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Topics - andarah1

Pages: [1]
Essex / death registration for a baby who didn't die (1900)
« on: Friday 09 September 16 22:36 BST (UK)  »
Does anyone know of a reason why a baby would have been registered as deceased when she wasn't?

We have a birth in 1900 naming her as `female' and then a death naming her as `female'. She was born 9 months, 11 days after her sister. She was raised in a foundling home and the mother put on the 1911 census that she had a child who had died. The only child unaccounted for is the one in the foundling home. The father wasn't in the home in 1911 (two residences), but he's the one who signed the census.

Does anyone know why/how this would have happened? Maybe she was born prematurely, assumed she would die, taken away and when she survived, not returned to her parents???

The registration is in Croydon, Essex. Thank you!

Surrey / May Dorothy Collins, born in 1900
« on: Wednesday 30 December 15 00:32 GMT (UK)  »
I'm hoping someone can point me in a new direction. I have `May Dorothy Collins', born 17 Aug 1900 (according to her birth certificate). Her parents were listed as Lizzie Collins and Francis Yvon Eccles. She was born at Laurel Bank, Manor Road, Wallington.

Her marriage certificate lists Albert Collins as the father.

I found Francis Yvon Eccles living at that address in the voter registrations in 1899, 1900, 1901 and 1902. So, she was born in her father's home. In 1901 he was at his residence, Buckingham Palace Mansions. I think that means he must have had 2 residences.

The family story is that Albert Collins was married to Lizzie and he returned from the Boer War to find her either pregnant or with a child. It wasn't his child. Within a few years the child was placed in a foundling home and was financially supported (we think by Francis Yvon Eccles). In the 1911 census, I found a `May Steer or Collins', age 10 at the North Surrey District School about 10 km from where she was born. I think this is her. I think Steer must be the mother's maiden name???

Francis Yvon Eccles married a `Lisa Collins' in 1902 and he's listed as married in 1911, but there is no wife living with him.

I can't find the marriage of Albert Collins and Lizzie.
I can't find Albert Collins in the Boer War.
I can't find Albert or Lizzie Collins in any census.
I can't find May Dorothy Collins in 1901.
I can't find the birth of May Dorothy Collins (or possibly Steer/Eccles, but Collins is on the birth certificate).
I do have May Dorothy's marriage in the 1920s.

I have been able to trace Francis Yvon Eccles. I can't find any trace of the mother. Any ideas for me to find the mother?

Thank you!

Other Countries / Haiti/Dominican Republic research?
« on: Wednesday 30 December 15 00:15 GMT (UK)  »
Does anyone know how to research archives for Santo Domingo? I have Marie Josephine Villeneuve, born about 1800 in Santo Domingo. She married Francis Smith (from England) and had their first child in England in 1819. They then moved to Tasmania in 1826.

Does anyone have some ideas for me to trace her further. I can't find anything there, so I don't have her birth or marriage records.

Thank you!

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