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Topics - fantasyfudge

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London and Middlesex / Still births in 1930s
« on: Saturday 14 June 14 15:57 BST (UK)  »
Hi all.
Ive recently found out that my Nan had a baby that was still born in mid to late 1930s, can anyone tell me what would have happened to the baby?
Would he have been registered, buried, have a death certificate ect?
My Mum didn't really know much about it as she was born around 10 years later and my Nan had this baby with her first Husband who was killed in the war in 1943, my Nan then went on to marry his brother and they had my Mum and my Aunt and it was never really spoken about much by my Nan or Granddad.

World War Two / POW WW2
« on: Thursday 29 May 14 17:51 BST (UK)  »

I was wondering if anyone can help.

I have recently discovered that I had two great uncles die in the 2nd world war.

The first had been taken prisoner and was on a Japanese ship carrying prisoners of war when it was bombed by the Allied Forces.

The second died of Malaria and I have been told that his grave is in Egypt.

I need to find their rank, number and regiment before I can research this further and would love to be able to get their war records but as a beginner at this I have no idea how to go about it.
Id really appreciate any help or advice.

Their names were
Charles W Baker   born in Bermondsey in approx. 1912
Thomas E Baker (known as Ernie) born in Bermondsey in approx. 1913.

London and Middlesex / Rebecca Judith Larcher
« on: Saturday 24 May 14 22:27 BST (UK)  »
I was wondering if anyone can help?
I have been trying to research an ancestor for a while now and apart from on her children's baptism records I cannot find anything about her at all.
Her married name is Rebecca Judith Larcher I believe that her maiden name is Martley.
Her date of birth is approx. 1771 in Shoreditch, Middlesex and she died in approx. 1836 in Bethnal Green ( I have this info from other family trees in Ancestry.
Her first child was born in approx. 1801 and she was married to Andrew Larcher, dob 1777, death 1847 Bethnal Green.
I believe that they lived in Gibraltar Gardens, Bethnal Green.
Any info or help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

The Common Room / Clandestine marriage??
« on: Sunday 18 August 13 16:48 BST (UK)  »
Im fairly new to all of this and have just discovered that there is a Clandestine Marriage register and my Great x 6 granddads marriage is on it.
Could someone please explain to me what a clandestine marriage.
My Great x 6 granddad  was a Huguenot but his wife I believe was not.
Thanks in advance.

Armed Forces / 10th Bedford Regiment
« on: Saturday 18 August 12 14:31 BST (UK)  »
Would anyone have any info on 10th Bedford regiment?
My Great great Granddad was in this regiment in the First World War.

Europe / Huguenots Larcher
« on: Saturday 18 August 12 14:27 BST (UK)  »
I have been tracing my ancestors for around six month and have discovered that I am of Huguenot descent.
So id be grateful for any help and advice on the following.
The family name of my ancestors was Larcher and they were from Poitou Charentes in France.
I was googling the name Larcher and a tiny village in this region came up called Chateau Larcher.
I was wondering if anyone would have any idea of how I can find out if my ancestors had a connection with this village?
I have tried emailing the Tourist office in the area, unfortunately I had to email in English and a month later I have still not heard from them.
Any help or advice will be very much appreciated.

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