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Topics - emfranky

Pages: [1] 2
Cork / James Flanigan parents?
« on: Friday 14 August 15 23:21 BST (UK)  »
In the England 1911 census, my ancestors, an Ellwood family living in Northumberland, had a boy living with them as an adopted son called James Flanigan. His place of birth is said to be Cork, although I don't know how accurate this is, in around the year 1894. I think he may be a relative of Henry Largey or his wife Sarah (I don't know her maiden name yet) as they originally came from Ireland.

Does anyone know who James Flanigan's parents are?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Durham / Where is Peter Watson?
« on: Friday 14 August 15 21:26 BST (UK)  »

I am struggling to find Peter Watson (born on the 9th January 1831, in Monkweamouth) on three of the census records taken in his lifetime. In 1841 and 1851, he was living at home with his parents, Thomas Watson and Mary Swailes. He got married on the 5th August 1855 to Margaret Davison (b. 1834). He had 5 children with her: James Davison Watson (b. 1857), Peter Watson (b. 1860), Mary Watson (b. 1865), Margaret Watson (b. 1869) and John Davison Watson (b. 1875).

In 1861, his wife is alone with the children and listed as being "Seaman's Wife", then 10 years later, when the next census was taken, she was said to be, what looks like, "Engineers wife". However, Peter is not present. He doesn't appear again until the 1891 census, he is living with his son and is working as a Steam Engine Fitter.

He died in January 1900 and was buried in Bishopwearmouth Cemetery.

My question: where was Peter during those missing years? Is it just luck that he didn't appear on the records for 30 years?

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Armed Forces / Peter Watson Navy Record?
« on: Monday 10 August 15 21:49 BST (UK)  »
According to the 1881 census record, my ancestor, Peter Watson, was a (Sea?) Mate on the HMS Druid. His birth date is 2 year out on the census record, but I'm sure it's him. Does anyone know where I would go to find his Naval Record (if there is one to find - I can't see anything on The National Archives)?

As always, any help will  be greatly appreciated :)

Occupation Interests / What is a "Joiner J"?
« on: Sunday 09 August 15 20:58 BST (UK)  »
I was looking at the 1841 census and saw that my relative, Thomas Watson, had the occupation of "Joiner J", does anyone know what this would have been? I think it must have something to do with Mining as they're living in Shotton Colliery, Durham where 10 other men on the page of the census record had the same "Joiner J" as their occupation. As you will see, I've attached the section referring to the family I'm looking at (in case I've misread it!).

Any help would be greatly appreciated - I can't find out what a "Joiner J" is! :)

Durham / Did John D Watson have a shop in Blackhill?
« on: Monday 27 July 15 21:08 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone know how I would find out if John Davison Watson owned a shop in Blackhill? There is a story in the family that he did but I can't find anything to do with it. According to the 1911 census, he was living with wife and his, then, 8 children at 11 Durham Road; he was said to be a Cartman for Mineral Water Manufacturer. I know he lived in Blackhill from about 1911 - 1919. In 1919, he had been working as an Engine Fitter for the Consett Iron Company.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

World War One / Service numbers
« on: Monday 27 April 15 13:47 BST (UK)  »

My Great-Gran's Uncle, Robert Ellwood, was killed on the 17th October 1918, while serving in France. I have his three service numbers along with the battalions he was with:

2008      1/4th Northumberland Fusiliers
6705      1/4th King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
203140  1st  King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry

He was a private in all of these. I was wondering if there would be a way to find out when he started serving with each battalion from his service numbers?

As always, any help will be greatly appreciated :)

Durham / Blackhill Cememtery
« on: Friday 06 March 15 14:02 GMT (UK)  »
Hi everyone,

I have four ancestors buried at Blackhill Cemetery and I was hoping someone would be able to help me out with getting information from the records. Their names were: John Davison Watson, died on the 1st May 1919, age 44. He was husband of Margaret Windley Watson, who died on the 9th May 1920, age 43. She had a baby who was named after her but the child died aged 3 in Oct-Nov-Dec 1923. And then John's mother called Margaret Watson died in 1922. She was 89 years old. If you have any information relating to these people would you be able to send it to me? It would be greatly appreciated.


Durham / Blackhill street help
« on: Saturday 28 February 15 20:39 GMT (UK)  »
Hi everyone,

I was wondering, does anyone know where Railway Terrace was in Blackhill? And how would I go about finding who was living in the street in 1920 - 1923?


Northumberland Lookup Requests / Blyth Newspaper Obituary look up
« on: Thursday 22 January 15 21:03 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, I am looking for the obituary/ death notice of Thomas Richard Marshall who died on the 10th April 1921 while living at 6 Haughton-Terrace, Waterloo, Blyth.

Also... not to be too cheeky, but there was a family called Richardson last known to be living (through the 1891 Census) at Waterloo, Cowpen. There was a husband, wife and two children and the wife and children died within 6 months of each other and I was wondering if there were any mention of them in an article?
Their names were: Isabella Elizabeth (d. Apr-May-June 1891; age: 7), John Leonard Short (d. Jul-Aug-Sep 1891; age 4), and Amelia (Jul-Aug-Sep 1891; age: 31). The husband/ father was called George Dodds Richardson.

Any help will be greatly appreciated,

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