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Topics - truebritmega

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 ... 29
Staffordshire / Beckminster special school, bradmore/penn
« on: Wednesday 23 August 23 19:48 BST (UK)  »
Just wondered if anyone knows of any photos anywhere of the beckminster special school? I've been trying to find any of the building (not beckminster house next door but the actual school) I find it hard to think there's no photos of the building with how long it was there...

Anyhows... Thanks in advance

Armed Forces / What do they call the pin on a ww1 war medal?
« on: Saturday 16 May 20 15:51 BST (UK)  »
sorry, probably a silly question, however, I got a couple of war medals in honour of my graddad who i never knew, the British War Medal one tho needs a pin, clasp thingy for the ribbon... Im not sure what to call it to search for one on ebay etc...

Anyone know?

yes, I know it might seem a lil silly getting a couple of replicas, but its my lil way of keeping his name and what he did... "in the family" :)

The Common Room / William Evans / Mary Skyrme
« on: Sunday 08 March 20 12:32 GMT (UK)  »
Hello everyone, I'm trying to track down the right parents of William Evans b 1819 knockin, Shropshire.

DNA hints are suggesting his parents as a John Evans and a Mary Skyrme of Pembroke... Mary is born 1791. However, I haven't been able to track down a birth for him to confirm the skyrme name, another few trees are suggesting the mother as a Mary Jones.
I can't trace a wedding for him either but censuses have his wife as 'Elizabeth' I'm related via his daughter, Selina Evans.

I wasn't sure where to post this as it covers two areas, so I thought this the best place on here to post it...

Hope someone can help....

Armed Forces / Royal Engineer Establishment Brompton Barracks
« on: Thursday 13 February 20 16:45 GMT (UK)  »
Not sure if this is an actual army question or...  My 2x great grandfather, William Griffiths(b 1839 Lichfield) , appears, in 1851 to be an "Inmate" in  Royal Engineer Establishment Brompton Barracks??

If im reading it right, it lists him as a sapper, indian engineer?..

Ive not seen a mention of him elsewhere as being in the army, and whjy would he be an "inmate" ???


London and Middlesex / Kate Brazier and fam, 1851 st marylebone workhouse
« on: Thursday 05 December 19 16:24 GMT (UK)  »
hello, I have just found my 2x great nan and her family are in st marylebone workhouse on the 12th June 1851, she is there w her siblings and mother.. is this.. the northumberland street workhouse? or.. Im not sure if there was more than one workhouse, or exactly which one she is in... hope that made sense

she is Kate Brazier b abt 1846 wolverhampton ...

Staffordshire / cant now find uncle in 1911 census, help??!!
« on: Sunday 01 December 19 12:55 GMT (UK)  »
Hello everyone...

I know My great uncle, william monaghan 1886 wolverhampton... was in the 1911 census as an inmate at stafford prison, but for the life of Me I just cannot now re find him in the 1911 census!! I had thought Id added the census result into his details, but alas...

can anyone re find him??


Staffordshire / reany filbin (philbin) godparents puzzle
« on: Saturday 10 August 19 16:05 BST (UK)  »
Hello everyone, Ive just been nosing about at one of My tree lines and, well.. Im getting mixed up and ratty w it lol...

My great grandad, william monaghan.. I have found a scan at familysearch of his baptism... (1852 wolverhampton )

I know his mom is ellen filbin (philbin, and a few other variations)

this baptism, has her as heleane olin filbin (I assume Olin is the same as we say "nee" ? anyhows...

it has on it, matrina fuit, which, by looking at other posts in this forum I believe is Godmother...


I looked about and see his sister, ellen (helenae) monaghan born... 1864...

has a godfather.. of Robert(a?) reany... and a maria... reany...

so Ive looked around for a possible wedding of this robert and maria, assuming that perhaps maria could be the mothers... sister? or a close relative...

And I found a marriage of a robert reany, to a "bridget" philbin... 1854 wolverhampton... that lists his wife father, as a thomas... philbin.. which is actually the same as william and ellens mom... elen  (hope that makes sense...

They do, have a daughter, maria... but surely that... cant be the "godmother" ? as she would onhly be about 10 at the baptisms of ellen and william...

I looked too at the other sibling, James Monaghan, 1857... he shows up as Jacobus.. monaghan, with his mother listed as elenae philbin monaghan... but there arent any details there of godparents...

the other sibling is jane... monaghan, I cant see a baptism record for her...

so... any ideas? its all getting Me confused lol./. My aim, is to find te connection of these godparents... and to see if maria, or this bridget.. are sisters to ellen monaghan... so I can try and get closer to tracing the origins of her irish roots ...(her parents being thomas philbin and a jane... "filben"

Hope that makes sense.. it's fiddly to think it all through and type it in in order lol

Worcestershire / John Carless Phoebe Wakeliam m 1822
« on: Saturday 09 March 19 15:51 GMT (UK)  »
hello, Im trying to find the parents, of this couple...

I know they married in 1822 at St Thomas Dudley..

thank you :)

Staffordshire / william peeres & Anne Bate
« on: Saturday 23 February 19 15:09 GMT (UK)  »

Im trying to find the parents of William Peeres and Anne bate who were married,  26 Jan 1672 in Tamworth...

thank you everyone

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