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Topics - scritsal

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Lanarkshire / Todd and Buchanan mystery in Glasgow
« on: Sunday 04 December 16 21:55 GMT (UK)  »
Hi, this is my first post, and I hope it will solve a long standing mystery. My 3x g-grandmother is Mary Buchanan born 1828/9 Glasgow. She was the illegitimate daughter of a wealthy textile manufacturer - Charles Todd of Springfield Mill, Glasgow.(1791-1840)  her mother was Margaret Buchanan. I have plenty of information about the Todd's (they were a well known family who had many businesses in Bonhill,, Alexandria, Glasgow etc)., but I cannot find any information about the Buchanans. Was Margaret a servant to Charles, or was she related to the Buchanan tobacco lords? Charles & Margaret had 3 illegitimate children together - Mary  who married Colonel Sir David Davidson of Woodcroft, Edinburgh, David born 1830 of Bragburgh Hall, Northants and  Northfield House, Rugby (a well known cricketer of his time) and my ancestor Mary who married William Middlemass (a surgeon in the Indian Army). Charles's will leaves substantial bequests to his 3 "natural" or "reputed" children and their mother providing that "they live no nearer than 15 miles of Glasgow! Charles is buried in his father's lair (David Todd) in the Ramshorn churchyard in Glasgow, however I have recently discovered an old newspaper article from the Glasgow Herald which describes the finding of a glass bottle in Lair 50 of Ramshorn Cemetery which belongs to the Buchanans of Auchmur. This bottle contained the instructions for the embalment of Charles Todd in Paris 1841. Is this the link to the Buchanans? I would also like to know if it was common for the Glasgow middle class at this time to have children out of wedlock - Charles,'s brother John Todd of Finnich Malise, Drymen also had a number of illegitimate children.

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