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Topics - BlythSpartan

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Europe / Belgian Refugees to England WW1
« on: Tuesday 24 January 23 16:11 GMT (UK)  »
Hi all - I have been researching for some time now my Belgian ancestors (Great Grandad). Alfons Liessens who lived on Schoolstrasse in Temse with his family, prior to WW1.
I know he had brothers who fought and died in Belgium, but I believe my GG left Belgium as a war refugee (Temse bridge was a key tactical landmark in the early days of war during the Siege of Antwerp). He eventually married my Great Grandmother, a war widow, in 1919 and lived the rest of his life in Newcastle and Northumberland.

It is the gap between him leaving Belgium and coming to England that I am trying to fill.

The first indication of his whereabouts in England is a correspondence with a wartime newspaper called "Onze Temschaars", in 1918, in which he listed his address as Saltwell Road, Bensham.
His marriage certificate then has him living at Janet Street in Byker in 1919, before moving in with his new family at St Lawrences Square in Byker.
The family and my grandmother eventually moved to Sunnyside in Cramlington, Northumberland where Alfons lived until his death, in 1939. So I have a gap of 4 years from 1914.
I have done a bit of research on Elisabethville in Birtley, but cannot find lists of residents who were there and I am aware there was an aircraft testing area where Belgians were employed on Newcastle Town Moor - part of me believes he may have been at one, both or either of these places at some point - especially given Benshams proximity to Birtley.

If anyone could help me fill in the blank, it would be much appreciated!   

Europe / Belgian Names
« on: Tuesday 07 May 19 20:56 BST (UK)  »
Hi all,

I've been having some trouble tracing my Belgian descendants. My Great grandfather was Alfons Liessens, who I believe was from Temse, East Flanders, son of Joseph. He married a war widow, my great grandma in Newcastle Upon Tyne in 1919 and lived in the north east of England until his death in 1939.
However, I've no further substantiated evidence about his family who he left behind, other than some possible links to two soldiers who unfortunately were killed during WW1.
Marc Arthur and Pierre Francois Liessens were both born in Temse - Pierres record actually had him living in the same street as Alfons had been (according to his UK marriage certificate) - his father was also called Joseph and mother Philomena (my Great Aunt, one of Alfons children was also named Philomena).
The trouble is, on the records I've found for Marc and Pierre, the surname of their father is Amedee or Amedee Van Zoon, yet his childrens surnames were Liessens. Is this normal? Am I barking up the wrong tree? Do Belgian naming traditions differ to those in the UK?
I'm a tad confused!
Thanks for any advice, wisdom or help offered in advance.

Northumberland / Blyth Cricket & Rugby Club
« on: Wednesday 06 January 16 22:15 GMT (UK)  »
Hello all,

This is my first post, despite being an interested "Forum Voyeur" for a few years, having begun some research of my own recently, I was hoping I could call on your help.

Although, not specifically looking for individuals at the moment (it all depends on how the research develops!), I've been looking into the history of two of Blyth's less famous sporting clubs!

I have recently been appointed as Secretary of Blyth Cricket and Rugby Club and have been delving into the past following a chance discovery of a newspaper clipping dating back to 1893, regarding the formation of a Rugby Club in Blyth.
"Blyth Rovers Rugby Football Club", were founded at Browns Cocoa Rooms in Turner Street in June 1893, under the Presidency of a Mr. Alfred Thompson and Hon.Secretary Mr. George Reynolds.
The club initially played at a plot acquired at the Recreation Grounds, although some rugby had been played at Blagdon Terrace (I don't know where either of these places are/were).

It has been traditionally accepted (in local rugby circles) that rugby in Blyth was first played in 1922, with various guises of a Blyth Rugby Club folding and reforming until the current club was founded in 1961, later moving to share the Cricket Ground on Plessey Road, where both Clubs happily reside today.

I was wondering and I'd be hugely grateful to anyone for any information on either of the clubs, if anyone had any relatives involved or are aware of any stories, particularly the Rugby side of things prior to the 1960's.

I have further names, from other snippets, including Blyth Rovers first team selection, which I can elaborate on should the conversation take off!

Thanks in advance


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