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Topics - frenchie

Pages: [1] 2 3
Kent / Burial in Maidstone
« on: Sunday 02 October 16 16:31 BST (UK)  »
Good afternoon all, I am seeking the burial of Benoni Bartholomew aged 12 in Maidstone June Qtr. 1907. I have looked in Dartford, Northfleet and Southfleet as likely sources but no joy so if anybody has the burials for Maidstone will they please have a look to see if indeed he was buried there.
Thank you,

Berkshire Lookup Requests / Donald & Mahala Edwards
« on: Wednesday 18 September 13 15:22 BST (UK)  »
I am looking for info. on Donald Edwards who married Mahala Clark 25 Apr 1931 in Maidenhead.

The Common Room / Short Birth Certificates
« on: Saturday 28 April 12 09:38 BST (UK)  »
My query on this wet morning is when were the Short Birth Certificates first introduced and why were they introduced when all they state is that a child and its sex was born on a certain date. I believe that even the place is not given only the registration district and sub district.  Now I have read that they are slowly not being accepted.

Charles Edwards married Sarah Ann Greagsbey 29 Nov 1885 at Wadhurst.


Sussex / Lawheath, Petworth
« on: Wednesday 25 January 12 16:56 GMT (UK)  »
I have a birth cert from 1838 where the person was born at LAWHEATH, Petworth. I have Googled but nothing coming up. Does anybody have any suggestion where this place is/was in the Petworth Union registration district.

Sussex Lookup Requests / 1911 census
« on: Saturday 19 November 11 16:02 GMT (UK)  »
Help please. I have tried unsuccessfully to find Ovingdean Deaf and Dumb School Eastern Road, Brighton using Find my Past., infact I can,t even get tthe 1901 details on that site.  I found the 1901 o.k. on Ancestry but 1911 beats me. I would appreciate if someone can point me in the right direction.
According to info. on the web the address for the school up to 1910 was 127-132 Eastern Road, Brighton I used the address search on Find my Past but selecting any of those street numbers no school details. I tried searching using person details i.e. Fanny Edwards birth 1958 plus/minus 2, servant born Sutton/Petworth but no result.  Before the school closed I did request info. but was informed that records of that period went missing.

Kent / Farningham Home for Little Boys
« on: Thursday 17 November 11 12:59 GMT (UK)  »
As there are 2 topics concerning this home I wish to let those know who are interested in obtaining records to go to  or Goggle: Grandfathers' record from Farningham Home for Little Boys.
All the correspondence is up to date and I know now why the records are unobtainable.
I have also downloaded the holdings at Liverpool University for Farningham and Swanley:
1867-1928 General Committee minutes.
1889-1960 Admission Registers.
1864-1956 case books (Farningham)
and Swanley case books 1876-1960
These are the main items. the site is;


Census and Resource Discussion / 1911 Census - more tips
« on: Wednesday 29 December 10 16:47 GMT (UK)  »
 :) Just a frienly tip, don't go to view a transcription instead opt for an original view on Find my Past for the 1911 census . I appreciate it is much cheaper but when I recently viewed an original view of a transcription, I found 3 members of the family born between 1901 and 1911 who should not have been entered as they had died before 1911. Each one had a line drawn thro' the entry with "dead" after each one. Needless to say the transcriber had not put this info. onto the transcription, but saved me alot of money in not having to send off for birth certificates.

Devon / North Street, Plymouth 1871
« on: Thursday 11 November 10 11:59 GMT (UK)  »
In the 1871 census at North Street, Plymouth is listed Clarendon House which was  run as a school. There are 2 sisters present aged 19 & 17 with 11 other pupils the youngest being aged 11, all girls. Quite a mixed class as some were born in India, Australia, Antwerp, Jersey.
Anybody know what type of school....must have been a private set up....but the 2 sisters were not from a well to do family.
One clue is the youngest sister in 1881 census is listed as Governess.
Thank you,

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