a link to someone called Llewellyn. I'm trying to backfill with wills, rent agreements and other things, and I would love to share with anyone who is looking at families in the area in the 1600s and 1700s.

Please reach out if that's you! With all the new records now available online, I'm like a kid in a candy store!

Handwriting Deciphering & Recognition / Completely stuck on David Smith's will of 1676
« on: Wednesday 25 September 19 16:17 BST (UK)  »
Hello all,

I've come across a will I just don't even know where to start with, I can read about three words in the whole thing :-/

It's for David Smith of Llanidloes, 1676, and can be accessed here:

This one comes with the promise of cookies because this is by far the worst one I've come across yet.


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