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Topics - flateric999

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 7
Warwickshire / Wright / Glover marraige
« on: Saturday 24 June 17 23:23 BST (UK)  »
Hoping I can get some clarification on this.

I have Frederick George Wright and Elsie May Glover married in Coventry in June 1930. I would like as much information as I can find for these people so i can be sure I have the right coup!e, especially the church the wedding took place in, and details of the individuals.


Buckinghamshire / William Wright / Susanna lambert.
« on: Sunday 23 October 16 20:00 BST (UK)  »
 :( sorry, i am at a bit of a wall here. These two have cropped up as an important couple i my tree, but they are either a vital link or a red herring. trouble is, i can confirm the data because although it seems to fit well in the tree i can't find any real facts.

Now, what i do know.

William Wright married Susanna Lambert in Lavendon in 1698. Feb 16th.

There are possibly three children, but William 1702 and Jno (johnathon?) 1699 where born lavendon to a william and susanna wright its not clear where the 3rd child,  Sarah was born, or if there are others.

So, i need more information, which for some reason, i cant find.

I don't have William DOB or place of birth.
I dont have Williams parents names
Although i have possible parents and siblings, i cant find any evidence to back this up.

I would appreciate help on this one, this is the first step before trying to locare marraige certificates ect, but a lot of you guys are far better than me at looking up and finding stuff!!


Buckinghamshire / Suzanne Jarvis Aylesbury 1700's
« on: Thursday 28 July 16 13:40 BST (UK)  »
Hope nobody's minds a brief cross reference.. 

Essentially,  I have a Suzanne Jarvis, born 1770 in Aylesbury,  but may be earlier as I've found a dob in 1766.

She is hopefully the same individual who Marries John Wilding in St Mary Aylesbury in 1788.

I don't have John's birthplace dob though around 1766, but they end up in Calverton.

Cheers for help from anyone who has time to cross check..

Devon / pheobe Susan berry
« on: Monday 30 May 16 22:38 BST (UK)  »
So, born in Ottery St Mary according to family search parents are Samuel henry Berry and Mary Anne carnel

This research is being done for someone else who is struggling to confirm this ladies birth, the difficulty is, Samuel appears to have been killed before she was born.

So any help,  ideas ect appreciated.

Bedfordshire / Platt Higgins Cottage Hospital Turvey 1895
« on: Sunday 27 March 16 17:44 BST (UK)  »
Not heard of this place, i guess it must have some history. Do any "locals" know what this was? did they keep records?

No substitute for our modern health services of course!!

There isnt that much i can find online, probably looking in the wrong place!!


Buckinghamshire / Astwood war memorial
« on: Monday 21 March 16 22:47 GMT (UK)  »

This memorial could become a wall decoration in someone's house if the church is developed,  is anyone linked to the names on this? 

Any links to living decendants helps build a case to relocate it.

New Zealand Completed Requests / David Wright Flute
« on: Wednesday 02 March 16 12:27 GMT (UK)  »

I'm looking for any newspaper articles relating to this ex soldier who died in 1922 in New Brighton, apparently by drowning.

I have tried a couple of sites to no avail, so if someone has had more success with New Zealand records, perhaps they could assist.

I have his military history already as he served in the forces in WW1. He was wounded


The Common Room / relationship advice...
« on: Saturday 27 February 16 20:48 GMT (UK)  »

So here's the query.

Sidney Flute, is apparently the Nephew of husband of 2nd great grand aunt

I am not sure about this.

His parents are William flute and Suzanne Wilding.

Following the Wilding line back, suzzannes father is George,  and his father john is the brother of my 4th great grandmother.

So does this make him a 3rd cousin of sorts?

Sidney's father, William Flute is the son of Suzzanna Flute ( nee Wright) she is the daughter of William, who I'd the son of Charles, my 6th great grandfather.

So which linage takes precidence? 


Buckinghamshire Lookup Requests / Flute Willett marraige
« on: Thursday 04 February 16 21:43 GMT (UK)  »

Quick cross reference if thats ok.

Eva Willett, born 1890 in shenley Brook end, Marries Walter RH Flute born 1890 in Turvey.

He is son of William and Zilpha Flute, it seems.

He is killed in 1918 in WW1

Eva marries a second time, to a Sidney Flute born 1883 who i think is actually Walter's brother.

First marraige 1912, second 1924

Does this seem right?


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